TC_301_EN_052014 © AAF International B.V.
6. Installation
Before installing the AstroCel I HTP into your dry heat sterilization equipment make sure that the sealing flanges are
clean, scratch free and have not suffered from any significant heat deformation. Also check that the clamping
mechanism allows for a correct clamping according to your equipment manufacturer’s specifications.
The AstroCel I HTP comes in two executions; a horizontal mount version and a vertical mount version. Please make sure
that you have the right version for your dry heat sterilization equipment and that the product specifications match your
equipment specifications before continuing with the installation and burn-in procedure.
Always install the vertical mount execution with its separators in vertical direction.
Always install the horizontal mount execution with its separators parallel to your process direction for optimal air flow
Always install the AstroCel I HTP following the direction of air flow as indicated on the filter. Do not install the filter in
reverse as this may damage the filter and potentially your dry heat sterilization equipment or sterilized products.
In case a gasket is used to create the seal between your equipment and the filter tighten the gasket uniformly when
installing the AstroCel I HTP into the mounting frame of your dry heat sterilization equipment.
Record the initial pressure drop at normal air flow for your equipment after the filter installation and check if this in line
with the equipment’s specifications.
Execute any relevant validation procedures prescribed by your equipment manufacturer or Quality Department.
7. Burn-in procedure
AAF’s instructions for burning-in an AAF AstroCel I HTP high temperature HEPA filter are general recommendations these
are superseded by the installation and burn-in instructions of your equipment manufacturer.
Before putting the AstroCel I HTP filter in to operation the filter must be initially burned-in to remove any potential
process distorting components, such as the binder present in the filter media, from the filter.
The maximum continuous operating temperature for the AstroCel I HTP is 350°C.
The maximum peak temperature resistance of the AstroCel I HTP is 400°C for 1h.
Do not exceed the peak temperature limit.
Increase or reduce the temperature during your process with a maximum speed of 5°C/min, or 300°C/h to allow for a
gradual heating and cooling of the filter.
The burn-in process needs to take place at the temperature settings recommended by the manufacturer of your heat
sterilization equipment. The recommended time period for the AstroCel I HTP filter is about 1 hour or until all white
smoke, generated by carbonizing of the binder which is in the filter media, has disappeared.
Note that inhalation of the white smoke generated must be avoided.
Burning-in is embrittling and weakening the stability of the filter media.
Handle a burned-in filter with utmost care. Avoid rough handling and shocks.
Rough handling and shocks will result in damaged filter media and a potentially leaking filter.
Once the filter is clamped in its operating position do not peel off the gasket until filter exchange. Repeated clamping is
weakening the gasket and facilitating leakage. In addition, be careful when removing the filter as the gasket and
carbonized tape for temporal tacking might easily detach.