If you are having problems with your product, please contact
customer support before contacting your retailer
West-View Sales LLC
Limited Warranty Statement
West-View Sales LLC provides warranty to the products included in this bundle
against defects in workmanship and materials for a 12 month period from the
original date of purchase. If the product fails during the 12 month limited warranty
period, West-View reserves the right to repair or replace any parts or products
that are determined to be defective due to workmanship or material. Any
products replaced or repaired under West-View services will be covered under
the original warranty period.
West-View’s Limited Warranty protects only the accessories that are included in
the bundle.
West-View’s Limited Warranty does not cover damages caused by user
operation, cleaning and maintain of product, incorrect installation, any accidents
or damages from extreme temperatures. West-View’s limited warranty does not
cover the products from software issues or normal wear and tear of the product.
West-View reserves the right to not provide service for products whose serial
numbers have been altered, defaced and/or removed as well as products whose
housing have been opened.
Please contact West-View using the phone number below for specific instructions
on obtaining warranty services. West-View requires valid documented proof of
purchase in order to obtain warranty services.