The IWC-100 chassis is 3/8" deep from the front panel to the chassis rear. This will fit in any standard studded wall with
approximately 3/8" clearance for wiring. The in-wall cut-out should be 3 1/8 high by 13 7/8" wide (minimum). The long cut
must be made carefully, there is slightly less than 1/4" overhang at the top and bottom of the panel. The in-wall panel is
designed to fit 16" centered studs. The mounting holes are spaced 16" and are 5/32" in diameter to clear #6 size screws.
Connections to amplifiers and speakers are illustrated in the back of these instructions. Remember that the LEFT and
RIGHT circuits are separate, so connections must be made correctly or the system will not operate properly. SUGGESTION:
Disconnect the connectors from the IWC-100 chassis. They can then be pre-wired without having to handle the heavy
chassis during the process.
Remove the connectors by pulling them straight up, perpendicular to the IWC-100 PC board. Before connecting wires,
note that the connector can be plugged in 2 ways, either with the openings to the rear and the wire openings on top. In some
tight installations it may be worthwhile to consider which position is most advantageous before attaching the wires!
Prepare the wire for connection by stripping about 3/16" of insulation. Twist the exposed conductors tightly if necessary.
Tighten the associated screw to hold the wire firmly in place. Check to make sure that connection is made to the exposed
conductor, NOT the insulation! Also inspect adjacent connections to make sure no stray strands are loose to cause possible
short circuits.
If only one amplifier is to be used, connect it to the AMPLIFIER "A" terminals as shown. Make sure the + and -, and L
and R channel connections are correct to avoid unsatisfactory operation or dead channels. Remember that the Left and Right
channels are completely separate for safe operation with all types of amplifiers, crossed connections can cause the system to
The same precautions should be used when connecting the speakers, crossed channels, polarity, or grounds will result in
improper operation.
To ease final installation, it is suggested that the wires be dressed in the order of connection to avoid crossovers as much
as possible because of the limited rear space. An additional suggestion is to form the wires as close as possible to the way
they will be when the installation is complete. The large number of wires involved may make the assembly rather stiff and
pre-forming will reduce strain on the connectors during final installation.
Place wiring diagram in front of you with the back toward the installation opening. You will then be looking down at the
diagram just as the chassis will be when completing the installation. It is then relatively easy to determine the order of the
final connections.
Complete the installation by mating the connectors to the IWC-100 chassis and gently moving it into position in the cut-
out. Secure with whatever fasteners you will be using into the 2x4 studs. The 5/32" diameter mounting holes are intended
for use with #6 size hardware. When mating each connector, make sure the 4 pins connect to the 4 holes, if displaced to
either side, the system will not operate properly.
Push all ON-OFF switches that will be used in to ON. Initially, best results will probably be obtained with all
AMPLIFIER A-B switches, out at A. Set the volume control for what is likely to be the loudest location at maximum (fully
clockwise), and the rest about halfway down. Turn the HI-FI system ON, and adjust it's volume for normal listening level at
the loudest location. Then adjust the volume for the remaining locations to a satisfactory loudness. If necessary, the same
procedure can be repeated for the B AMPLIFIER channel (if any).
The OPTIMATCH(TM) is a new concept in self-impedance matching controls, adjusted to meet the requirements of your
installation. As previously mentioned, the cool operation and built-in impedance matching is achieved through incorporation
of these attenuators in the IWC-100. If you should wish to know more about the AUDIOPLEX TECHNOLOGY,
OPTIMATCH(TM) system, please write or call us at the letterhead address/phone number, and request our 100 Watt
OPTIMATCH(TM) Stereo Control instructional manual. We will be pleased to forward the information, free!
2000 - 6/20/00