Installation of M99XXFDKIT (cont.)
Place the black mounting adapter into the
If your black mounting adapter in the dash
bows up due to the tension to the inside tabs.
Follow Steps 6A-6D.
(Installer’s Note: If your black mounting
adapter on the bottom does not bow up, skip
to step 7. )
Bow up bracket
Ideal bracket location
Cut and strip the old radio’s power wires
starting with yellow constant hot, then black
chassis ground, then red ignition.
(Installer’s Note: Once the power wires are
finished, the speaker wires can be replaced in
any order. See pages 6-7 for wirring diagram
for original radio removed.)
When you have two of the same color wires
stripped, twist them together tightly.
Insert the twisted wires into one of the pro-
vided crimp end connectors.
(Installer’s Note: Make sure that none of the
wire is exposed below the bottom of the end
connector or you could get a short. Trim if
Use a crimp tool to firmly squeeze the two
wires together.
(Installer’s Note: Pliers can be used if a crimp
tool isn’t available.)