These raw materals should not be
mxed wth general refuse and should
be gven to recyclng centers.
We suggest you contact your local
authorty for dsposal nformaton and
facltes avalable.
Ths product bears the
selectve sortng symbol
for waste electrcal and
electronc equpment
Ths means that ths product must
be handled pursuant to European
Drectve 2002/96/EC n order to be
recycled or dsmantled to mnmze
ts mpact on the envronment. For
further nformaton, please contact
your local or regonal authortes.
Electronc products not ncluded
n the selectve sortng process
are potentally dangerous for the
envronment and human health
due to the presence of hazardous
What should not be washed
n your dshwasher
Do not wash tems soled wth
cgarette ash, candle, pant wax,
dyes, chemcals etc. snce these may
damage your machne
Do not wash forks, knves and spoons
wth wooden or bone handles, tems
stuck together wth adhesves,
plastc tems not resstant to hgh
temperatures. Copper, tn tems and
alumnum ware n your dshwasher.
As wth hand washng, some “on-
glaze” decorated chna, alumnum or
slver have a tendency to dscolour or
fade. Also, certan types of glassware
and crystals may lose ther shne and
become opaque n tme.
A chemcal reacton can occur
between slver cutlery and stanless
steel cutlery. As a precauton, do not
wash together.
Iron and cast ron objects can rust and
stan other tems.
Before frst use
When decdng on where to nstall
your new dshwasher, ensure that the
poston of your dshwasher makes
t easy and quck for you to place the
dshes n the dshwasher and also to
After unpackng your dshwasher,
check the machne aganst any
possble transportaton damage.
Never nstall and use damaged
machnes. If your machne s damaged
contact your retaler. Always have
your machne nstalled by qualfed
electrcan/plumber to ensure correct
Any repars and mantenance work
on ths dshwasher should be carred
out by authorsed servce sta only.
Unauthorised repairs are not only
dangerous, but also lead to the
cancellaton of your warranty.
If your dshwasher has an Internal
Lghtng; ncase of a defect broken
lamps can be changed by an
authorzed servce techncan.
Make sure the electrcty and water
connectons of your dshwasher are
n complance wth the nstructons
for assembly as stated n the relevant
part of ths booklet.
It is recommended that the
dishwasher is operated without
dishes for very rst wash for
hygiene reasons.
Before the frst wash, add 1 lt of
water to the salt container of your
Pay specal attenton to whether
or not the tem you wash n the
dshwasher s dshwasher-proof.
If n doubt, contact the manufacturer
of the tem.
Do not overload your dshwasher or
do not load tems other than those
mentoned n ths manual.