
SSaammssuunngg DDiiggiittaall AApppplliiaanncceess PPrroommoottiioonn
PPrroommoottiioonn PPeerriioodd:: 44 MMAAYY 22002222 -- 1188 AAUUGGUUSSTT 22002222
RReeddeemmppttiioonn PPeerriioodd:: 11 JJUUNNEE 22002222 -- 3300 NNOOVVEEMMBBEERR 22002222 PPrroommoottiioonn CCooddee:: DDAA00008899
Thank you for purchasing Samsung products.
Follow the Online Gift Redemption instructions in accordance with the Terms and Conditions below to redeem your free gift(s).
BESPOKE Collectors Collection artwork decal (worth $340)* and Peak Ice Box
or $100 UNIQGIFT Voucher and Peak Ice Box
BESPOKE Collectors Collection artwork decal (worth $340)* or $100 UNIQGIFT Voucher
BESPOKE Collectors Collection artwork decal (worth $500)* or $200 UNIQGIFT Voucher
LLaauunnddrryy aanndd FFaabbrriicc CCaarree
Free $200 UNIQGIFT Voucher
1-year^ supply of Persil Anti-Bacterial Liquid Detergent
1-year^ supply of Persil Anti-Bacterial Liquid Detergent
1-year^ supply of Persil Anti-Bacterial Liquid Detergent
1-year^ supply of Persil Anti-Bacterial Liquid Detergent
1-year^ supply of Persil Anti-Bacterial Liquid Detergent
1-year^ supply of Persil Anti-Bacterial Liquid Detergent
1-year^ supply of Persil Anti-Bacterial Liquid Detergent
1-year^ supply of Persil Anti-Bacterial Liquid Detergent
1-year^ supply of Persil Anti-Bacterial Liquid Detergent
1-year^ supply of Persil Anti-Bacterial Liquid Detergent
Luminarc 8-pc Opal Dinner Set worth $79 + $30 UNIQGIFT Voucher
HAPPYCALL Forest Wood 5-pc Cooking Tool Set worth $59
HAPPYCALL Forest Wood 5-pc Cooking Tool Set worth $59
HAPPYCALL Forest Wood 5-pc Cooking Tool Set worth $59
VR30T85513W/SP (Jet Bot+)
Jet Bot Brush Set (VCA-RAK80) worth $50 + 5-pc Dustbag (VCA-RDB95) worth $30
Jet Bot Brush Set (VCA-RAK80) worth $50
VS20A95843W/SP (Misty White)
5-pc Dustbag (VCA-ADB952) worth $30 + Spray Spinning Sweeper (VCA-WBA95/GL) worth $199
VS20A95943N/SP (Woody Green)
5-pc Dustbag (VCA-ADB952) worth $30 + Spray Spinning Sweeper (VCA-WBA95/GL) worth $199
Jet 70 multi Battery (VCA-SBT90E) worth $159
Jet 75 premium Battery (VCA-SBT90) worth $199
Jet 90 premium Battery (VCA-SBT90) worth $199
^Refers to 5 bottles of Persil Anti-Bacterial Liquid Detergent (2.7 litres). Quantity is recommended by the supplier, based on an average annual
consumption for a family of 2.
HHoommee HHyyggiieennee BBoooosstteerr PPaacckkaaggee
EEsssseennttiiaall HHyyggiieennee PPaacckkaaggee
With purchase of at least 11 iitteemm from HHyyggiieennee CCaatteeggoorryy~~ and above nett spending (final invoice
price) of $$22,,220000 on Home Appliances^
CCoommpplleettee HHyyggiieennee PPaacckkaaggee
With purchase of at least 22 iitteemmss from HHyyggiieennee CCaatteeggoorryy~~ and above nett spending (final invoice
price) of $$33,,220000 on Home Appliances^
UUllttiimmaattee HHyyggiieennee PPaacckkaaggee
With purchase of at least 33 iitteemmss from HHyyggiieennee CCaatteeggoorryy~~ and above nett spending (final invoice
price) of $$44,,000000 on Home Appliances^
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