(Revised 2010-11-15)
o recv-mail (Configure incoming mail options)
leave-on-server (enable or disable to leave messages on the server)
mailbox-name (set the mailbox‟s name)
mailbox-password (set the mailbox‟s password)
server-name (set the server‟s name)
server-port (set the server‟s port number)
o send-mail (Configure outgoing mail options)
smtp-server-name (set the smtp server name)
smtp-server-port (set the smtp server port number)
host-name (set the host name)
from-address (set the mail ID for the from address, ex. info@n-tron.com)
from-address-identity (string associated with the mail ID, ex. N-Tron)
to-address (set the to mail address field)
cc-address (set the cc mail address field)
reply-to-address (set the mail ID reply to address)
subject (set the subject field of the message)
o serial (Configure the serial settings for the serial port s0)
auto-dialin (enable or disable auto-dialin)
escape-monitor (enable or disable escape monitor)
escape-string (set the escape string, default „+++inet‟)
s0 (configuration options for serial port s0)
auto-dialin (configure auto dialin settings)
o enable/disable (enable or disable auto-dialin)
o message (enable or disable auto-dialin message)
o trig-mode (char, dtr, dtr-char, or none trig mode options)
auto-dialin-ipaddress (set an IP address for the auto-dialin feature)
auto-dialin-port (set the port number for the auto-dialin feature)
auto-dialin-protocol (telnet)
auto-dialout (enable or disable auto dialout)
auto-dialout-port (set the port number for the auto-dialout feature)
auto-dialout-protocol (telnet)
baud-rate (Possible baud-rate value(s) are 300 600 1200 1800 2400 4800 9600 19200 38400 57600
115200 230400)
buffer-datasize (Buffer data-size range: [1-1500] bytes)
buffer-time (set a buffer time in seconds, 0 for no buffer)
chat-script (Chat-script is used to establish physical link from the dialing to answering end in case of
modem connect, when modem dialing-method is set to chat-script.)
connect-state (answering or dialing state)
connect-type (direct or modem connect type)
data-bits (set the number of data-bits over the serial line, default is 8 bits)
dialout-monitor (set the dialout monitor to dtr or none)
echo-command (enable or disable the echo command)
flow-control (rts-cts or none)
host-interaction-mode (enable or disable host interaction mode)
login-string (string up to 8 characters)
modem (modem configuration)
o connect-string (set the connect string for a modem)
o dial-number (set the number to dial)
o dial-prefix (any prefix dialing needed can be set here)
o dial-suffix (any suffix dialing needed can be set here)
o dialing-method (use configuration of chat-script)
o hangup-string (set string used to hang up the line)
o init-string (set init number [1-5])
o ok-string (set an ok string)
o ring-string (set a ring string)
parity (none, odd, or even parity)
raw-dialin (enable or disable raw-dialin)
raw-dialout (enable or disable raw-dialout)
stop-bits (set the number of stop bits [1, 1.5, or 2])
o time (Set system time HH:MM:SS)
o watchdog (Enable or disable watchdog)