4-1. Maintenance and care
Cleaning and protecting the
vehicle exterior .......................... 734
Cleaning and protecting the
vehicle interior............................ 737
4-2. Maintenance
requirements............................... 740
General maintenance................ 743
Emission inspection and
maintenance (I/M)
programs ...................................... 746
4-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance
Do-it-yourself service
precautions.................................. 747
Hood.................................................. 750
Engine compartment................... 751
Tires ................................................... 766
Tire inflation pressure................. 775
Wheels.............................................. 779
Air conditioning filter................... 781
Electronic key battery................ 784
Checking and
replacing fuses ........................... 786
Light bulbs...................................... 803
5-1. Essential information
Emergency flashers...................... 816
If your vehicle needs to be
towed............................................... 817
If you think something is
wrong............................................. 824
Fuel pump shut off system ....... 825
5-2. Steps to take in an emergency
If a warning light turns on or a
warning buzzer sounds... ...... 826
If a warning message is
displayed....................................... 837
If you have a flat tire.................... 854
If the engine will not start ......... 868
If the shift lever cannot be
shifted from “P” ......................... 870
If you lose your keys..................... 871
If the electronic key does not
operate properly ....................... 872
If the battery is discharged....... 875
If your vehicle overheats .......... 878
If the vehicle becomes
stuck................................................. 881
If your vehicle has to
be stopped in an
emergency.................................. 883
Maintenance and care
When trouble arises