Install the Door Control
Locate door control within sight of door, at a minimum
height of 5 feet (1.52 m) where small children cannot
reach, away from moving parts of door and door
hardware.,if installing into drywall, drill 5/32" holes and use
the anchors provided..For pre-wired installations (as in
new home construction), it may be mounted to a single
gang box (Figure 2)..
1_Strip 7/16" (11 mm) of insulation from one end of bell
wire and connect to the two screw terminals on back of
door control by color: white wire to 2 and white/red wire
to the 1.
2..Remove cover by gently prying at slot in side of the
cover with a small flat head screwdriver.. Fasten with
6ABx1-1/4" self-tapping screws (drywall installation) or
6-32xl" machine screws (into gang box) as follows:
• Drill and install bottom screw, allowing 1/8" (3 mm) to
protrude above wall surface_
- Position bottom of door control on screw head and
slide down to secure..Adjust screw for snug fit.
° Drill and install top screw with care to avoid cracking
plastic housing,. Do not over tighten.
• Insert top tabs and snap on cover..
3. (Standard installation only) Run bell wire up walt and
across ceiling to motor unit,.Use insulated staples to
secure wire in several places° Do not pierce wire with a
staple, creating a short or open circuit.. If your access
door is near the garage door, you may run this wire with
the Safety Reversing Sensor wires along the top of the
rail..See page 17,.
4..Insert a!l wires through the opening on top of motor unit
above the terminal block on the back panel (Figure 3).
5oStrip 7/16" (11 mm) of insulation from each set of wires..
Insert door control wire into quick-connect terminals by
color: white wire to white, white/red wire to red.
Separate white and white/black wires sufficiently to
connect to the opener quick-connect terminals. Twist
like colored wires together_Insert wires into
quick-connect holes: white to white and white/black to
NOTE: When connecting multiple door controls to the
opener, twist same color wires together. Insert wires into
quick-connect holes: white to white and red/white to red.
6.,Use tacks or staples to permanently attach entrapment
warning label to wall near door control, and manual
release/safety reverse test label in a prominent location
on inside of garage door.
NOTE: DO NOT connect the power and operate the
opener at this time. The trolley will travel to the full open
position but will not return to the close position until the Doorcontrol
sensor beam is connected and properly aligned. Connections
To preventpossibleSERIOUSINJURYor DEATHfrom
• Besurepoweris not connectedBEFOREinstallingdoor
• ConnectONLYto 24 VOLTlow voltagewires..
To preventpossibleSERIOUSINJURYor DEATHfrom a closing
• Installdoor control within sight of garagedoor, out of reach
of childrenat a minimum heightof5' (1..5m), andawayfrom
all moving partsof door.
• NEVERpermit childrento operateor playwith door control
pushbuttonsor remotecontroltransmitters,
° Activatedoor ONLYwhenit canbe seenclearly,is properly
adjusted,andthere areno obstructionsto door travel
• ALWAYSkeepgaragedoor in sight until completelydosed
NEVERpermitanyoneto crosspathofclosing garagedoor_
Outside Keylock Accessory' Connections
To opener quick-connect terminals:white to white;white/
red to red..
Control Panel(std Installation)
Control Panel (pro-wired)
_ nsulated
Drywall Anchors
Mounting Hole
Ughled >.Terminat
Push Screws
Button - Bottom
Mounting Hole
Figure I Figure 2
To Replace,
Insert Top
Tabs First ,,"
Figure 3
Strip 7/16" (11 mm) or' insulation from each wire
Insert wires through opening on top of motor
unltabove termina! block, then into
quick.connect terminals
To release or insert wire,
=ushtn tab wilh screwdriver
24 Volt
Bell Wire
Slrip wire 7116" (t t ram)
;led White Grey