
XZENT X-F285 User manual

  • Hello! I've reviewed the software update instructions for the XZENT X-F285. This manual guides you through the process of updating the device's software and DAB firmware, including navigation improvements and corrections for Ford steering wheel phone buttons. I can help answer questions about the steps involved or the features that are included in the update.
  • Where can I find the version information?
    Where can I find the DAB firmware version?
    What USB port should I use for the update?
Software update instruction for X-F285 to v4.1 incl. DAB firmware
1 / 3 [EN, RevB]
[2023-01-30 HS]
Change notes for SW v4.1 and DAB firmware version (V15-000A0A-01-0121-011B):
The version information can be found under SETTINGS > Others.
The DAB firmware version can be found in the DAB source > Settings.
Improvement for the TPEG channel search for events and traffic flow data.
o iGO version, Traffic settings > DAB+TEG must be switched on.
o GPS reception as well as DAB reception of a FREE-TPEG channel of the matching country according to GPS.
o During the cyclical TPEG reception, the DAB-DAB following function is restricted for the audio program.
o Correction of the Ford Steeringwheel PHONE-Buttons for pickup and hangup.
o Activation of the DAB program logo database.
o DAB source adjustment, new display for the background tuner, setting for the TPEG reading time.
It is recommended to leave <<TPEG duration time>> set to <<Low>> when TPEG channel search was successful and
messages are displayed. The <<high>> setting should only be used if the DAB coverage is poor or the DAB audio
program is not being used (e.g. other audio sources such as FM or USB are being heard). DAB-DAB Following and
Station List updates will be executed less often when the device is longer busy with TPEG reading.
Step: 1 Download of SW and preparation of a USB flash drive for the update process:
Download the self-extracting
archive update file (exe file)
from the XZENT website.
Copy the self-extracting file to
a USB flash drive (small
capacity size, FAT32 format).
See picture 1.
Double click the EXE file and
extract directly to root
directory of the USB flash
See picture 2.
After extraction you receive/see 3 files:
And a folder:
See picture 3.
Attention: in some rare cases, the USB-flash-drive may not be detected by the XZENT device. If one step fails,
please re-check and re-use a different brand/manufacturer USB flash drive item and/or change the memory
size (<1 GB, 2 GB, 4 GB …).
Do NOT download and execute (extraction) directly to PC.
Do not copy the multiple extracted files to your USB flash drivecopy the single archive file to the USB flash
drive and extract it there.
Software update instruction for X-F285 to v4.1 incl. DAB firmware
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[2023-01-30 HS]
Step 2: installing the software
Approximately required time for DAB/APP/MCU Update ~15 minutes (without preparation time).
1. Power on your XZENT device.
2. Wait until your device is fully started and showing a media source (FM, DAB, USB, ect.).
3. If not in DAB mode, switch to DAB source.
4. Connect the update stick at USB-1 of your XZENT device.
5. Wait ~3 sec until a PopUp dialog appears for DAB-FW (see pictrue).
The progressbar of Das DAB-FW update requires 3 to 5 min. until it reaches
100% and then shows SUCCESS. The device will shortly after the SUCCESS
message automatically restart to continue the other steps.
6. After the restart the standard Bootlogo will be displayed (see picture).
7. APP will be installed when the „Updateing…“ screen is
displayed (see picture).The progressbar requires 8 to 10 min.
to reach 100% and confirms with a „Update successful!“
8. The device will contine to boot and shows again the default bootlogo for a short time.
9. The device will now load settings and prepare initializing all sources when showing the main menu.
10. Now the MCU update will be executed and shows „updating MCU Software“ with a blue progress bar.
Duration about 1 min., at 100% the user will be informed.
Remove the USB stick on port 1 before you press the OK-Button
11. The device will be auto restarting. Please wait until the device is fully started and shows a media source. Check
now your detail version by entering SETUP > OTHERS > SOFTWARE VERSION INFO. Compare the installed SW
with the software listed in box on next page.
Software update instruction for X-F285 to v4.1 incl. DAB firmware
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[2023-01-30 HS]
Version X-F285 v4.1
APP: 20221209_0933
MCU: SP_A_020_20221207_01.AKQ.L
Tuner DB: 2022-12-02
12. Do now check the DAB FW installation by comparing with the version number in below box. You can find the
DAB-FW Version by entering the DAB source and clicking on <<Settings>> (see below picture)
DAB Firmware:
Step 4: Loading Factory Settings
Load factory settings from Setup > Others > Load Factory > OK
Your device is now ready for regular use if the full software has been successfully installed.
Remarks / Troubleshooting:
The SW can only be completely installed if the USB-1 port was used.
With the DAB FW update, a FULL SCAN can first be triggered on devices that have an empty station list. The
FULL SCAN dialog and the DAB update dialog can overlap here. You can cancel the FULL SCAN without any
problems to see the installation progress better.
If an ERROR appears in a sub-step the USB stick should be checked and replaced or redone (format,
download, extract, copy).
In case of an APP installation ERROR, the device can restart in a continuous loop until a USB stick with a
correctly readable APP update is found. The device can be temporarily switched off or disconnected from the
power supply until a working USB stick can be connected.