Tehe AutoLock TM J_ature is an integrat-
d circuit that receives and processes
data sent by broadcasters, or other pro-
gram providers, that contain program con-
tent advisories. When programmed by the
viewel; a TV with AutoLock TM can respond
to the content advisories and block pro-
gram content that may be found objection-
able (such as offensive language, violence,
sexual situations, etc.). This is a greatJ_a-
ture to censor the type of viewing children
may watch.
MovieRa_og • I
"/G On I
o PG
o PG-13
o NC-17
I " I
'IV RaUng A
I _TV-Y On I
I " I
Over the next few pages you'll learn how
to block channels' and certain rated pro-
gramming. Below is a brief explanation of
some terms and ratings you will find in the
AutoLock Jk,ature.
AutoLock TM offers various BLOCKING
controls from which to choose:
Access Code: An Access Code must be set
to prevent children from unblocking ques-
tionable programming.
Channel Block: Individual channels
including the A/V inputs can be blocked.
Clear All: Allows you clear all channels
being blocked from your viewing set with
the Channel Block Control.
Block All: Allows you to block ALL chan-
nels and A/V inputs at one time.
Movie Ratings: Block programming
based on ratings patterned by the Motion
Pictures Association of America.
TV Ratings: Block programming based
on standard TV ratings set by TV broad-
To learn more about the Motion Picture
Ratings and 1he TV Ratings, refer to the
definitions listed on the columns to 1he
Press the STATUS/EXIT button twice to
display the AutoLock review screen.
This screen shows what is activated within
the AutoLock settings.
G: General Audience - All ages admit-
ted. Most parents would find 1his pro-
gram suitable for all ages. This type of
programming contains little or no vio-
lence, no slrong language, and little or
no sexual dialogue or situations.
PG: Parental Guidance Suggested -
This programming contains malerial lhat
parents may find unsuitable for younger
children.) It may contain one or more of
the following: Moderate violence, some
sexual situations, infrequent coarse lan-
guage, or some suggestive dialogue.
PG-13: Parents Strongly Cautioned-
This programming contains malerial lhat
parents may find unsuitable for children
under the age of 13. It contains one or
more of the following: violence, sexual sit-
uafions, coarse language, or suggestive
R: Restricted -This is programming is
specifically designed for adults. Anyone
under lbe age of 17 should only view Ibis
programming with an accompanying par-
ent or adult guardian. It contains one or
more of the following: inlense violence,
intense sexual situations, s_ong coarse
language, or inlensely suggestive dialogue.
NC-17: No one under the age of 17 will
be admitted. - This type of programming
should be viewed by adults only. It con-
tains graphic violence, explicit sex, or
crude indecent language.
X: Adults' Only - This type of program-
ming contains one or more of the follow-
ing: very graphic violence, very graphic
and explicit or indecent sexual acts, very
coarse and inlensely suggestive language.
TV-Y - (All children -- 77fis pro-
gram is designed to be appropriate
fi)r all children.) Designed for a
very young audience, including children
ages 2-6. This type of programming is nol
expecled to frighlen younger children.
TV-Y7 - (Directed to Older
Children -- 771isprogram is
designed for children age 7 and
above.) It may be more appropriate for
children who have acquired 1he develop-
ment skills needed to distinguish between
make-believe and reality. This program-
ming may include mild fantasy and comic
violence (FV).
N V-G - (General Audience -- Most
parents u ould find this program
suitable for all ages.) This type of
programming contains little or no vio-
lence, no strong language, and little or no
sexual dialogue or siluations.
TV-PG - (Parental Guidance
Suggested -- This program con-
talus material that parents may
find unsuitable for younger children.) This
type of programming contains one or more
of the following: Moderate violence (V),
some sexual situations (S), infrequent
coarse language (L), or some suggestive
dialogue (D).
TV-14 - (Parents Strongly
Cautioned -- This program con-
tains some material that many par-
ents would find unsuitable for children
under 14 yeat_ of age.) This type of pro-
gramming contains one or more of the fol-
lowing: intense violence (V), intense sexu-
al situations (S), strong coarse language
(L), or intensely suggestive dialogue (D).
TV-MA - (Mature Audience Only
-- This program is specifically
designed to be viewed by adults
and therefore may be unsuitable jbr chil-
dren under 17.) This lype of programming
contains one or more of the following:
graphic violence (V), explicit sexual situa-
tions (S), or cmde indecent language (L).