Wall mount
Specifications Product highlights
• Product dimensions (WxDxH): 121x49x141
• Titl angle: 10°
• Box dimensions (W x H x D):
x 58 x 125 mm
• VESA dimensions: 75x75, 100x100
• Product weight: 0,9 kg
• Weight incl. Packaging: 1,1 kg
Issue date 2008-12-02
Version: 1.3.4
12 NC: 8670 000 50217
EAN: 87 12581 46775 3
© 2008 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
All Rights reserved.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips
Electronics N.V. or their respective owners.
5-Year warranty
You will have 5 years warranty on this wallmount.
Philips Hotel TV adjustable
This wallmount can be used for a broad range of Philips
hotel TV's.
Modern design of the room
By hanging the TV to the wall, the hotel room will have a
more modern look and will look more spacious.
No special furniture needed
With this wallmount you will not only save space in your
room, you won't also need special furniture to put your
TV on.
One-stop shopping
Not only your TV, but also all the related accessories can
be sourced via supplier.
Optimal viewing experience
With the tilt function, the viewing angle of the TV will
increase and you can offer your guest the optimal viewing
Tilt function
To optimalize the guest comfort, this wallmount has a Tilt
function which increases the viewing angle of the TV.