Proxxon 28515 Micromot 50E, MICROMOT 50/E User manual

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- 3 -
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
!# ))  4.=:8:?
%=,9>7,?4:9:1?30 =4249,7
Read all safety warnings and in-
structions. Failure to follow all
safety warnings and instructions listed below
may result in electric shock, fire and/or serious
$,10?D B,=9492> .:88:9 1:=2=49/
492 >,9/492B4=0-=@>3492 ;:74>3
492 .,=A492:= ,-=,>4A0 .@??492:11
a) %34>;:B0=?::74> 49?09/0/?: 1@9.?4:9
,> , 2=49/0= >,9/0= B4=0 -=@>3 ;:7
4>30= .,=A492:=.@?:11?::7#0,/ ,77
>,10?D B,=9492> 49>?=@.?4:9> 477@>?=,
?34> ;:B0= ?::7 Failure to follow all in-
structions listed below mayresultinelectric
shock, fire and/orserious injury.
c) : 9:?@>0,..0>>:=40>B34.3 ,=0 9:?
-D?30?::78,9@1,.?@=0=Just because
the accessory canbeattached to your
power tool, it does not assure safe opera-
d) %30 =,?0/ >;00/:1?302=49/492 ,..0>
>:=40>8@>?-0,?70,>? 0<@,7 ?: ?30 8,C
48@8>;00/8,=60/:9?30;:B0= ?::7
Grinding accessories running faster than
theirrated speedcanbreak and fly apart.
e) %30:@?>4/0/4,80?0= ,9/?30?34.690>>
:1D:@= ,..0>>:=D8@>?-0B4?349?30.,
;,.4?D =,?492:1D:@= ;:B0= ?::7 Incor-
rectly sized accessoriescannotbeade-
quately controlled.
f) %30 ,=-:@= >4E0 :1 B3007> >,9/492
/=@8> := ,9D :?30= ,..0>>:=D8@>?
;=:;0=7D 14??30>;49/70 := .:770?:1?30
;:B0= ?::7 Accessories thatdonot match
the mounting hardware of the power tool
willrunoutofbalance, vibrate excessively
and may cause loss of control.
g) ,9/=07 8:@9?0/B3007> >,9/492
/=@8> .@??0=>:=:?30= ,..0>>:=40>
8@>? -0 1@77D49>0=?0/49?: ?30.:770?:=
.3@.6If the mandrel is insufficiently held
and/or the overhangofthewheelistoo
long, the mountedwheel may become
loose andbeejected at highvelocity.
h) : 9:? @>0,/,8,20/ ,..0>>:=D01:=0
0,.3@>0 49>;0.??30,..0>>:=D>@.3 ,>
,-=,>4A0 B3007> 1:= .34;> ,9/ .=,.6>
>,9/492/=@81:= .=,.6>?0,=:=0C.0>>
B4=0>1;:B0= ?::7:=,..0>>:=D 4>
/=:;;0/49>;0.?1:= /,8,20:= 49>?,77
,9 @9/,8,20/,..0>>:=D1?0=49>;0.?
;7,90:1 ?30 =:?,?492,..0>>:=D,9/ =@9
?30 ;:B0= ?::7 ,? 8,C48@8 9:7:,/
>;00/1:=:90 849@?0Damaged acces-
sorieswill normallybreak apart during this
test time.
i) (0,=;0=>:9,7;=:?0.?4A00<@4;809?0
;09/492:9,;;74.,?4:9 @>01,.0 >3407/
>,10?D2:2270>:= >,10?D27,>>0>> ,;
?0.?:=>27:A0>,9/ B:=6>3:;,;=:9 .,
;,-70 :1 >?:;;492>8,77,-=,>4A0 :=
B:=6;40.01=,2809?> The eyeprotection
must be capable of stopping flying debris
generated by various operations. The dust
mask or respirator mustbecapable of filtrat-
ing particles generatedbyyour operation.
Prolonged exposuretohigh intensity noise
may cause hearing loss.
j) 00;-D>?,9/0=>,>,10 /4>?,9.0 ,B,D
1=:8 B:=6 ,=0,9D:90 09?0=492?30
B:=6,=0,8@>?B0,=;0=>:9,7 ;=:?0.?4A0
0<@4;809?Fragments of workpiece or of
a broken accessory may fly away and
cause injury beyond immediate areaofop-
- 11 -
k) :7/ ;:B0= ?::7-D49>@7,?0/ 2=4;;492
>@=1,.0>:97DB309;0=1:=8492,9 :;0=
,?4:9B30=0?30 .@??492 ,..0>>:=D8,D
.:9?,.?34//09B4=492 := 4?> :B9 .:=/
Cutting accessorycontactinga“live” wire
may makeexposed metal parts of the
power tool “liveand could give the operator
an electric shock.
l) 7B,D> 3:7/?30?::7 14=87D49D:@=
3,9/>/@=492?30>?,=?@; The reaction
torque of the motor, as it acceleratestofull
speed,cancause the tooltotwist.
m) &>0 .7,8;> ?: >@;;:=?B:=6;40.0 B309
0A0= ;=,.?4.,7 0A0= 3:7/,>8,77B:=6
;40.0 49 :90 3,9/ ,9/?30?::749?30
:?30= 3,9/B347049@>0 Clampingasmall
workpiece allowsyoutouseyour hand(s)
to control the tool.Round materialsuchas
dowel rods, pipesortubing have a ten-
dencytorollwhile beingcut, and may
cause the bittobindor jump toward you.
n) !:>4?4:9 ?30 .:=/ .70,=:1?30>;499492
,..0>>:=D If you lose control, thecord
maybe cutorsnagged andyour handor
arm maybepulled into thespinning acces-
o) 0A0= 7,D?30;:B0= ?::7/:B9@9?47 ?30
,..0>>:=D3,> .:80 ?: , .:8;70?0 >?:;
The spinning accessory may grab thesur-
face and pull the power tool outofyour con-
p) 1?0=.3,92492 ?30 -4?> := 8,6492,9D
,/5@>?809?> 8,60>@=0?30.:770? 9@?
.3@.6:=,9D :?30= ,/5@>?809?/0A4.0>
,=0>0.@=07D ?423?090/ Loose adjustment
devices can unexpectedly shift,causing
lossofcontrol, looserotating components
willbeviolently thrown.
q) : 9:? =@9?30;:B0= ?::7B3470 .,==D492
4? ,? D:@= >4/0 Accidentalcontactwith the
spinning accessorycould snagyourcloth-
ing, pulling the accessory intoyour body.
r) #02@7,=7D .70,9?30;:B0= ?::7f> ,4=
A09?> The motor’s fanwilldrawthe dust in-
side the housing and excessive accumula-
tionofpowdered metal maycause electrical
s) : 9:?:;0=,?0 ?30 ;:B0= ?::7 90,= 17,8
8,-70 8,?0=4,7> Sparks could ignite these
t) :9:?@>0,..0>>:=40>?3,?=0<@4=074<
@4/.::7,9?>Using water or other liquid
coolants may resultinelectrocutionor
@=?30= >,10?D 49>?=@.?4:9>1:= ,77 :;
4.6-,.6 ,9/ =07,?0/ B,=9492>
Kickback is a sudden reaction to a pinched or
snagged rotating wheel,sanding band, brush
or any other accessory. Pinchingorsnagging
causesrapid stallingofthe rotating accessory
which in turn causes the uncontrolledpower
tooltobeforced in the direction oppositeofthe
accessory’s rotation.
Forexample,ifanabrasive wheelissnagged
or pinchedbythe workpiece, the edgeofthe
wheel thatisentering into the pinch point can
dig into thesurface of thematerial causing the
wheeltoclimb outorkickout.Thewheelmay
eitherjumptoward or away from the operator,
dependingondirectionofthe wheel’smove-
mentatthe pointofpinching. Abrasive wheels
may also break under theseconditions.
Kickback is theresult of power tool misuse
and/or incorrect operating procedures or con-
ditions and canbeavoidedbytakingproper
precautionsasgiven below.
a) ,49?,49,14=82=4;:9?30;:B0=?::7
,9/;:>4?4:9 D:@= -:/D ,9/ ,=8?:,77:B
D:@?: =0>4>? 64.6-,.61:=.0> The opera-
tor can control kickback forces, if proper
precautions are taken.
b) &>0>;0.4,7 .,=0B309B:=6492 .:=90=>
>3,=; 0/20> 0?. A:4/ -:@9.492 ,9/
>9,22492?30,..0>>:=DCorners, sharp
edgesorbouncing have a tendency to snag
- 12 -
the rotating accessory andcause lossof
control or kickback.
c) : 9:? ,??,.3,?::?30/ >,B -7,/0 Such
bladescreate frequentkickback and loss of
d) 7B,D>100/?30-4? 49?: ?308,?0=4,749
?30 >,80 /4=0.?4:9,>?30.@??4920/20
Feeding the toolinthe wrong direction
causes the cutting edgeofthe bittoclimb
outof thework and pull the toolinthe direc-
tionofthis feed.
e) (309 @>492=:?,=D1470>.@?:11B3007>
3423>;00/ .@??0=>:=?@92>?09 .,=-4/0
.@??0=>,7B,D>3,A0?30B:=6 >0.@=07D
.7,8;0/These wheels will grab if they be-
comeslightlycantedinthe groove, andcan
kickback. Whenacut-off wheelgrabs, the
wheel itself usually breaks. Whenarotary
file, high-speed cutter or tungsten carbide
cutter grabs, it may jump from the groove
and you could lose control of the tool.
$,10?D B,=9492> >;0.414. 1:= 2=49/492
,9/,-=,>4A0 .@??492:11 :;0=,?4:9>
a) &>0:97DB3007?D;0>?3,?,=0 =0.:8
809/0/1:= D:@= ;:B0= ?::7 ,9/:97D1:=
=0.:8809/0/ ,;;74.,?4:9>:=0C,8
;70/:9:?2=49/B4?3?30 >4/0:1 ,.@?
:11B3007 Abrasive cut-off wheelsarein-
tended for peripheral grinding, side forces
applied to these wheels maycause themto
b) :=?3=0,/0/,-=,>4A0.:90>,9/;7@2>
@>0 :97D @9/,8,20/ B3007 8,9/=07>
B4?3,9@9=0740A0/ >3:@7/0=17,920?3,?
,=0:1.:==0.? >4E0 ,9/ 7092?3 Proper
mandrels will reduce the possibilityof
c) : 9:?d5,8e,.@?:11B3007:=,;;7D 0C
.0>>4A0 ;=0>>@=0 : 9:? ,??08;??:
8,60 ,90C.0>>4A0 /0;?3:1.@?Over-
stressing thewheel increases the loading
andsusceptibility to twisting or snagging of
thewheel in the cut and the possibility of
kickback or wheel breakage.
d) : 9:?;:>4?4:9 D:@=3,9/497490B4?3
,9/-0349/?30=:?,?492B3007 When the
wheel,atthe pointofoperation,ismoving
away from your hand, the possiblekick-
back may propel thespinning wheel and the
power tool directlyatyou.
e) (309B30074>;49.30/>9,220/ :=
B309 49?0==@;?492,.@?1:=,9D=0,>:9
>B4?.3:11?30;:B0= ?::7 ,9/ 3:7/?30
;:B0= ?::78:?4:970>> @9?47 ?30 B3007
.:80> ?: , .:8;70?0 >?:; 0A0= ,?
?30 .@?B3470?30B30074>498:?4:9:?3
0=B4>064.6-,.68,D :..@=Investigate
and take corrective actiontoeliminate the
causeofwheel pinchingorsnagging.
f) : 9:? =0>?,=??30.@??492:;0=,?4:9 49
?30 B:=6;40.0 0??30B3007 =0,.31@77
>;00/,9/ .,=01@77D =009?0= ?30 .@? The
wheel may bind,walkuporkickbackifthe
power tool isrestartedinthe workpiece.
g) $@;;:=? ;,907>:=,9D:A0=>4E0/B:=6
;40.0?:849484E0 ?30 =4>6:1B3007
;49.3492,9/ 64.6-,.6 Large workpieces
tend to sag under theirown weight. Sup-
ports must be placed under the workpiece
near the lineofcutand near the edgeof
the workpiece on bothsidesofthewheel.
h) &>0 0C?=, .,@?4:9 B309 8,6492,
d;:.60? .@?e 49?:0C4>?492B,77>:=:?30=
-749/,=0,> The protrudingwheel maycut
gasorwater pipes, electrical wiringorob-
jects that cancause kickback.
$,10?D B,=9492> >;0.414. 1:= B4=0 -=@>3492
a) 0 ,B,=0?3,?B4=0 -=4>?70> ,=0?3=:B9 -D
?30 -=@>3 0A09 /@=492 :=/49,=D:;0=,
?4:9: 9:?:A0=>?=0>>?30 B4=0>-D,;
;7D4920C.0>>4A0 7:,/?: ?30 -=@>3The
wire bristlescaneasily penetrate lightcloth-
ing and/orskin.
- 13 -
b) 77:B -=@>30>?:=@9,?:;0=,?492 >;00/
1:= ,? 70,>?:90849@?0-01:=0 @>492
?308@=492?34> ?4809::904>?:>?,9/
49 1=:9? := 49 7490 B4?3?30-=@>3 Loose
bristles or wires willbedischarged during
the run-in time.
c) 4=0.??30/4>.3,=20:1?30>;499492B4=0
-=@>3 ,B,D 1=:8D:@Small particles and
tinywirefragments maybedischargedat
highvelocity during theuseofthese
brushes and may become imbeddedinyour
Never work without dust protec-
tion mask and safety glasses.
Some dusts have a hazardous effect! Materi-
als containing asbestos may not be machined!
For your safety, always wear
hearing protection while working!
Please do not dispo
off the machine!
Protective insulation safety class
system 2
1 pc. MICROMOT 50/E drill/grinder
1 pc. Power supply unit
1 pc. Storage case
1 pc. Operating instructions
1 pc. Safety guidelines
6 pcs. Collets (1.0-1.5-2.0-2.4-3.0 and 3.2
1 pc. Round grinding pin Ø 5mm
1 pc. Cylinder grinding pin Ø 6mm
1 pc. Cylinder grinding pin Ø 2.5 mm
1 pc. Cup grinding pin Ø 7mm
1 pc. Tungsten carbide micro drill Ø 0.5 mm
1 pc. Tungsten carbide micro drill Ø 1 mm
1 pc. Diamond-coated grinding pin Ø 1.8
1 pc. Finishing miller, ball shaped Ø 2.3 mm
2 pcs. Sanding disc Ø 22mm (pink colour) of
high-grade corundum, for steel, cast
iron, HSS steels
2 pcs. Sanding disc Ø 22mm (grey), of silicon
carbide, fine, even grain size with con-
sistent hardness. For engraving and
frosting of glass, ceramic and stellites,
also for grinding of metal, white cast iron
and high-alloy steels
1 pc. Polishing disc for acrylic glass and Plex-
1 pc. Brass brush for machining brass, brass
alloys, copper, precious metals, semi-
precious stones, plastic and wood. For
cleaning electronic components and
printed circuit boards.
20 pcs.Corundum cutting discs for cutting al-
loyed and non-alloyed steel, stainless
steels and non-ferrous metals. Can also
be used to cut wood and plastic.
1 pc. Clamping arbour shaft diameter Ø 3.2
1. ON - OFF switch with speed control
2. Hook
3. Power cable
5. Locking pin
6. Spigot nut with steel clamping jaw
7. 20 mm fitting for mounting in drill stand
The PROXXON drilling and milling machine MI-
CROMOT 50/E is the ideal tool for precise
drilling, milling, grinding, polishing, brushing,
rust removal, engraving, chasing and cutting.
For hobby electronics, model making, precision
mechanics, jewellery shops, opticians, arts, tool
and mould making.
For marking tools and cameras.
It can be used on steel, non-ferrous metals,
glass, wood, minerals and ceramics.
The drill spindle is supported in a precision ball
bearing which eliminates any play.
Excellent handling because of the pen-type
- 14 -
The machine is reliably driven by a high torque
motor. Type 50/E is fitted with an electronic
speed regulator.
Length: approx. 220 mm
Weight: approx. 230 g
Spindle collar: Ø 20 mm
Speed (50/E): 5000 to 20 000 rpm
Voltage: 12 to 18 V
Power consumption: approx. 40 W
Noise level: < 70 dB (A)
Vibration: ≤ 2,5 m/ s
Never press the lock button while the device
is operating.
Depending on the collet size, bits and cutters
may have a shaft diameter of max. 3.2 mm.
Insert the tools are far as possible when
clamping. Ensure that the shaft of the tool
does not stand out more than 30 mm from the
collet. Excessively protruding shafts can
bend easily and contribute to poor concen-
Do not in any case use bits and cutters with
an arbour length of more than 55 mm!
When using collets, always make sure that
the collet chuck and the utilised tool have the
same shaft diameter! The arbour of the tool
must be seated firmly and securely in the col-
Do not work with damaged, bent or worn bits
and cutters! Make sure the tools are in per-
fect condition. Damaged or worn tools can
break and cause injuries!
When storing the bits and cutters, make sure
they are reliably protected from damage!
A correct and consistent speed achieves a
high grinding performance, not excessive
contact pressure!
By tendency: Bits and cutters with smaller di-
ameters require higher speeds than those
with a larger diameter.
Attention: You absolutely must observe the
permissible maximum speed of the bits and
cutters! The tool can break when the maxi-
mum permissible speed is exceeded. Flying
parts can cause
Disconnect mains plug before changing tools.
1. Turn the spigot nut (Fig. 2) gently while
pressing the locking knob until it engages.
2. Open the clamping jaw and change the tool.
1. Push the non-reversible plug into the power
2. Switch the machine on or (Fig. 1) and set
the correct speed with the button .
Pressing hard does not achieve good results
when grinding. Use the correct speed and
maintain it.
$8,77?::7>;49> 3423>;00/
42?::7>;49> 7:B>;00/
3. Fig. 3 shows two typical methods for holding
MICROMOT 50. When working, ensure that
the tool is held firmly in order to guide the ro-
tating application tool in a controlled manner
without thereby blocking the ventillation slots.
4. If the unit overheats, switch it off and allow it
to cool for a few minutes.
The electronic speed regulation works only with
non-stabilized power units (e. g. all PROXXON
power units). If connected to a battery, the unit
will only run at max. speed.
Please do not dispose of the device in domestic
waste! The device contains valuable sub-
stances that can be recycled. If you have any
questions about this, please contact your local
waste management enterprise or other corre-
sponding municipal facilities.
- 15 -
Every device is dirtied by dust when working.
Cleaning is therefore essential. To ensure a
long service life, however, the machine should
be cleaned with a soft cloth or brush after each
Mild soap or other suitable cleaning agent may
be used in this context. Solvents or cleaning
agents containing alcohol (e.g. petrol, cleaning
alcohols, etc.) should be avoided, since these
can attack plastic casings.
The apertures required for cooling the motor
must always be kept free of dust and dirt.
For more detailed information on accessories,
please request our device catalogue from the
address specified on the last page in the war-
ranty information.
Proxxon bits and cutters have been designed
to work with our machines, which makes them
optimal for their use.
We will not assume any liability whatsoever for
the safe and proper function of our devices
when using third-party bits and cutters!
Please note: The mains power input may only
be replaced by our Proxxon Service Depart-
ment or a qualified specialist!
Name and address of the manufacturer:
6-10, Härebierg
L-6868 Wecker
Product designation:
Drilling and Milling Set with Micromot 50/E
Article No.: 28515
In sole responsibility, we declare that this
product conforms to the following directives
and normative documents:
DIN EN 55014-1 / 09.2016
DIN EN 55014-2 / 01.2016
DIN EN 61000-3-2 / 03.2015
DIN EN 61000-3-3 / 03 2014
DIN EN 60745-1 / 01.2010
DIN EN 60745-2-23/11.2013
Date: 06.03.2017
Dipl.-Ing. Jörg Wagner
Machine Safety Department
The CE document authorized agent is iden-
tical with the signatory.
- 16 -
- 86 -
%= Description
28500 - 50
Swivel nut for collet chucks (accessories)
28500 - 51
Collet chuck (accessory)
28500 - 53
Locking ring
28500 - 54
Ball bearing
28500 - 56
Shaft lock
28500 - 60
Housing screw
28500 - 61
Threaded rod
28500 - 62
28500 - 63
28510 - 64
28500 - 66 Supply cable with support sleeve and plug
28500 - 67 Device bracket
28510 - 68 Regulating knob
28510 - 71 Housing cap
28500 - 72 Left housing half
28500 - 73 Right housing half
28500 - 75 Shaft
28500 - 78 Swivel nut
28500 - 99 Operating instructions
GB Service note
All PROXXON products are thoroughly inspected after
production. Should a defect occur nevertheless, please
contact the dealer from whom you purchased the
product. Only the dealer is responsible for handling all
legal warranty claims which refer exclusively to material
and manufacturer error.
Improper use, such as capacity overload, damage due to
outside influences and normal wear are excluded from
the warranty.
You will find further notes regarding "Service and Spare
Parts Management" at