VEXnet Joystic Calibration Instructions • 4
Carnegie Mellon Robotics Academy / For use with VEX
Robotics Systems
VEXnet Joystick Calibration Instructions (cont.)
4c. The Joystick LED will resume its normal function after the
• If the Joystick Master Firmware is downloaded to the
joystick, the joystick will need to be re-calibrated.
4b. To cancel the calibration, press and release the “7U”
• IfcanceledtheVEXnetLEDwillbrieyashred
Step 4. Complete the Calibration
4a. To save the calibration, press and release the “8U” button.
• If the calibration is saved, the joystick LED will start to
• If the calibration is not saved, a timeout will occur after
10 seconds. The calibration will be canceled and the