Muscle Building
To increasethe size and strengthof your muscles,
pushthem close to their maximum capacity.Yourmus-
cleswillcontinuallyadapt and growas you progres-
sively increasethe intensityof your exercise.You can
adjustthe intensitylevel of an individualexercise in
two ways:
• by changingthe amount of weight used
• by changingthe number of repetitionsor sets per-
formed. (A =repetition" isone completecycle ofan
exercise, such as one sit-up.A "set"isa seriesof
The properamount ofweight for each exercise
depends upon the individualuser.You mustgauge
yourlimitsand selectthe amount ofweight that isright
for you. Begin with3 sets of 8 repetitionsfor each
exercise you perform. Rest for 3 minutesafter each
set. When you can complete 3 sets of 12 repetitions
withoutdifficulty,increasethe amountof weight.
You can tone your musclesby pushingthem toa mod-
erate percentage oftheir capacity.Select a moderate
amountof weightand increase the number of repeti-
tionsin each set. Complete as many sets of 15 to20
repetitionsas possiblewithoutdiscomfort.Rest for 1
minuteafter each set. Work yourmusclesby complet-
ing more sets rather than by using high amountsof
Weight Loss
To lose weight, use a low amountof weightand
increasethe numberof repetitionsineach set.
Exercise for 20 to 30 minutes, restingfor a maximum
of 30 secondsbetween sets.
Cross Training
Crosstraining isan efficientway to get a completeand
well-balanced fitness program. An example of a bal-
anced program is:
• Plan weight trainingworkoutson Monday,
Wednesday, and Friday.
• Plan 20 to 30 minutesof aerobic exercise, such as
cycling or swimming,on Tuesday and Thursday.
• Rest from bothweighttraining and aerobicexercise
for at leastone full day each week to give yourbody
time to regenerate.
The combinationof weighttraining and aerobic exer-
cise willreshape and strengthenyourbody, plusdevel-
op your heart and lungs.
Determiningthe exact lengthoftime foreach workout,
as well as the number of repetitionsor sets completed,
is an individualmatter. Itis importantto avoidoverdo-
ingit duringthe firstfew monthsof your exercise pro-
gram. You shouldprogressat your own pace and be
sensitiveto your body'ssignals.Ifyou experience pain
or dizziness at any timewhile exercising,stop immedi-
atelyand begin coolingdown. Findout what is wrong
beforecontinuing.Remember thatadequate restand a
properdiet are importantfactorsin any exercise pro-
Begin each workoutwith 5 to 10 minutesof stretching
and lightexerciseto warm up.Warming up prepares
your bodyfor more strenuousexercise by increasing
circulation,raisingyourbody temperature and deliver-
ing more oxygento yourmuscles.
Each workoutshouldinclude6 to 10 differentexercis-
es. Select exercises for every majormusclegroup,
emphasizingareas that you want todevelop most.To
give balance and varietyto yourworkouts,varythe
exercisesfrom sessionto session.
Schedule yourworkoutsfor the time ofday when your
energy level is the highest.Each workoutshouldbe
followed by at least one day of rest.Once you find the
schedule that is rightfor you, stickwith it.
Maintainingproperform isan essentialpart of an
effective exercise program.This requiresmoving
throughthe full rangeof motionfor each exercise, and
moving onlythe appropriatepartsof the body.
Exercisingin an uncontrolledmanner willleave you
feeling exhausted. On the exercise guide accompany-
ing this manualyou will find photographsshowingthe
correct form for several exercises, and a listofthe
muscles affected. Refer tothe muscle chart on page
19 to find the names of the muscles.
The repetitions in each set shouldbe performed
smoothlyand without pausing.The exertion stageof
each repetition should last about half as long as the
return stage. Proper breathing is important. Exhale
during the exertion stage of each repetition and inhale
during the return stroke. Never hold your breath.