1 Introduction to the CANopen protocol
Object type Description
Service Data Object
The SDOs are the objects responsible for the direct access to the
object dictionary of a device. Through the messages that use
the SDOs, you can indicate explicitly (through the object index),
which data is being processed. There are two types of SDOs: SDO
Client responsible for read/write request from a network device,
and the SDO Server responsible for servicing this request.
As the SDOs are used in general for a network node configuration,
they have less priority than the other message types. Only one
SDO of server type is available for the PLC2.
Process Data Object
The PDOs are used for accessing the equipment data without indi-
cating explicitly which dictionary object is being accessed. Thus
previous configuration is required for indicating which data the
PDO is transmitting (data mapping). There are also two types of
PDOs: receive PDO and transmit PDO.
As the PDOs are used in general for data transmission and data
reception during the device operation, they have more priority
than Service Data Objects (SDO).
Emergency Object
This object is responsible for the message sending to indicate the
error occurrence on the device. When an error is detected on some
device (EMCY Producer), it can send a message to the network.
If some network device is monitoring this message (EMCY Con-
sumer), you can program it for enabling an action (enable the
other network devices, error reset, etc.).
The PLC2 board has the EMCY producer function.
Synchronisation Object
You can program a device (SYNC Producer) on the CANopen
network for sending periodically a synchronization message to all
network messages. So these devices (SYNC Consumer) can send,
for example, determined data which must be available from time
to time.
The PLC2 board has the SYNC consumer function.
Network Management
Every CANop en network requires a master for controlling the
other network devices (slaves). This master will be responsi-
ble for controlling the slave communication and its status on the
CANopen network. The slaves receive the commands sent by the
master and execute the requested actions.
The PLC2 operates as slave on the CANopen Network and pro-
vides two services that can be used by the master: device control-
ling services, where the master controls the status of each slave on
the network, and the error controlling services (node guarding),
where both the master and the slave exchange telegrams periodi-
cally for checking if there are no communication errors.
Table 2: Communication objects - COBs
The board communication to the network is realized through these objects and the ac-
cessible data are those existing in the device object dictionary. For more details about the
operation of each COB, refer to section 5. The PLC2 operation model, using these communi-
cation objects, is described by the following figure: