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Machine parameters P620(5) and P620(6) are used together with P602(6) and P602(5) which indicate the multiplying factor of the
feedback pulses for the X and Z axes respectively.
They indicate whether x1 factor is applied to the feedback pulses (=1) or not (=0).
P620(5)=0 and P620(6)=0 the x1 factor is NOT applied
P620(5)=1 and P620(6)=1 the x1 factor is applied
Example: We would like to obtain a 0.01 mm resolution with a square signal encoder mounted on the X axis having a leadscrew pitch
of 5mm/turn.
Number of Encoder pulses = leadscrew pitch / (multiplying factor x Resolution)
Con P602(6)=0 and P620(5)=0 x4 multiplying factor Number of pulses = 125
Con P602(6)=1 and P620(5)=0 x2 multiplying factor Number of pulses = 250
Con P602(6)=0 and P620(5)=1 x2 multiplying factor Number of pulses = 250
Con P602(6)=1 and P620(5)=1 x1 multiplying factor Number of pulses = 500
Version 6.10 (March 2002)
The resolution of the axis is determined by the leadscrew pitch and the number of pulses of the encoder mounted on the motor.
Sometimes, the resolution resulting from the available leadscrew / encoder combination does not match any of the resolution values
allowed for the machine parameters (1, 2, 5, 10 microns or ten-thousandths of an inch).
Example: With a 6 mm/turn leadscrew pitch and a 2500 line encoder, the resulting resolution values are:
Resolution = Leadscrew pitch / ( Nr of encoder pulses x multiplying factor).
With x1 multiplying factor 2.4 micron resolution
With x2 multiplying factor 1.2 micron resolution
With a x4 multiplying factor 0.6 micron resolution
A new axis machine parameter is now available to solve these cases and it is referred to as Feedback Factor in order to adapt the resulting
resolution to the existing setup.
P819 Feedback factor for the X axis P820 Feedback factor for the Y axis P821 Feedback factor for the Z axis
Values between 0 and 65534, a "0" value means that this feature is not being used.
Use the following formula to calculate the "Feedback factor":
Feedback Factor = (Gear ratio x Leadscrew Pitch / Encoder pulses) x 8.192
Examples: Gear ratio 1 1 2 1
Leadscrew Pitch 4000 6000 6000 8000 (microns)
Encoder 2500 2500 2500 2500 (pulses/turn)
Feedback factor 13,107.2 19,660.8 39,321.6 26,214.4
The machine parameters only admit integers, but the Feedback Factor sometimes may have decimals. In those cases, set the machine
parameter to the integer part of that value and use the leadscrew error compensation table to make up for the decimal part.
The values for this table are calculated using the following formula:
Leadscrew position = Leadscrew error (microns) x Integer portion of feedback factor /Decimal portion of feedback factor
In this case: Gear ratio = 1 Pitch = 6000 Encoder = 2500
Feedback factor = 19,660.8 Machine parameter = 19660
For leadscrew error of 20 microns Leadscrew position = 20 x 19,660 / 0.8 = 491,520
The following table is obtained by using this calculation.
Leadscrew position Amount of error at that position
P0 = -1966,000 P1 = -0.080
P2 = -1474,500 P3 = -0.060
P4 = -983,000 P5 = -0.040
P6 = -491,500 P7 = -0.020
P8 = 0 P9 = 0
P10 = 491,500 P11 = 0.020
P12 = 983,000 P13 = 0.040
P14 = 1472,500 P15 = 0.060
P16 = 1966,000 P17 = 0.080