The NumVals is the number of historical values of the field to output. For Decimation, enter
1 to output every value, enter 2 to output every other value, etc. Width specifies the number of
characters in the field. Use empty quotes ("") for SHEFif no SHEF code is specified.
An example of using the the GOESTable() and GOESField() instructions follows:
DataTable (ST_DATA, TRUE, -1)
DataInterval(0, 15, Min, 4)
GOESTable (st_table_results, COMRS232, 3, 0, TRUE, TRUE, 3)
GOESField (4, 1, 3, 6, "")
Sample (1, battery_voltage, IEEE4)
GOESField (4, 1, 3, 6, "")
Sample (1, panel_temperature, IEEE4)
In the main portion of the program, settings are written using SetSetting() instruction with
the following the syntax:
SetSetting ( "FieldName", Value )
The FieldName must be enclosed in quotes as shown. The following example instruction sets
the port used to communicate with the TX326 to the RS-232 port:
SetSetting(“GOESComPort”, COMRS232)
The CRBasic program reads the TX326 settings using the following format:
Variable = Settings.FieldName
For example, goes_comport = Settings.GOESComPort reads the Com port setting and
stores it in the GOESComPort variable. The TX326 settings are typically read in a
SlowSequence section of the program. Table 7-5 (p. 17) provides the TX326 settings that can
be set and read. Table 7-4 (p. 15) provides the read-only settings.
A downloadable example program is available at:
7.6.1 Read-only settings
Table 7-4: Read-only TX326 settings
FieldName Description
Current ID programmed into the radio. The ID isn’t
programmed into the radio until right before a radio
transmission starts.
Current date and time (UTC) of the TX326 radio. Value is a
Current radio firmware version. Value is a string.
TX326 Satellite Transmitter for METEOSAT 15