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Rediscover your long-lost 35mm slides and film negatives
with FILM 2 SD PRO. This high-quality scanner transfers
your images directly onto an SD card so you can enjoy
your old pictures with the latest technology. Thanks to
FILM 2 SD PRO’s large, full-color LCD screen, you don’t
even need a computer to make it work! This ultra-high
resolution scanner creates up to 9 megapixel scans for
stunning realism.
You can view your images on your digital picture frame,
your SD card slot equipped television, your micro SD slot
equipped mobile phone, computer, and other portable
devices. Imagine having all of your memories with you at
home or anywhere you go.
FILM 2 SD PRO is fast and easy to use. Just one button
starts the scan, which takes an average of two seconds
or less! Convenient auto focus, auto exposure, and auto-
color balance mean you don’t have to be a photo whiz
to make great digital images. FILM 2 SD PRO does all the
hard work for you.
FILM 2 SD PRO has a built-in SD card slot, so you can
scan directly to most SD, SDHC, and micro SD cards
without needing a computer. FILM 2 SD PRO comes
with an SD card to get you started, and additional cards
are available from virtually any electronics retailer. If you
have a computer, you can also connect FILM 2 SD using
the included USB cable. When connected to your Mac
or PC, FILM 2 SD PRO becomes a handy SD card reader,
so you can drag and drop your pictures from the card
onto your hard drive.
FILM 2 SD PRO makes high-resolution, scans of all of
your color and black & white slides and film negatives.
FILM 2 SD PRO is portable, lightweight, and has an ultra-
small footprint so you can take it with you and scan your
friends’ and family’s pictures too. Start rediscovering
your old pictures today with FILM 2 SD PRO.
Transfer 35mm negatives and slides to an SD •
Ultra-high resolution 9 megapixel film scanner •
for up to 2,400 DPI images
Preview your image on the large 2.4” TFT LCD •
No computer required for operation; works with •
Mac and PC for optional transfer to computer
Easy, fast, one-touch scanning takes one to two •
Easy adjustments for color, brightness, rotate, •
mirror, and flip; auto exposure and color balance
Automatic slide show with on-screen editing•
Works with virtually all SD, SDHC cards. •
Includes SD card
Runs on wall power or USB power from •
Connects to your TV for sharing your pictures•
Enjoy ultra-high resolution scans of
your favorite pictures at home or on the go.