Meter Installation Checklist
Use the Enphase Installer Toolkit™ and this checklist to verify that the Enphase IQ Envoy™, Enphase IQ+
Combiner™, Enphase IQ Combiner™, Enphase Envoy-S Metered™, or the Enphase AC Combiner™ is
wired and configured correctly. This checklist applies to Enphase PV systems with or without an Enphase
Storage System and guides you in configuring production CT metering and optional consumption CT
metering. This procedure requires Envoy Software 4.5 or later. Update Envoy software using the Installer
Toolkit if necessary. The update may take up to 20 minutes. Refer to
us/support/getting-started-guide-envoy-software-update for information on updating software.
Before You Begin
• Make sure that any Enphase AC Battery circuits, if installed, are switched OFF.
• Make sure the PV circuit is switched ON.
• Wait five minutes for the PV system to start up and make sure it is producing some power.
• Connect to the Envoy with Installer Toolkit.
If any of the following cannot be verified, check the Envoy and CT wiring and return to this checklist.
1. Navigate to the Production Meter screen.
Power Readings on all production lines are positive.
2. Turn OFF all PV breaker(s) and wait one minute.
Power Readings on all production lines are close to zero (you may see +/- 1W).
3. Tap Enable Production Meter and confirm.
Tap Meters in bottom navigation. Green checkmark appears next to Production Meter on Meters
Continue to the next step if you installed
consumption CTs.
4. On the Meters screen, tap
Consumption Meter.
5. Select Load with solar production (if
PV circuits are installed on load side of
consumption CTs) OR Load only (if PV
circuits are installed on utility side or line
side of consumption CTs).
NOTE: Regardless of whether you
select Load only or Load with solar
production, the following steps guide
you to the correct configuration.