1. Carefully slide thecounterweight (5) onto theend
of thetonearm until it won’t go any further.
2. Turn thecounterweight anticlockwise, seen from
thefront of therecord player, until it screws onto
thethreads on thetonearm and can be adjusted
in orout.
Connection to power supply
1. Connect themains adaptor to theDC IN 12V input socket (18) on therecord player.
2. Plug themains adaptor into awall socket.
Tracking force
1. Undo thetonearm lock (7).
2. Using thefinger lift on thephono cartridge, move thetonearm sideways towards
3. Move thetonearm lever (8) forwards. Note: hold thetonearm up with one finger to
prevent thestylus from touching theturntable platter.
4. Turn thecounterweight clockwise or anticlockwise until thetonearm hangs in
alevel position (parallel to theturntable).
5. Hold therear part of thecounterweight (A)
with one hand and with your other hand turn
thescale ring (B) until the0 mark lines up
with theindex mark (C) on thetonearm.
6. Check again that thetonearm is balanced,
turn therear part (A) of thecounterweight
anticlockwise (seen from thefront) to
the2.5 mark.
Note: Thissetting is for theincluded, AUDIO-
TECHNICA AT-3600L phono cartridge, which
requires atracking force of 2.5 on theweight
scalering. Ifadifferent phono cartridge is
used, thescale ring should be adjusted to suit
thetracking force of thecartridge in question.
Anti skating
Theanti-skating function counteracts thenatural tendency of
thetonearm to move towards thecentre of therecord. Generally
speaking 1g of tracking force corresponds to 1 mark on theanti-
skateknob. Tomatch theincluded phono cartridge theanti-skate
knob should be set to 2.5.