Eaton i-on style Engineering Manual

Engineering Manual
i-on Style
Security System
Engineering Guide
Issue 2
Control unit software version 5.01
Page ii
© Eaton 2017
The information, recommendations, descriptions and safety notations in this document are based on Eaton Corporation’s (“Eaton”)
experience and judgment and may not cover all contingencies. If further information is required, an Eaton sales office should be
consulted. Sale of the product shown in this literature is subject to the terms and conditions outlined in appropriate Eaton selling policies
or other contractual agreement between Eaton and the purchaser.
In no event will Eaton be responsible to the purchaser or user in contract, in tort (including negligence), strict liability or other-wise for
any special, indirect, incidental or consequential damage or loss whatsoever, including but not limited to damage or loss of use of
equipment, plant or power system, cost of capital, loss of power, additional expenses in the use of existing power facilities, or claims
against the purchaser or user by its customers resulting from the use of the information, recommendations and descriptions contained
herein. The information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice.
The V5 i-on application includes the mbed TLS library, developed by a third party and licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. The
Apache 2.0 license can be found at:
About this Guide
This guide is a document for people who need to install or configure an i-on Style intrusion
system. The guide provides:
Information about the capabilities of the control units.
Installation advice.
Detailed information about options in the Installer menu.
Detailed connection information is provided in the installation instructions provided with
each device.
Other Publications
The following additional publications are available:
i-on Style User Guide Provides an overview of i-on Style, including system
components, key features and typical day-to-day tasks for end users.
i-on Style Administration and User Manual Provides detailed information about
how to set and unset the system, manage alarms and use the User menu options.
SMS Command Messaging User's Guide Describes how end users can control
the system using SMS text commands (e.g. to set or unset the system).
i-on Style Installation Instructions Provides details for installers of how to install
the control unit.
SecureConnect Installer Guide This provides an overview of Eaton
SecureConnect, explains how to set up the system and describes how to manage
panels (control units) using the Eaton SecureConnect web portal.
SecureConnect App User Guide - Describes how end users can install and use
the SecureConnect app.
Page iii
About this Guide ............................................................................................................... ii
Other Publications ............................................................................................................ ii
Chapter 1: Introduction ................................................................................ 1
Introduction to i-on Style control units .............................................................................. 1
System features ............................................................................................................... 1
About the built-in keypad .............................................................................................. 3
Alarm communications ................................................................................................. 3
About Part-setting and partitioned modes ..................................................................... 4
About radio and wired outputs ...................................................................................... 4
Control unit USB port .................................................................................................... 5
Control unit Ethernet ports ............................................................................................ 5
Supported peripheral devices ........................................................................................... 5
Detectors (zones) ......................................................................................................... 5
Sounders ...................................................................................................................... 6
Cameras ....................................................................................................................... 7
Remote controls ........................................................................................................... 7
One-way radio keypad (i-RK01) ................................................................................... 7
Other supported radio devices ...................................................................................... 7
Chapter 2: Planning the Installation ............................................................ 8
Choosing the installation locations ................................................................................... 8
General requirements ................................................................................................... 8
Control unit ................................................................................................................... 8
External sirens .............................................................................................................. 8
Power availability.............................................................................................................. 8
Wired detector (zone) wiring types ................................................................................... 9
Fully Supervised Loop (FSL) ........................................................................................ 9
4-wire CC .................................................................................................................... 10
2-wire CC .................................................................................................................... 10
Chapter 3: Getting Started ......................................................................... 11
About the user interface ................................................................................................. 11
Entering text ............................................................................................................... 11
Initial power-up procedure .............................................................................................. 12
Entering the Installer menu ............................................................................................ 14
Saving changes .......................................................................................................... 14
Code lockouts ............................................................................................................. 15
Using Downloader or the web interface ...................................................................... 15
Exiting the Installer menu ............................................................................................... 15
Resetting (defaulting) the system ................................................................................... 16
Restoring control unit factory defaults......................................................................... 16
Defaulting access codes ............................................................................................. 16
Chapter 5: Installer Menu Map ................................................................... 17
Chapter 6: Detectors/Devices Menu .......................................................... 25
Detectors ........................................................................................................................ 25
Add/Del Detectors ...................................................................................................... 25
Program Zones ........................................................................................................... 25
Page iv
On-board Keypad ........................................................................................................... 34
Home Key Action ........................................................................................................ 34
Hot Key Action ............................................................................................................ 35
Audible Keys ............................................................................................................... 35
Radio Keypads (i-rk01) ................................................................................................... 35
Add/Del Radio Kpd ..................................................................................................... 36
Edit Keypads .............................................................................................................. 36
External Sirens ............................................................................................................... 37
Add/Del Siren ............................................................................................................. 37
Edit Siren .................................................................................................................... 37
Internal Sounders ........................................................................................................... 38
Add/Del Sounder ........................................................................................................ 38
Edit Sounder ............................................................................................................... 38
WAMs ............................................................................................................................. 38
Cameras ......................................................................................................................... 38
IP Cam 1... .................................................................................................................. 39
Chapter 7: Outputs Menu ........................................................................... 40
Radio Outputs ................................................................................................................ 40
Add Outputs ................................................................................................................ 40
Edit Outputs ................................................................................................................ 40
Wired Outputs ................................................................................................................ 47
Custom Outputs ............................................................................................................. 47
Example ...................................................................................................................... 48
Chapter 8: Setting Options and Partitions Menus .................................... 49
About these menus ........................................................................................................ 49
Full Set, Part Set and Partition options ........................................................................... 49
Name .......................................................................................................................... 49
Exit Mode .................................................................................................................... 49
Settle Time ................................................................................................................. 51
Exit Time ..................................................................................................................... 51
Entry Time .................................................................................................................. 51
Alarm Response ......................................................................................................... 51
HUA Response ........................................................................................................... 51
PZ Unset Response.................................................................................................... 52
PZ Set Response ....................................................................................................... 53
PZ Reset Time ............................................................................................................ 53
Siren Delay ................................................................................................................. 54
Siren Time .................................................................................................................. 54
Strobe on Set .............................................................................................................. 54
Strobe on Unset .......................................................................................................... 54
Part Set Exit Mode ...................................................................................................... 55
Pt.set Settle Time ....................................................................................................... 55
Part Set Exit Time ....................................................................................................... 55
Pt.set Entry Time ........................................................................................................ 55
Pt.set Alarm Resp. ...................................................................................................... 55
Pt.set Siren Delay ....................................................................................................... 55
Pt.set Siren Time ........................................................................................................ 55
Pt.set Final Exit ........................................................................................................... 55
Pt.set Entry Route ...................................................................................................... 55
Pt.set Strb Set ............................................................................................................ 55
Pt.set Strb Unset ........................................................................................................ 55
Page v
Full Set Link ................................................................................................................... 56
Remote Set .................................................................................................................... 56
Exit Mode .................................................................................................................... 56
Exit Time ..................................................................................................................... 56
Local Set on ER .......................................................................................................... 56
Calendar Set .................................................................................................................. 56
Add Event ................................................................................................................... 57
Edit Event ................................................................................................................... 58
Delete Event ............................................................................................................... 58
Add Exception ............................................................................................................ 58
Edit Exception ............................................................................................................. 58
Delete Exception ........................................................................................................ 58
Deferring Calendar Setting ......................................................................................... 58
Setting Faults .............................................................................................................. 59
Chapter 9: System Options Menu .............................................................. 60
Wired Zone Type ............................................................................................................ 60
User Access ................................................................................................................... 60
HUA Keys Active ........................................................................................................ 60
Quick Set .................................................................................................................... 60
Quick Omit .................................................................................................................. 61
User Code Reqd ......................................................................................................... 61
2 Way Replies ............................................................................................................ 61
2W Set Instant ............................................................................................................ 61
Duress Enable ............................................................................................................ 61
Set Status Timeout ..................................................................................................... 61
System Status Timeout ............................................................................................... 61
User Reset ..................................................................................................................... 61
Zone Alarms ............................................................................................................... 61
Zone Tampers ............................................................................................................ 62
System Tampers ........................................................................................................ 62
Confirmation ................................................................................................................... 62
Confirmation Mode ..................................................................................................... 62
Confirmation Time ...................................................................................................... 63
After Entry ................................................................................................................... 63
Entry Keypad Lock...................................................................................................... 63
Sounder On ................................................................................................................ 64
Siren On ..................................................................................................................... 65
Unconfirmed Reset ..................................................................................................... 65
Confirmed Reset ......................................................................................................... 65
HUA Confirm Time...................................................................................................... 65
Tamper as Tamper Only ............................................................................................. 66
Masking .......................................................................................................................... 66
Alarm response when the system is unset ................................................................. 66
Alarm response when the system is set ..................................................................... 67
Mask Override ................................................................................................................ 67
Language ....................................................................................................................... 67
Shunt Groups ................................................................................................................. 68
Restore Defaults............................................................................................................. 68
Staged Defaults .......................................................................................................... 68
Factory Defaults ......................................................................................................... 69
Installer Name ................................................................................................................ 69
Installer Code ................................................................................................................. 69
Page vi
Keypad Text ................................................................................................................... 70
Remote Needs Entry ...................................................................................................... 70
Remote Entry Part Set ................................................................................................... 70
RKP Needs Entry ........................................................................................................... 70
RKP Entry PrtSt.............................................................................................................. 71
HUA Response............................................................................................................... 71
PZ Unset Response ....................................................................................................... 71
PZ Unset Response ....................................................................................................... 71
PZ Reset time ................................................................................................................ 71
Auto Rearm .................................................................................................................... 71
On-Board Sounder ......................................................................................................... 71
Volume ....................................................................................................................... 71
Partitions ..................................................................................................................... 72
Entry Alarm Delay .......................................................................................................... 72
Abort Time ...................................................................................................................... 72
Supervision .................................................................................................................... 72
Jamming ......................................................................................................................... 73
Force Set ........................................................................................................................ 73
Tamper Omit .................................................................................................................. 74
CSID Code ..................................................................................................................... 74
Silence Alerts ................................................................................................................. 74
A/C Fail Reporting .......................................................................................................... 75
Mains Fail Delay ............................................................................................................. 75
External PSUs ............................................................................................................ 75
Ext DC Fail Reporting ..................................................................................................... 77
Ext DC Fail Delay ........................................................................................................... 77
Battery 2 ......................................................................................................................... 77
GSM Antenna ................................................................................................................. 77
Set Time & Date ............................................................................................................. 78
SNTP Time Sync ............................................................................................................ 78
Level 4 Updates ............................................................................................................. 78
Panel Upgrade ............................................................................................................... 78
SD Card ......................................................................................................................... 79
Chapter 10: Communications Menu .......................................................... 80
Contacts ......................................................................................................................... 80
ARC Reporting ............................................................................................................... 80
Call Mode ................................................................................................................... 80
Telecomms Priority ..................................................................................................... 80
Recipients ................................................................................................................... 81
Account Numbers ....................................................................................................... 81
Report Type ................................................................................................................ 81
Fast Fmt Channels ..................................................................................................... 81
CID/SIA Events ........................................................................................................... 83
Restorals .................................................................................................................... 86
Burg Comms Rearm ................................................................................................... 87
21CN FF Ack Time ..................................................................................................... 87
Send Tamp As Burg ................................................................................................... 87
Dynamic Test Call....................................................................................................... 87
Static Test Call ........................................................................................................... 87
Unset Comms ............................................................................................................. 88
Speech Dialler ................................................................................................................ 88
Call Mode ................................................................................................................... 89
Page vii
Messages ................................................................................................................... 89
Triggers ...................................................................................................................... 89
Destinations ................................................................................................................ 90
Call Acknowledge ....................................................................................................... 90
SMS ............................................................................................................................... 90
Outgoing ..................................................................................................................... 90
Incoming ..................................................................................................................... 91
PSTN SMS ................................................................................................................. 92
Email .............................................................................................................................. 92
Call Mode ................................................................................................................... 92
Messages ................................................................................................................... 92
Triggers ...................................................................................................................... 92
Destinations ................................................................................................................ 93
Server ......................................................................................................................... 93
Line Fail Response ......................................................................................................... 93
Line Fail Delay................................................................................................................ 94
IP Network (Own) ........................................................................................................... 94
Web Server ................................................................................................................. 94
Downloader ................................................................................................................ 94
M2M Interface ............................................................................................................. 95
Cloud Access .............................................................................................................. 95
Net Speed ................................................................................................................... 95
IP Address .................................................................................................................. 95
IP Subnet Mask .......................................................................................................... 95
Gateway IP Address ................................................................................................... 95
DNS IP Address ......................................................................................................... 95
Dynamic DNS ................................................................................................................. 95
Downloading .................................................................................................................. 96
Account ....................................................................................................................... 97
Connection Type ........................................................................................................ 97
Rings to Answer ......................................................................................................... 97
Answer On One Ring .................................................................................................. 97
Access Mode .............................................................................................................. 98
Phone Book ................................................................................................................ 98
IP Network .................................................................................................................. 98
Secure Callback ......................................................................................................... 99
Modem Baud Rate ...................................................................................................... 99
Remote Servicing ....................................................................................................... 99
Chapter 11: Social Care Menu ................................................................. 101
Start Monitoring Hour ................................................................................................... 101
End Monitoring Hour .................................................................................................... 101
Monitoring Interval ........................................................................................................ 101
Social Alarm Response ................................................................................................ 101
Medical Alarm Response ............................................................................................. 102
Chapter 12: Test Menu ............................................................................. 103
Sirens and Sounders .................................................................................................... 103
Ext. Radio Sirens ...................................................................................................... 103
Wired Sirens ............................................................................................................. 103
On-board Loudspeaker ............................................................................................. 103
On-board Sounder .................................................................................................... 103
Internal Sounders ..................................................................................................... 103
Page viii
On-board Keypad ......................................................................................................... 103
Radio Keypads ............................................................................................................. 103
Walk Test ..................................................................................................................... 104
Zone Resistances ......................................................................................................... 104
Signal Strengths ........................................................................................................... 105
Outputs ......................................................................................................................... 105
Radio/Wired Outputs ................................................................................................ 105
Remotes ....................................................................................................................... 106
Pendants ...................................................................................................................... 106
User HUAs ................................................................................................................... 106
Prox Tags ..................................................................................................................... 106
ARC Reporting ............................................................................................................. 106
Speech Dialler .............................................................................................................. 107
SMS ............................................................................................................................. 107
Email ............................................................................................................................ 107
Panel PSU .................................................................................................................... 107
Chapter 13: View Log Menu ..................................................................... 108
Mandatory and Non-Mandatory Log Events ................................................................. 108
How the Log Displays User Identities ........................................................................... 108
Downloader and the Log .............................................................................................. 109
Logging Tamper Events ............................................................................................... 109
Logging Software Updates ........................................................................................... 109
Chapter 14: About Menu .......................................................................... 110
Panel ............................................................................................................................ 110
Cloud ............................................................................................................................ 110
Comms ......................................................................................................................... 110
PSTN ........................................................................................................................ 110
Panel Ethernet .......................................................................................................... 110
GSM ......................................................................................................................... 111
Appendix A: ARC Communication Formats ........................................... 112
Fast Format .................................................................................................................. 112
Contact ID .................................................................................................................... 112
SIA 1, SIA 2, SIA 3 and Extended SIA 3 ...................................................................... 113
Extended SIA3 V2 .................................................................................................... 113
Appendix B: System Maintenance .......................................................... 114
Inspections ................................................................................................................... 114
Replacing or removing devices .................................................................................... 114
Removing a GSM plug-on module ............................................................................ 114
Removing a micro-SD card ....................................................................................... 114
Using LEDs for diagnostics .......................................................................................... 114
Appendix C: Log Messages ..................................................................... 115
Introduction .................................................................................................................. 115
Log messages .............................................................................................................. 115
Email error messages ............................................................................................... 119
TCP/IP error messages ................................................................................................ 120
Overview of the SSL-relevant messages ..................................................................... 121
Page 1
Chapter 1: Introduction
Introduction to i-on Style control units
i-on Style is a high-reliability radio alarm system intended for use in domestic and small
commercial applications. The system supports up to 40 wireless (radio) detectors and, if
required, an additional 4 detectors wired directly to the control unit.
System features
i-on Style control units provide the following main features (see also Table 1):
Support for a wide range of peripheral devices, including:
o Radio and wired detectors.
o Radio and wired output devices.
o External radio siren/strobe units.
o Internal radio sounders.
o Network cameras.
o Remote controls.
o HUA transmitters.
o One-way radio keypads.
o Social care and medical pendants.
Grade 2 compliance.
Radio range of up to 500m.
Built-in IP and PSTN communicators to send alarm information, such as to an
Alarms Receiving Centre (ARC).
Socket for an optional plug-on GSM communicator.
Built-in proximity reader.
75mm x 50mm colour TFT display.
An Ethernet port for optional use of email, network cameras, Eaton
SecureConnect, the web interface, IP alarm communication, and other features.
Built-in loudspeaker and microphone for 2-way speech communication.
Built-in internal sounder for alarm, entry, exit and other tones.
The ability to configure the system using:
o The built-in keypad.
o The control unit's built-in web interface, optionally via SecureConnect.
o A PC that has the Downloader software and is connected to the control unit
through its on-board USB, Ethernet or PSTN port.
A micro-SD card for local mass storage of images from network cameras.
Page 2
Table 1: System features and limits
EN 50131 security grade
Max on-board radio zones
Max on-board wired zones (Note 1)
Max wired and radio zones (system wide)
Max on-board radio outputs
On-board transistor outputs
On-board relay outputs
Max custom outputs
Max outputs (system wide) (Note 2)
Ethernet port
USB port
PSTN communicator
Plug-on GSM communicator
Micro SD card slot
Max 1-way radio keypads
Max external radio siren\strobe units (Note 3)
Max internal radio sounders (Note 3)
Max network cameras
Max Wireless Access Modules
Control unit case
1 or 2 (2500Ah)
Built-in sounder
Built-in loudspeaker
Power supply
Separate back/lid tamper
Part sets (in part set mode)
Max partitions (see Note 4)
Mandatory log events
Non-mandatory log events
Calendar set events
Calendar set exceptions
Max shunt groups
Multilanguage support
Social care Pendant
Social care inactivity monitoring
Social care Two way speech
Message centre Voice memos
App support
Cloud support
SecureConnect and web browser interface
Auto remote diagnostics (UK only)
Page 3
Note 1: The maximum number of on-board zones is for Fully-Supervised Loop (FSL) or
2-wire Closed Circuit (CC) wiring. If 4-wire CC wiring is used, the maximum number of
on-board zones is halved.
Note 2: The system-wide maximum number of outputs includes on-board radio outputs,
on-board relay and transistor outputs.
Note 3: The maximum number of external radio siren/strobe units is in addition to the
maximum number of internal radio sounders.
Note 4: Each partition has one part set within it.
Note: Please refer to the device installation instructions for electrical specifications.
About the built-in keypad
The keypad on the front of the control unit can be used by installers to configure the
system, and by users to set or unset the system. The keypad includes:
An illuminated four-way switch (the “navigation key”), which is used to navigate
through menus.
LEDs behind the navigation key, which show the fault status of the system.
A numeric keypad for entering access codes and keying-in text.
Dedicated Home key, which you can configure to operate an output or set the
system in a specified way (such as to full set partition 1 and part set partition 2).
Dedicated Hot key, which you can configure to generate a "Medical" alarm or
"Social Care" alert.
Keys for “yes”, “no”, set and unset functions.
Hold-Up Alarm (HUA) keys.
Automatic timeout from the user menu.
Backlit display and keys.
Alarm communications
An i-on Style control unit can use three different methods to communicate alarm
information, as described next.
PSTN communications
The control unit includes a built-in PSTN (Public Service Telephone Network)
communicator, which can be used to:
Report alarm information using standard protocols such as Fast Format, SIA and
Contact ID over a fixed telephone network to a external ARC (Alarms Receiving
Send recorded speech messages to a phone number. The recipient of a speech
message can speak with a user at the control unit or to listen for activity.
Allow engineers to perform remote maintenance over the PSTN.
Send SMS alarm messages over the PSTN.
IP communications
The control unit also includes a built-in IP communicator, which can be used to send SIP
IP alarm messages to an ARC.
Page 4
GSM communications
Optionally, a i-gsm03 GSM module can be fitted to provide speech messaging, alarm
reporting and SMS text messaging over a GSM mobile phone network.
The GSM module also allows the system to be controlled using SMS text messages (e.g.
to set or unset the system, or to switch outputs on or off).
Note: Using the GSM module for Fast Format communications is not recommended, since
the GSM network can introduce too great a variation in the delay between signal and
About Part-setting and partitioned modes
An i-on Style control unit offers part-setting and partitioned modes:
Part-setting mode
In part-setting mode, the control unit can set in one of four ways: either full set or one of
three part sets (part set B, C or D). Each zone can belong to one or more part sets (using
the Part Set attribute; see page 33). When the system is full set, the control unit sets all
zones, irrespective of the part set they belong to. When part set, the control unit sets only
those zones that belong to the part set.
Partitioned mode
In partition mode, the control unit provides the equivalent of a set of smaller, independent
alarm systems known as partitions”. You can allocate one or more zones to each
partition. Each partition can have a full-set level and one part-set level. During system
configuration, you can allocate sirens, sounders, outputs and one-way radio keypads to
any of the partitions.
The fact that each zone can belong to more than one partition may produce un-expected
results for users of the system. When designing a system, note that a zone will only be
armed when ALL of the partitions that it belongs to are set. If a user unsets any of the
partitions that a zone belongs to, the control unit will unset that zone.
Table 1 specifies the number of partitions supported.
About radio and wired outputs
Outputs allow you to program the system to control or communicate with external
equipment when, for example there is an alarm in a specified zone, mains is disconnected
or a combination of specified conditions occur.
The control unit supports radio and wired outputs, as described next.
Radio outputs
These communicate with the control unit across a radio link. Table 1 specifies the number
of radio outputs supported.
Wired outputs
Note: The control unit's power supply does not provide 12Vdc for external output devices
during a mains failure (see Power availability on page 8).
There are two types of wired output available on the control unit's PCB:
Transistor (open collector) By default, these are switched negative (from
12VDC to 0V) when active; you can program them to be switched positive (from 0V
to 12VDC).
Page 5
Relay These provide voltage-free changeover contacts. You connect one side of
the external device to the C (Common) terminal, and the other to either NO
(Normally Open) or NC (Normally Closed) side of the relay, depending on the
Control unit USB port
You can use the built-n USB port to:
Program the control unit from a PC using the Downloader software (see page 15).
Apply firmware updates to the control unit using the i-on Update Utility software. For
European versions, the utility also allows alternate language text files for the display
to be installed.
Control unit Ethernet ports
Connecting the control unit to a network through the built-in Ethernet port allows you to:
Configure the control unit and update firmware using the web interface (see page
Use Eaton SecureConnect web portal to manage, monitor and configure multiple
control units (see the SecureConnect Installer’s Guide).
Communicate alarm information to an alarms-receiving centre using SIA-IP.
Configure the control unit using the Downloader software (see page 15).
Keep the time at the control unit automatically updated using an SNTP server
located on the internet.
Store images from network cameras (on the SD card).
Send emails automatically when events occur.
Supported peripheral devices
This section provides an introduction to the peripheral devices supported by i-on Style.
Detectors (zones)
Detectors are the physical devices that detect alarm conditions. A zone is the lowest-level
item within the intrusion system that can be set or unset.
Note: Although it is possible to connect detectors in series and therefore to have more
than one detector in the same zone, it is not normal practice. Instead, there is normally
only one detector per zone and for this reason, detectors are often referred to as "zones"
within the intrusion system.
Table 1 shows the number of zones supported.
Radio detectors
Radio detectors can communicate directly to the control unit. Table 1 specifies the number
of radio zones that the control unit supports.
The following radio detectors are supported:
DET-REXT-PIR30 Perimeter detector
705REUR-00 Hand-held dual-channel transmitter
Page 6
706rEUR-00 10mW tilt switch and personal attack transmitter.
710rEUR-00 Dual-button personal attack transmitter
713rEUR-00 Pet-tolerant PIR
714rEUR-00 PIR
XCELRPT Pet-tolerant PIR
DET-RDT Combined microwave and PIR detector range
720rEUR-00 Smoke detector
DET-RSMOKE Smoke Detector
726rEUR-50 Long-range hand-held personal attack transmitter
726rEUR-60 Short-range hand-held personal attack transmitter
734rEUR-00 CC door contact - white
734rEUR-01 FSL door contact - white
734rEUR-05 CC door contact - brown
734rEUR-06 FSL door contact - brown
738rEUR-00 Spyder shock sensor white
738rEUR-04 Spyder shock sensor brown
DET-RDCS Spyder shock sensor and door contact combined
739rEUR-00 Glass-break interface
739rEUR-50 Glass-break with tamper
DET-RWATER Flood detector
DET-RARB Request-for-assistance button
703R Universal transmitter
701rEUR-50 Long-range neck pendant transmitter
701rEUR-60 Short-range pocket transmitter
702rEUR-00 Watch/Pendant transmitter
Wired detectors
Standard wired detectors can connect (using standard alarm cable) to the control unit.
Please refer to page 9 for details of the different wiring methods you can use for wired
detectors. If 4-wire CC wiring is used, this halves the available number of zones; see page
Note: Ideally, all detectors should be power-free (e.g. door contacts). Powered detectors
(e.g. PIRs) need to be powered by an alternative backed-up power source (see Power
availability on page 8).
The control unit supports external and internal sounders, as described next.
Table 1 specifies the number of sounders supported.
Page 7
External radio sirens/strobes
Radio siren/strobe units can communicate directly to the control unit using a radio link. The
SND-REXT external radio siren/strobe units is supported.
Note: It is possible to connect a wired external siren/strobe unit to one of the control unit's
outputs. However, the siren/strobe unit will need a backup power supply, since the control
unit does not provide a 12Vdc output when there is a mains failure.
Internal radio sounders
An internal radio sounder indicates alarms, entry tones, exit tones and other conditions. An
internal radio sounder is intended for use in areas that are out of audio range of the control
unit's built-in sounder, but where users need to hear system sounds.
The SND-RINT internal radio sounder is supported.
You can configure the system to store images from a network camera when an alarm
occurs. The following network cameras are supported:
CAM-INT-00 Internal box camera wired/Wi-Fi.
CAM-EXT-00 External bullet camera wired/Wi-Fi.
A micro-SD card is required to store the camera images.
Caution: To avoid damaging the card, follow the procedure given on page 114 when
removing the micro-SD.
Remote controls
A remote control allows the system to be set or unset using a keyfob (similar to a device
for locking/unlocking a vehicle).
The following devices are supported:
i-FB01 Remote control.
FOB-2W-4B 2-Way remote control.
One-way radio keypad (i-RK01)
In addition to the built-in keypad, the system can have a one-way radio keypad (i-RK01),
which can be used to set or unset the system. The keypad is battery-powered and has a
built-in proximity reader. The keypad has no display, and therefore cannot be used to
configure the system.
Other supported radio devices
The following additional radio devices are also supported
DET-RSURV01 Radio Site Survey Tool.
770REUR-00 Wireless Accessory Module (WAM).
762REUR-00 Radio receiver.
768REUR-00 Radio receiver.
Page 8
Chapter 2: Planning the Installation
Choosing the installation locations
When planning the installation, consider the following recommendations concerning the
locations of where to install the control unit and other devices.
Note: Also refer to the device installation instructions for any further guidance.
General requirements
Do not locate any device:
Near to any source of electromagnetic or radio interference.
Within 1 metre of high-voltage cables, metal pipes, computers, photocopiers, or
other electrical or electronic equipment.
In a location where maximum radio range or cable distances will be exceeded.
In a metal enclosure or close to large metal structures, if the device uses radio
Control unit
The control unit must be located:
Within the protected area.
Upright on a wall or other flat surface (to discourage tamper attempts from the rear).
Out of sight of potential intruders.
It is recommended that the control unit is located clear of coats, doors or other regularly
moving surfaces. This is to prevent unnecessary power consumption from the built-in
proximity reader during a power failure.
Carry out a radio survey using the DET-RSURV01 Survey Tool to confirm that there will be
sufficient signal strength between the planned location of the control unit and other radio
External sirens
These must be located out of reach of intruders and vandals, but must be easily visible for
maximum deterrence.
Power availability
Important note: The control unit does not provide a 12Vdc output in the event of a mains
failure. For this reason, powered detectors (such as PIRs) must be powered by an
alternative backed-up power source. If you are powering other devices (such as outputs)
from the control unit, you should consider whether alternative backed-up power sources
are also needed for these devices.
When fully charged, a single backup battery is capable of powering the system (excluding
outputs and powered detectors) in the event of a mains failure for at least 12 hours,
Planning the Installation
Page 9
including two 15-minute periods in alarm. This meets the requirements of EN50131-1 or
PD6662 Grade 2. When two batteries are used, they are capable of powering the system
for at least 24 hours.
Output devices or other equipment can be powered from the control unit (see note above),
providing you make sure that the power supply has sufficient capacity to do so. The power
supply is rated at 1.5A max, of which:
220mA (1 battery used) or 440mA (2 batteries used) is reserved for battery
320mA (max) is needed for the control unit's PCB (excluding a plug-on module).
140mA (max) is needed for a plug-on module (if fitted).
If a plug-on module is fitted, 820mA is available for external devices if one battery is used,
or 600mA if two batteries are used.
If a plug-on module is not fitted, 960mA is available for external devices if one battery is
used, or 740mA if two batteries are used.
Wired detector (zone) wiring types
Before installation, you need to choose the wiring type (method) to use for any wired
detectors: Fully-Supervised Loop (FSL), 4-wire Closed Circuit (CC), or 2-wire CC, as
described below. You must use the same method for all wired detectors.
You will need to ensure that all detectors are wired correctly and that you select the default
wiring type during the initial power-up procedure (page 12).
The wiring types are as follows.
Fully Supervised Loop (FSL)
This uses a single pair of wires for each detector, with resistors at the end of the line and
across the alarm contact (Figure 1). The resistors allow the system to monitor for short-
circuit or open-circuit conditions to guard against cable tampering.
Figure 1. FSL Connections (using 2k2 and 4k7 resistors)
The End-of-Line (EOL) and alarm contact resistors can be any of the following values
(respectively): 2k2 and 4k7, 1k and 1k, 2k2 and 2k2, or 4k7 and 4k7. The resistance bands
for FSL are as shown in Table 2.
Planning the Installation
Page 10
Table 2: FSL Resistor Bands (without Masking)
Zone State
2k2/4k7 FSL
2k2/2k2 FSL
4k7/4k7 FSL
0k0 1k759
0k0 1k759
0k0 3k759
1k76 4k08
1k76 - 3k08
3k76 - 6k58
4k081 8k28
3k081 - 5k28
6k581 - 11k28
> 8k28
If a detector is able to report masking, connect the detector as shown in Figure 2. The
detector must signal masking by closing both the Alarm and Fault contacts together. If the
detector closes the Fault contact only, the control unit reports this as a detector fault.
Figure 2. FSL Connections with Masking
4-wire CC
This uses a separate pair of wires for the alarm and tamper contacts. No end-of-line
resistors are used. Selecting 4-wire CC halves the maximum number of wired zones the
device supports.
2-wire CC
This uses a single pair of wires for each detector. No end-of-line resistors are used.
Page 11
Chapter 3: Getting Started
Once all wiring is complete, the system is ready to be programmed. This section provides
an overview of how to carry out this task. Later sections of this guide explain the
configuration options in more detail.
About the user interface
The control unit displays configuration options in menus. The top-level Installer menu
contains options such as Detectors/Devices, Outputs and Partitions. For example:
The icon near the centre of the display helps you to recognise the options.
You can select an option by pressing or at the keypad until the name of the option or
device you want is displayed. Pressing selects that option. Some options require you to
press or to change the setting.
Selecting an option may display a menu of further options. For example, selecting
Detectors/Devices displays the following:
On-board Keypad
Radio Keypads
External Sirens
Internal Sounders
You can repeat the process until you have selected the lowest-level setting you want to
Pressing at the keypad takes you back one level. For example, pressing when you are
in the Detectors/Devices Detectors menu takes you back to the Detectors/Devices
The section starting on page 17 shows a "menu map", which gives the position of all
menus and options in the Installer menu.
Entering text
You can use the numeric (1-9), * and # keys on the keypad to enter numbers and text. All
numeric keys are labelled to show the characters you can enter using that key. For
Getting Started
Page 12
example, you can use the "2" key to enter A, B, C and 2 (where applicable). Also use
(where applicable):
# to change between capital and lower-case letters.
0 to enter a space or other characters such as "&", "@" and "/".
When you first select an option to enter text, the display shows the cursor at the beginning
of the bottom line. If you press a key, the bottom line clears and the character you key-in
appears at the beginning of the line.
A cursor on the display shows the position of the next character. If you are keying in
capital letters, the cursor is a block. For lower-case letters, the cursor is an underline.
If you press when you first select an option to enter text, the existing text shifts right one
character and you can insert a new character in the empty space. To move the cursor left
or right, press or respectively. To delete a character, press .
Initial power-up procedure
WARNING: During initial power-up, sounders and sirens may give an alarm tone. If you
are working at the top of a ladder, make sure that the sudden noise does not startle you
and cause a fall.
Note: The section titled "About the user interface" (above) gives information about how to
select menu options.
To configure the system for the first time:
1. Connect the control unit's battery(ies).
2. Close the lid of the control unit if there is no need to keep it open.
3. Switch on the mains supply.
4. Follow this step if you see a language prompt (EU systems only):
English v0.09
a) Select the language you want to use. From this point on, the display operates in
the selected language. If you want to change the language later, use Installer
menu System Options Language.
b) Select the country:
5. Press 1 or 2 to select either a partitioned system or a part-setting system (page 4):
1: Partition mode
2: Part set mode
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