Using the smart Audio-System ............. 89
Operating and setting the smart
Audio-System .........................................89
Listening to the radio ........................... 91
Using a mobile phone ............................ 92
Operating external data carriers ......... 94
Using the smart Media-System ............ 96
Operating and setting up the smart
Media-System ........................................ 96
Listening to the radio .......................... 100
Calling up electric drive displays ..... 101
Using a mobile phone .......................... 102
Connecting and operating external
data carriers ......................................... 106
Viewing images .................................... 108
Video playback .....................................109
Using the navigation system ............. 109
Managing apps ..................................... 119
Loading and stowing ............................ 121
Stowing small objects ......................... 121
Stowing luggage and large objects ... 122
Using the trunk partition ................... 124
Removing/installing the charging
cable bag ............................................... 125
Observing the tire and loading
information ........................................... 126
Maintenance and care .......................... 129
Useful information ...............................129
Removing/installing the subwoofer .. 129
Opening and closing the service
cover ...................................................... 129
Checking and adding service prod-
ucts ........................................................ 131
Checking wheels and tires .................. 132
Obtaining information on tires .......... 133
Changing a wheel ................................ 139
Using the tire pressure monitor ........ 143
Checking the tire pressures ............... 144
Using winter tires ................................ 147
Using snow chains ...............................147
Changing the window wiper blades .. 148
Cleaning the vehicle ............................ 149
Observing service due dates .............. 153
Parking the vehicle for a long
period .................................................... 153
Dealing with accidents and break-
downs .................................................... 154
Securing the vehicle in the event of
an accident or a breakdown ...............154
Removing the vehicle tool tray .......... 155
Sealing tires using the TIREFIT kit ... 155
Towing the vehicle .............................. 157
Manually releasing the selector
lever lock .............................................. 159
Replacing the bulbs ............................ 160
Changing fuses ..................................... 162
Replacing the SmartKey battery ........ 163
Opening a door with the emergency
release ................................................... 164
Locking the doors in an emergency .. 164
Practical advice .................................... 166
Notes on display messages ................ 166
Locking and unlocking ........................ 166
Visibility, occupants, air bags ........... 168
Engine, brakes, transmission ............. 170
Charging process ................................. 172
Driving safety systems ....................... 175
Driver assistance systems .................. 180
Battery, lights, heating ....................... 181
smart Audio-System and smart
Media-System ...................................... 183
Technical data ...................................... 185
Obtaining technical data .................... 185
Reading out vehicle data .................... 185
Service products .................................. 186
Climate control system refrigerant ... 186
Bulb types ............................................. 187
Fuse allocation ..................................... 188
Radio type approvals for the tire
pressure monitor ................................. 190
Installing two-way radios and
mobile phones ...................................... 190