similar in concept to the Quantum™ LX panel ID
number). The IP address is how the network identifies
each device that is attached. A typical IP address
would look like this:
Gateway Address – Four setpoint boxes are
provided here. This is the IP address for the computer
or device onto which your local network is connected
to. This gateway device is how all of the devices
attached to your local network are routed to other
gateways and networks. A router is a Gateway device
that routes packets between different physical
networks. A gateway is a network point that acts as
an entrance to another network.
Subnet Mask - A TCP/IP number used to determine
to which TCP/IP subnet a device belongs. Devices in
the same subnet can be communicated with locally
without going through a router (to the outside world).
When a TCP/IP device tries to communicate with
another device the bits of the TCP/IP destination
address are "ANDed" with the subnet mask to
determine whether the address is a local address
(broadcastable) or must be reached through a router.
A subnet mask of used by a computer
with a TCP/IP address of would include
the addresses through in the
local network, basically telling the computer to try a
router if it's transmitting to any other IP address. This
is all part of the TCP/IP protocol.
Web Server Port – This is the port, or channel, that a
web server uses to communicate through. Just as a
computer sends data to a printer through a printer
port, a web server sends and receives data through
the Web Server Port. By default, the port number for a
Web server is 80.
NOTE: The IP Address Type must be set to DHCP
(Dynamic) for this section to work.
Host Name – Enter a distinct name that you wish to
be able to identify this particular compressor by (for
example; Unit1). The Host Name must be fifteen
characters or less in length, use no spaces and use
only upper and lower case letters. It is similar in
concept to the function of the Panel ID, and basically
allows the network router to interpret the actual IP
address of a particular unit as this host name. When
using a web browser within the system network, this
name can be entered as the web location that you
wish to visit (instead of having to type in the IP
address). After modifying a Host Name, you will be
required to cycle power. The network router could
take up to fifteen minutes to recognize the change.
Work Group – All of the Quantum™ LX units within a
network may be grouped into different categories.
These categories could be unit locations, or perhaps
categorized by unit function. For instance, if you
wanted to group the units by function, and had 10
units, and three of them were ACUairs, then ACUair1
could be the name of a work group. Another three
units may be High Stage compressors, this work
group could be named HighStage1, and the
remaining four units could be standard compressors,
and they could be named Comp1. So name each unit
by these functional Work Group names. The Work
Group name must be fifteen characters or less in
length, and can use numerals and upper and lower
case letters. When using the network neighborhood
feature of Windows® Explorer, and look at your
Network Neighbor hood, you would see the name of
the Work Group, and within that work group you
would see the individual Host Names of each unit
within that work group. After modifying a Work Group
name, you will be required to cycle power. The
network router could take up to fifteen minutes to
recognize the change.
Server String – This is a comment area that can be
used in conjunction with the Host Name. For example,
if the Host Name is Booster1, you could set the
Server String to print something like DockBooster, or
some other additional information about the unit. The
Server String has no control function, it is strictly an
informational area.
The purpose of the E-Mail data feature is to allow the
controller to send a Warning or Shutdown message to
defined listing of recipients.
Email Notification On Warning Or Shutdown – For
the E-mail notification feature to work, it must be
enabled (it is disabled as a default). The following
drop-down menu is provided:
• Disabled
• Enabled
Local Email Address - Use this setpoint box to
enter a valid E-mail address that has been assigned
to the internet account.
Alias Name For Local Email Address – Enter here
a custom name to identify more clearly the local Email
address. When a message is sent to all recipients,
this is the name that will appear in the Email FROM
Subject - Enter a custom subject that you would like
to have appear when a message failure is sent. When
a message is sent to all recipients, this is the wording
that will appear in the Email SUBJECT column.
SMTP Server Name OR IP Address - SMTP stands
for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. SMTP servers
handle outgoing email, and accept email from other
domains. When you set up an email client, you must
specify an outgoing server (sometimes called an
SMTP server). Often, this server is designated in the
form of But this can vary, so be
sure to check with your email service provider or LAN
administrator to find out their outgoing server.