Game Play: After both teams have taken their first throw, the game continues – the team whose bocce ball lands
closes to the Pallino always takes the next throw. If one team has thrown all of their bocce balls, the other team
throws all of theirs until all bocce balls have been thrown. Once all bocce balls have been thrown the round can be
The team whose bocce ball has landed closest to the Pallino will score points. The score is determined by the number
of balls that are closer to the Pallino than the other team’s closest ball. EXAMPLE: If the green side has landed the
first, second and third closest balls to the Pallino and the red side has landed the fourth closest ball, the green side
has earned 3 points for that round. A team can score no more than 4 points in one round.
What if the Pallino gets moved? During a round, if a team throws a ball and knocks the Pallino out of its position,
then the round is over and be re-started from the other side of the court. If this occurs, no points are scored unless
only one team has any balls remaining in the court and that team has not yet thrown all of its balls. The number of
points earned by the team with balls on the court is equal to the number of balls that have not been thrown yet. If
neither team has scored and points, then the team that threw the Pallino throws it again to start the next round.
Starting the next round: After the score for the round has been determined, all of the bocce balls are removed from
the court and the next round can be started. The next round is played on the opposite end of the bocce court from
the one on which the previous round was played. The team that scored points in the previous round throws the
Pallino to start the new round.
How does your team win? The game is considered “over” when one team’s score has reached the total agreed upon
at the start of the game.
Some helpful hints:
- Bocce balls are traditionally thrown with the hand facing backwards.
- The dimensions of the court provided in figure 1 are not set in stone – you can lay the court out in whatever
size suits the preferences of your players.
- Bocce balls are heavy and can be dangerous – never intentionally throw them at another person.
- It is okay to throw the bocce balls in such a way that will intentionally disturb the other team’s balls, knock
them away from the Pallino or knock them out of the court.
- Bocce balls must be thrown underhanded or rolled – throwing overhanded will disqualify the throw.
- Instead of 2 teams, try playing bocce with 4 individual players. If you try this, each player receives 2 bocce
balls instead of each team receiving 4 bocce balls.
Enjoy the game!!