CAUTION:This product satisfies FCC regulations whenshielded cables andconnectors are used to connect the unitto other equipment.Toprevent electromagnetic interfer-
encewith electric appliances suchasradios and televisions, useshieldedcables and connectors forconnections.
Theexclamation point within anequilateral triangle is intendedtoalert the user tothepresence of importantoperatingand maintenance (servicing) instructionsinthe liter-
atureaccompanying the appliance.
The lightening flash with arrowhead symbol, within an equilateral triangle, is intended to alert the user to the presence of uninsulated “dangerous voltage” within the prod-
uct’senclosurethatmay be ofsufficient magnitude toconstitutea risk of electricshockto persons.
READ INSTRUCTIONS: All the safetyandoperating instructions should bereadbefore the product isoperated.
RETAIN INSTRUCTIONS: Thesafetyand operating instructions shouldberetained for futurereference.
HEED WARNINGS:Allwarnings on the productandin the operating instructionsshouldbe adhered to.
FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS:All operating and useinstructionsshould be followed.
CLEANING: The product should be cleaned only with a polishing cloth or a soft dry cloth. Never clean with furniture wax, benzine, insecticides or other volatile liquids since
theymay corrode the cabinet.
ATTACHMENTS:Do not use attachmentsnotrecommended by the productmanufactureras they may causehazards.
WATER AND MOISTURE: Do not use this product near water, for example, near a bathtub, wash bowl, kitchen sink, or laundry tub; in a wet basement; or near a swimming
pool;and the like.
ACCESSORIES:Donot place thisproduct onanunstable cart,stand, tripod, bracket,or table.The productmay fall,causingserious injurytoa childor adult,andserious dam-
age to theproduct.Useonly with acart,stand,tripod, bracket,ortablerecommended by themanufacturer,or soldwiththeproduct. Any mountingofthe productshouldfol-
lowthe manufacturer’sinstructions, andshoulduse a mountingaccessory recommendedbythe manufacturer.
CART:Aproduct and cart combination should be moved with care. Quick stops, excessive force, and uneven surfaces may cause the product and cart combination to over-
turn.See Figure A.
VENTILATION:Slots andopenings inthecabinet areprovided forventilationandtoensure reliableoperation oftheproductandto protectit fromoverheating, and theseopen-
ingsmustnotbe blocked or covered.Theopeningsshouldneverbeblockedbyplacing the product on a bed, sofa, rug, or othersimilarsurface.This product should not be
placedin a built-in installationsuchas a bookcase orrackunless proper ventilationisprovided or the manufacturer’sinstructions have beenadheredto.
POWERSOURCES:Thisproduct shouldbeoperatedonly from thetypeofpower sourceindicatedonthe marking label.Ifyouare notsureofthe typeofpowersupply to your
home,consult your product dealerorlocal power company.
LOCATION: The appliance shouldbe installedina stable location.
NON-USE PERIODS:Thepower cord oftheappliance should be unpluggedfromthe outlet when leftunusedfor a long periodoftime.
letonlyoneway. This is a safety feature. If you areunable to insert the plug fully into the outlet, try reversing theplug. If the plug should still
failto fit, contact yourelectricianto replace your obsoleteoutlet.Do not defeat thesafetypurpose of thepolarizedplug.
• If this product is equipped with a three-wire grounding type plug, a plughaving a third (grounding) pin,it will only fit into a grounding type
poweroutlet.Thisisasafety feature. Ifyouareunabletoinsert the plugintotheoutlet,contactyour electrician toreplaceyourobsoleteout-
let.Do not defeat thesafetypurpose of the groundingtypeplug.
POWER-CORDPROTECTION:Power-supply cords should be routed so thattheyarenotlikelytobewalkedonor pinched by items placed upon oragainstthem,payingpar-
ticularattention to cords atplugs,convenience receptacles, and thepointwhere they exit fromtheproduct.
OUTDOORANTENNA GROUNDING: If an outside antenna or cable system is connected to the product, be sure the antenna or cable system is grounded so as to provide
some protection against voltage surges and built-up static charges.Article 810 of the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70, provides information with regard to proper
grounding ofthe mast andsupporting structure,grounding ofthelead-in wireto anantenna dischargeunit,size ofgrounding conductors,location of antenna-dischargeunit,
connectionto grounding electrodes, andrequirementsfor the grounding electrode. SeeFigureB.
LIGHTNING:For added protection forthisproductduringalightening storm, orwhenitisleftunattended and unused forlongperiodsoftime, unplug itfromthewalloutlet and
disconnectthe antenna or cablesystem.Thiswill prevent damage totheproduct due to lighteningandpower-line surges.
POWERLINES:An outside antennasystem should notbelocated inthevicinity ofoverheadpower lines orotherelectric lightorpower circuits,
orwhereit can fall into suchpower linesorcircuits.Wheninstalling an outside antennasystem, extremecare shouldbe takentokeepfrom
touchingsuch power lines orcircuitsas contact with themmightbe fatal.
OVERLOADING:Donotoverloadwalloutlets,extensioncords,orintegralconveniencereceptaclesasthiscanresultina risk of fire or electric
OBJECTANDLIQUIDENTRY: Neverpushobjectsofanykindintothis product through openings as they maytouchdangerousvoltagepoints
orshort-out parts that couldresultin a fire orelectricshock. Neverspill liquid of anykindon the product.
SERVICING:Do notattempttoservicethis productyourself asopeningorremovingcovers mayexpose youtodangerousvoltageor otherhaz-
ards.Refer all servicing toqualifiedservice personnel.
DAMAGE REQUIRING SERVICE: Unplug this productfromthe wall outlet andreferservicing to qualified servicepersonnelunder the following conditions:
•When the power-supply cordorplug is damaged.
•If liquid has beenspilled,or objects have fallenintothe product.
•If the product hasbeenexposed to rain orwater.
• If the product does not operate normally by following the operating instructions. Adjustonly those controls that are covered by the operating instructions as an improper
adjustmentof other controls mayresultin damage and willoftenrequire extensive workby aqualifiedtechnician to restoretheproduct to its normaloperation.
•If the product hasbeendropped or damaged inanyway.
•When the product exhibitsadistinct change in performance,thisindicates a needfor service.
REPLACEMENT PARTS: When replacement parts are required, be sure the service technician has used replacement parts specified by the manufacturer or have the same
characteristicsas the original part. Unauthorized substitutions mayresultin fire, electric shock,orother hazards.
SAFETYCHECK:Upon completion ofanyservice or repairstothis product, askthe service technician toperform safety checks todetermine that the productis in properop-
WALLOR CEILING MOUNTING:The productshould notbemounted to awall orceiling.
HEAT:Theproduct should be situatedawayfrom heat sources suchasradiators, heat registers, stoves,orother products (includingamplifiers) thatproduceheat.
Fig. A
Fig. B