7/08 R1108
United States
PH: 810-653-9626
FX: 810-653-8714
PH: 519-332-6711
FX: 519-332-8610
Fernco Donut Installation
Drive Method - Used when the Donut has a wall thickness of 3/8” or greater
Donut quarter section
view. Donut has thick
and no stop ange.
Insert spigot through
center of Donut
approximately 1-1/2”.
Make sure the bell is
clean and free of debris.
Lubricate the outside
of the Donut with a
soap solution.
Insert Donut and spigot
assembly into the
opening. Drive Donut
with hammer and wedge
until fully seated.
Test joint to engineer’s
specications. Pressure
test before backlling
or concealing. Bed and
backll properly.