Crop King CropKing NFT System Owner's manual

  • Hello! I have reviewed the user manual for the CropKing NFT 4-6 system. This document covers the setup, operation, and maintenance of the NFT system, including details on nutrient solutions, growing conditions, and transplanting. I'm ready to help answer your questions about the system.
  • What does NFT stand for?
    What kind of crops are well suited for the NFT system?
    What is the typical duration for a lettuce crop?
CropKing NFT 4-6
(10ft) 1/2 Hose
item HOS0500
Greenback Valve
item EMI1014
Variflo Valve
item EMI1015
Route The White Feed Tube Into The Top Cover
Of The Channel ( 1 per channel ) and onto the
valve, Be sure it seats all the way down,
If you have leaks it might need
pushed on further.
1/2" Hose
Ziptie the feed line to the frame
NFT 4-6
Feed Tube
Punch Tool Emitter Nipple
1. 2. 3.
Install Here
Punch a hole for each channel into
the 1/2" hose using the punch tool Insert 1 Variflow valve into
the 1/2" hose.
Install the Greenback Valve onto the end
of the hose.
Growing and Operation Guidelines
for Small-Scale CropKing NFT Systems
Welcome to soilless agriculture!
We at CropKing are excited that you have chosen to take a trip into the fabulous world of hydroponics with
us. We want you to know that your success in your new vegetable venture is our highest priority and the
central goal of this manual.
The word hydroponics literally means “working water.” Instead of depending on the soil to provide or hold
needed nutrients, fertilizers are completely dissolved in water in these systems and circulated past the plant
roots. In the most specific use of the word, hydroponics is carried out without a support media for the plants.
However, we will generally refer to hydroponics by the broader term of soilless crop production. Soilless
production is carried out with a variety of media to provide plant support including rockwool, perlite, coconut
coir, and peat. Regardless of what materials we are using, the main premise remains the same. Essentially we
are ‘cutting out the middle man’, which is that soil-water-plant interaction and providing all the plant needs
right in the nutrient solution. This controlled method of production means that the delivery of nutrients can
be tailored for optimum plant growth and productivity.
There are three key components that will enable you to successfully grow fresh produce in this soilless
system. In this instruction manual, we would like to present you with some important facts and key steps in
bringing together these three components- the growing system, the nutrient solution, and the plant itself.
Understanding the management of each will be important in producing a successful crop.
1. The Growing System- Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) and Materials
NFT is a solution culture system where the plant roots are directly bathed in flowing nutrient solution. The
NFT system is constructed of a steel or aluminum support system that holds rows of food-grade PVC channels.
There is a small stream of nutrient rich water (the film) continually flowing along the bottom of the channel.
This thin flow of solution (called a film) delivers the needed nutrients to the root of the plants while also
optimizing the oxygen available to the root zone. The CropKing NFT growing channels have removable top
caps for easy cleaning. These plastic top caps have specially sized holes punched for the plants at optimum
spacing for bibb or romaine lettuce heads to mature. Irrigation lines run from the nutrient tank and the
solution is delivered by a submersible
or extern
rates of nutrient solution in the 8 to 10 ounces per minute range are appropriate.
covered and fit directly into the drain line
nutrient solution and promoting
algae growth.
The nutrient solution is being
reservoir under the channel
allows for gravity return of the nutrient sol
the channels
. Because of the short duration
recirculated solution can be used for the NFT.
closed system also conserves the nutrient solution
is from transpiration from the plant
Mixed l
ettuce growing in a CropKing channel in
The NFT method is typically u
sed for the production of small leaf
have a shorter growing season than tomato or peppers. Lettuce, herb
directly into 1” Grodan rockwool cubes or other cubes or plugs composed of po
(shredded husks). These small cubes provide
an excellent environment to start and grow the young plants. Rockwool is actually
heated to e
xtremely high temperatures. This high heat melts the rock
fibers which are shaped
into the rockwool cubes. Rockwool works well for hydroponics because
or extern
al pump
to each individual channel using a small feed line.
rates of nutrient solution in the 8 to 10 ounces per minute range are appropriate.
The ends of the channels are
covered and fit directly into the drain line
to maintain a closed system to prevent
light from contacting the
algae growth.
circulated between the nutrient tank and the channel
allows for gravity return of the nutrient sol
and it is then pumped back up to
. Because of the short duration
(6 to 8 weeks) of the crop
and the fact that it is vegetative
recirculated solution can be used for the NFT.
However constant monitoring is needed as discussed below
closed system also conserves the nutrient solution
by greatly reducing evaporation,
so most of the water loss
ettuce growing in a CropKing channel in
NFT system.
sed for the production of small leaf
crops such as lettuce and herbs which
have a shorter growing season than tomato or peppers. Lettuce, herb
and other leafy crops are seeded
directly into 1” Grodan rockwool cubes or other cubes or plugs composed of po
lymers, peat and coconut coir
(shredded husks). These small cubes provide
consistent moisture for the
germinating seed
an excellent environment to start and grow the young plants. Rockwool is actually
xtremely high temperatures. This high heat melts the rock
and the molten material is used to form
into the rockwool cubes. Rockwool works well for hydroponics because
to each individual channel using a small feed line.
The ends of the channels are
light from contacting the
circulated between the nutrient tank and the channel
s. The
and it is then pumped back up to
and the fact that it is vegetative
, a
However constant monitoring is needed as discussed below
. The
so most of the water loss
NFT system.
crops such as lettuce and herbs which
and other leafy crops are seeded
lymers, peat and coconut coir
germinating seed
and also provides
rock that has been
and the molten material is used to form
into the rockwool cubes. Rockwool works well for hydroponics because
even when
saturated with water, it has a high level of aeration. Additionally, it interacts little with the nutrient solution so
precise control over the solution that comes in contact with the roots is possible.
A sheet of rockwool cubes that can be used to seed
leafy crops for production in an NFT system.
Other media are also commonly used in NFT leafy crop production. Oasis cubes are composed of
plastic polymers, and are essentially foam blocks that retain high levels of both water and air while having
little impact on nutrients. Coconut coir and peat moss, media that are quite common in ornamental
greenhouse production, are also potentially valuable for hydroponic leafy crops. While they do provide
adequate moisture retention and aeration, they differ in some key areas from rockwool and Oasis. They do
have the ability to hold onto some nutrients (exchange capacity) and this can be an asset in buffering changes
in the nutrient solution. In small systems without a large volume of nutrient solution buffer, this resistance to
change in the media can provide a measure of protection to your young plants if your solution deviates from
ideal conditions.
2. The Nutrient Solution
A. Using Hydro-Gro Fertilizer to Prepare Nutrient Solutions
Hydro-Gro is a general purpose hydroponic soluble fertilizer that has been formulated for the needs of the
plant without taking into account your source water. If the source water has an electrical conductivity of less
than 0.3 mS/cm (300 µS/cm), Hydro-Gro can often be used satisfactorily for crop production. However, simply
evaluating your source water based on EC is an incomplete method because it only quantifies the total
conductivity of dissolved ions and does not describe which ions are contributing to that conductivity. It is
always best to have your source water analyzed for chemical composition. Do not use water that has been
treated by a water softener because the sodium and chloride levels will be higher than desired for plant
The recipes that follow have been prepared as a guide for use of this premixed fertilizer. The Hydro-Gro dry
mix shipped to you can be used in one of two ways.
Method 1) The Hydro-Gro and calcium nitrate can be used to prepare stock solutions, which can then be
diluted to produce the feed solution that is delivered to the plants. This can be a more efficient method of
making fertilizer as the concentrates will last for quite a while and will provide a consistent method of
adjusting and maintaining your nutrient solution.
Method 2) The Hydro-Gro, calcium nitrate, and potassium nitrate can be used as dry materials and added
directly to your source water to create a feed solution that is the strength to be delivered directly to your
Method 1: Preparing Hydro-Gro Stock Solutions from Dry Ingredients
Supplies needed:
- 1 lb of Hydro- Gro ( part #FER3021, FER3022)
- 1 lb of calcium nitrate (can be purchased from CropKing for proper purity)(FER3024, FER3025)
- Acid (pH down or dilute sulfuric acid)(HYD5000)
- Stock tank with a volume of 25-100 gallons
- Scale with 0.1 oz precision
- Concentrate jugs- 2 x 1 gallon jugs (recommended)
Preparing Concentrate Solutions
- Two 1 gallon jugs are used to prepare concentrate solutions consisting of Hydro-Gro (concentrate
A) and calcium nitrate (concentrate B) for a 1:100 dilution to reach feed strength (1 gallon of
concentrate solutions A and B will prepare 100 gallons of feed strength solution).
Add 13 oz of Hydro-Gro to empty 1 gallon jug, label this jug concentrate A
Fill jug to 1 gallon with warm water, mix until fertilizer is dissolved; it is best if the source water has
an electrical conductivity below 0.3 mS/cm. If the source water has a high EC, it can be more
difficult to provide all the needed nutrients to the plants.
Add 10 oz of calcium nitrate to empty 1 gallon jug, label this jug concentrate B
Fill jug to 1 gallon with water. Mix both solutions thoroughly making sure all fertilizer is dissolved.
Add enough acid to keep the pH of the concentrate between 5.5 and 6 pH. Now your two
concentrate solutions are prepared.
Concentrate A Concentrate B Target EC- mS/cm
Calcium Nitrate
Warm/High Light Cool/ Low Light
13 oz
10 o
Preparing Feed Solution from Concentrate Solutions
Begin with a 25-100 gallon feed tank, fill tank 75% full with water.
Measure the EC of the clear water. Our target EC for lettuce is 1.4-2.1 mS/cm depending on the
growing environment (as discussed below).
For a 25 gallon feed tank add one quart of concentrate A and one quart of concentrate B; for a
100 gallon feed tank add one gallon of A and one gallon of concentrate B. Remember to not let
the two concentrates mix with each other until they are diluted in water to prevent any
fertilizer salts from precipitating out of solution.
Bring the EC up to the target range by adding additional small volumes of concentrate if needed
and measuring EC with your meter. When adjusting the nutrient solution, always add equal
quantities of Concentrate A and Concentrate B to increase the EC. Additional source water can
be added if the EC becomes higher than the target value.
Method 2: Preparing Hydro-Gro Feed Solutions from Dry Ingredients
Preparing Feed Solution from Dry Fertilizers
Begin with a 25-100 gallon feed tank of known volume, fill tank 75% full with water.
Measure the EC of the clear water. Our target EC for lettuce is 1.4-2.1 ms/cm depending on the
growing environment (as presented in the table above and discussed below).
From the table below, add the appropriate quantity of Hydro-Gro, and Calcium Nitrate fertilizer
that corresponds with your tank volume. Mix each fertilizer well to assure that the fertilizer is
dissolved before adding the next fertilizer material. (1 ounce is approximately 2 tablespoons)
Volume (gallons) Hydro-Gro Calcium Nitrate
1.3 oz.
1.0 oz.
1.9 oz.
1.5 oz.
2.5 oz.
2.0 oz.
3.1 oz.
2.5 oz.
3.8 oz.
3.0 oz.
13 oz.
10 oz.
B. Monitoring and Adjusting the Electrical Conductivity
The Bluelab Combo meter or the Myron EC meter is used to measure the electrical conductivity (EC) of the
fertilizer solution. Essentially, it gives us a value that corresponds to the total quantity of nutrients in solution.
We typically want to maintain the electrical conductivity in the 1.4 to 2.1 mS/cm range for lettuce and most
herbs as shown in the above table. The EC range is dependent on the time of year. Use the lower EC in the
summertime and the higher EC in the wintertime because warm summer temperatures and high light can
increase the demand for water in the plant. Reducing the concentration of fertilizer in solution by lowering the
EC will make it easier for the plant to take up water.
If the electrical conductivity level is lower than desired, add small amounts of both Hydro-
Gro and calcium nitrate concentrates in equal amounts and mix well until the EC reading rises
to the desired level.
If the electrical conductivity level is higher than desired, add source water until it is brought
down to the optimum range. (Remember to adjust the pH of the solution after new source
water is added as described below.)
Check the electrical conductivity every day, and make any adjustments needed to keep the
solution in proper ranges.
C. Monitoring and Adjusting the pH of the Nutrient Solution
The pH of the nutrient solution being fed to the plants should be in the 5.5 to 6.0 range to keep the
nutrients from becoming unavailable. If the pH rises too high, nutrients can precipitate to form other salts and
this reduces the availability for plants. Low pH can physically damage roots, so it is important to not let the pH
drop below approximately 5.0. To maintain the optimum pH range, test the pH of your source water using the
Bluelab Combo meter or pH test kit. If using a combo meter, be sure the meter has been properly calibrated
by using the standard solutions that are provided.
Most source water has a higher pH than desired which must be lowered using pH down solution also
provided with your growing kit. Be cautious when reducing the pH of your solution as reactions can
occur quickly. Remember that how quickly your water responds to pH management and how much pH
down it takes to lower the pH will depend on the composition of your source water.
Also keep in mind that when plants take up nutrients from solution, pH changes can occur. So, monitor
your pH daily to keep the solution in the correct range to assure that nutrients are available for plant