Haier CPN14XH9, CPN14XC9 Owner's manual

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Before o_ra_ing this air conditioner, pJ_se read fn_e instructions _mp_eJy_
Thank you for buying a dependable° _e, rgy _ving and oasy_t_peraJe Commercial Cod air
@ndition÷r. This manuaJ_n_ins us@! in@rmation for you _ ma nfain, op÷.r_o, insbll and
safely u_ _ur air conditioner. Yourair' _ndiHonor do@ms,cooB and dehumidi_ the air in
your r_m to provide you wi@ @edtimate bveJ of comfort.
Please road instrudions carofu!k before usng the prodgct_ABe, do not forgot to.fiji out and
md t_e _u¢t R_i_,J_Bn Ca_°
@ @
_c_ Y_r _e! _nd SerlaJ Nut.re
A_ch _e sd_ r_eipt to this guide end keep for @turerefe_nce_ M_d and serial number
_n _ obtained from _e soda! label,@ich iso_your air conditioner_ For d! your service cdJs
during the.w'a_e@t perid the BJJowing inBrmaticn wiJJ_ needed::
WARNING: FoHowiing_he_ basic precautions wiJJr_uce the risk.of Fire,dectricaJ
sh_k:, injury or death when using your air condition÷r,
Air conditioner must be connec_ to proper eJedricd outiet with the _rrect ebdricaJ
supply, {see table previous pagel
Proper grounding mustbe ensured to r_uce the risk.of sh_,k and fire_ _ NOT CUT OR
REMOVETHEGROUNDNG PRONG. Jf_u do ne_have _ @_rong ÷l_trlc r_4p_cle
outlet in the wdJ, have a certi:fied dedTician ins._Jlthe prop_ receptacle. Yhe wall _ceptacJe
MUST'be prop_ly grounded,
Do not o_ra_e air conditioner i:fpower cord is fraud or otherwi_ damaged_ Avoid using
it if:there a_ cm_;ksor abrasion damage dang the length, p!ug co_nec_r or if _e unit
md@n@iensor is damag_ in any manner. Con_ct an au@orrized _rvice technician br
examina_on, repairs or adjustment.
Do not block ai_ow around the air condiiionen The e_haust hose @ould _ fr_ of any
Always unplug the air @ndiJioner before _rvi@_g i_or moving i_t_
7j Do not install or use_e air conditioner in any area _ere the ate@here contains
combust'i_le gases or where the a_osphere is oily or suJphurous.Avoid any chemicals _ming
i_ co_tac_wiB yo_r air co_d _ia_er.
8j Do not place a_y obi_ on the top d _he_nit_
9} N_r opera_ the air condiNon_ wiAeu_ the B/_s in pl_e.
] Oj Do not use_heair conditioner nea_a bath_b, r or wash b_si_.
Pleasekeepthis manual in a sa_ place_.
Da not u_ _iquidor a spray to d_ thispr_uet_ Use a damp cloth.
_ not place the product on an unstabJesurface or eJeva_d pJace as it may fdJ and cause
damage or injury_
o Never spiJJliquid on the canard pand; it may cause dectricd whackto the el_nic parts in_bid÷
and disabie them or cause _em to @ndiar_ impreperJy.
Never t@" J'a disman_e the prodLld by yourseJf. Unsupervised dismantling and incorrect reas_mbJy
d the inside of the back cover may damage the dectricd circuit and a_ect its _rGrmance. When
maintenance ksrequired, p_ conrad the focaJservice een_r or Iocd dist_ibutar_
Thank you for purchasing our Commercial C®J
pr_uct, PJease read this manuaJ carefuJJy he're
o_rating _nd s_re for @ure reference.
Staple yaur receipt _ your manual. Yau will need
it to obtain warran_ se_ice.
Modal humor
Serial number
_ aFp,urchase
1_ThLsmodel i:seasy- to eper:a_. The ÷_nic central pa_l has a tim÷r, fh÷rmostat, thr:÷÷
s_ed cedisg sp_eds_three far speeds end one spe_ dehumidifics'_:ionfsnctios_
2oThis po_ab_esir cond#ioner does na_reqsire wa'_er_0rbe rerso_d_
3oThe ss_thas a snique design which e_vaporo_esthe waten_Therek_rethere is no conden_tias
_a_kend _o se_ to emS_ tssk ovemight_
4. _ ÷asy_a4nstdJwindow' kit is.incJ_dd which consistsof the exhaust hose,.2 ho_ nozzJes,
the win@w paneJ kit, _haust hose con_tor _nd cove__Forthe exhaust hose connotes
5, Full dir_io_aJ c_st÷rsare induded to help move the unit as ne_,
6, The _i_r screenis d÷stgn_ _r _siJy accessibtli? of the _Jter,
7_ Port_bJeair conditioners are easy to,.starswhen not in use.
1_Plasticpand _From 20°_up to 46 __ 3 Pieces
2, Window Pand Ad_pter .................. 2 pi_
3_ Screws................................................ 8 pi_$
4o Exhaustho_ conn_tor. .....................4 pi_
5. Eb_eustho_ ................................ 2:pi_
6. Cover_........................................... 2 p_
1,._just the piesti¢ pane! 1o the wid_ or height d your "window and
tighten, _e 2 _rews tha_ ere attach_ _ t_ _snd,
2,. Push _e round window pa_! adap_r _rough @e rear of @e plastic
penal Line up the hobs and tighten Be adapter with 4 _r_s _ha_tare
inclu@d in @e kit. (_ghten screws from @e front.J
g.. Jns_Jl the window plas;tic panel into the window, if _cessary use duct
tape to be_r s_ure Be _nel,.
4. Conned e×haust here te the unit by inserting the hose cannier _at is
a_ched _ the hose into the e;,,hau4_
5:.Move the uni_tothewindow, extend the h,o_ and affach the other end
of Be hose t0 the wind_ Align the tabs on Be hose and window
_nel adapt÷rs and @sten_em together.
6. Pug into wail ou_et to get ready for operation,
,_. H_e Cannier _haust H_,se ,t@Hose Cenne_or
!_ Air outer
2_Control pand
3_ HandJe hob
4, Remote contrd st_srage@ciJi?
5. Air inJe_
6. Air ou_ ho_
7. Casfers
8. Air [il_r
9, Buibin cane storage
10, Wat÷r outlet drain
11, Power supdy cord
..... 6
N_E:: Wait fc_r24 hours to turn on air conditioner if _e unit has _en _il_ for any reason_This is
br _e aiJsand _e codants to seH/eand bvd off.
!. _r a no_md shu_down, wait for 3 minutes before restarting the unit sa as to campier@the
compres_r ¢_b_.
2 Use an 115vll 5amp eutJetbr the air conditioner. _ net use any oMer eb_ric_[ appJiances on
_his[in@or you may trip Me fuse. Use a dedica_ in@far this ar conditioner_
3. Do not piece Me air @nditioner in direct sunJightor dose _oany hea_ingappJiances tie..base@oral
heaters, stoves, e_.}
4. Operate on a Hatsurface o,n@,
5. Keep _e uni_ _ of any obs_ucfions such as drapes, curtains, Minds, etc,
6. Keep unff at J_st _ foot aw_y f_m the wall
7. Check:and clean @e_l_r once even/week _r highest e_iciency.
NOTE: Do not useunit wiMeut fijian
8. If the unit is net _ing us_ br a tong perid d time, remove lhe plug from lhe waif drain pipe
and drain out any @andens_ water.
When turning on the unit for _hefirst' time after p]_ging it into an de.d_icaJautbt, J.iheunit wilt start in
a bw fan cod mode_The temperat_r_ r_in_ oui on i_e LCDwit[ be Me eurent r_m _÷m_re_
When turning on the unit during regdar usage, i_wiJJ_ember the Je4 seffing u_d. [f you want
e_ra_ the air condifioner as a dehumidifier, Men adjust to @humidi@ mde_.
JqO_: The iem_raiure _n be sef be+ween61 °Fto+89+K
_D _+pJay
_,en STOP +ndi+br Jight turns on, +he+n+nd was +_nkhas fiJbd wi+s @ndens_ _br
and the air condi+on+rw+Hturf+off automa_caJ@:S+ +PonabJeAir Conditioner Car+ +for
directions @ndraining the ai_ condiJioner.
¢_: _ sign appears in LCD display when in _ding
DehumidI_caflon: _ sign ap_ars in LCD display when in dehumidification mode.
Fon_ _ sign appears LCDdispJo_ when in fan mode_
H_ _ sign appears in LCD display s@_enin heat mode_(CPN14XH90n[_
r_n $$_ There are 3 adiustabb s_eds in the cool and fan roche:
Law, tedium and High. in dehumidification mode, and room t_m_rature is greater
than 77% fan sp_ ca_ be adjusted; o_erw se fan speed _s_×ed to "bw°"
To _ Tier _r a J b _hour _iay unfiJ th÷ ai_ c@n@:_r tu_ _:
1. When you use the timer se_ing button whiJ@the unit is operating, _u can preseta time,for
the unit_ turn o_.
2. When you usefhe timer setting butbn while Jheunit is on standby, _ _n pre_enta time
for Be unit to ium or_
3_if you press _e °ON/OFF" button, the preset timer @_etionwiJ[be canceJbd.
4_ Time_se_i_g range i_ t_24 hours.
_OT_: Air conditioner can be eiB÷r on or off.
1, PressBe _mer bu_to_.
2_ Pressa_d hdd minus b_on _ntiJ B_etimer display has d÷ared_
1. P_ss _e Timer b_ton.
2_ P_ss _e ptus or minus bu'tbn to change _he delay time
from ! to 124_o_rs.
3 _e new dd_y time wili disp[ay_
To _@t'the temperature,, press _; @r_ to
raise or bwer _hetemperature. The
or dehumidificatio_ mode.
NOT_ _e tempera_r÷ can _ se_betw÷e_
6,1'F to 89°E
@ @
CPN ] 4xcg/cPN i4XH9
VoJtQgeand Fr_er_ i i5Vi60Hz
J250W H÷afingic_N 4_u_odxi
1 l_BTd Heating[c_4x_,,igorN
Coding Capacib o
Mo]#we Rem,a_U (pin'_s/dayI
24 Hau_
Opera'_i_ Temperam'reRange 6 !"Fq O0°F
Unii Dimensic_ (W_DxHI 20_'x16-5/8'_x33-9/16"
_ Weight approx]mo_ 83 Ubs_,__4_c_i
84.5 Jbs_o_@ul4;_He_
P_er Cord 6, F:_t
_hausJ Hose 5 F_t
@ @
_ways unpJug your air conditioner _fore deaning_
Air filer needs b _ d_ned at I_st once a 0_ek for your unit to operab at
opiimum efficiency. SJideour the fiJterfrom the back by puJiing on the tab. The fiber
may be washed or vacuumed_ Remove the excess wafer _om the @i_rby
gent@ shaking the flit@r:This wiJJremove dust and _rtides trapped in the fiJter.
After d_ning, reinstdJ the fil'ter. _ NOT u_e your air c@nditionerwi_out the air
fiJterin pJace_
Toclean _ cabinet, _ N_ u_ harsh chemlcals, abrasiv÷s, ammonia, chlorine,
b/_;ch, conce._rat_ d@_÷n_s0 _ivents or metal s_ouring pads. Some of th_se
chemi_ls m_ dissdve, damage and/or discdor y®r air conditioner:_
_/ways use a so@cb_ dampened wi_ wacer or a miid _p and wa_er sdution to
wip÷ the front of _e cabineL Wi_ dry with a _ff doth
÷ Tos_re your air conditioner when not being used br a Jongperiod o_time, drain
condensed wa_r usi,g the drain pipe.Remo@eexhaust ho_ dean Be _rs, cover
wiih piasHcbag and siore a_a_
Ch_k if unit in pJugged in. The plug _ay hay@ boa÷,
Press"°Reset"huron on the pJugto r_u_e operation.
Check if B_ eJec_icaJwail receptacle is _heproper vdtage.
Check iFBe circuit breaker needs to_ reset or if the @se ne_ds to be replaced.
®Check iFBe unit in i_ "Off" mode.
i_the warning light is on, drain Be water drain pipe by removing _e pJug.
Room may haveapp_ian_s that produce heal U_e an exhau4 _anre _m÷ve excess h_t.
Ch_k e×hau4 hosefor proper instaJiatio_.
Redir÷'4 Be atrfbw Ram@v@any obs._d÷s_
AJJ dOJ@_$ _d windows ned to _ ¢iasd _ tha_c@i air does not escape _e room.
Air @er _ay be blocked or _ need d_ning
Unit BTUmay _ too Jew'for the required cooh_g area.
On e_eJy ho_& hgmid de, s, air co_dition÷rs _ay tab a li_t÷ Jonger to c@[.
Drain the wa$÷r d_in pipe by removing Be pJug.
Unit _ay be in b_ or dry m_e, Put air conditioner in c_J mode.
@ @
This_ar_n_ _e_ all __, in
_ork_ansBip or _aJ_
J, The m_hanicd and dec_icaJ parh (including
_aborcosta}cantaln@dtn His pr_,ucf @ra
period d: i 2 months,from He dam of purchase
It@ram@reidor ren_UapplicatioN, the warranty
is 90 d_sj.
2. The sed_ systemand compressor contained
in this produd isfor a perid of 5 years, from
the d_o of purchase jo×ciuding labor cas_
a_er the initial '!2 monH _ridj. _ncommercial
or rental use,fhe additiowal limitd compresso_
warranly is br t y÷ar and 9 moths (exdudir®
labor costsafter He initial 90 days _riad}.
You _us_ k_p and _ ab[_ _ p_Y[_
your @_i_[ sa[_ _cei@_ as p_ @ @e
d_ _ _rchase.
Who is _ve_d?
The origin@ retail puroha_r of this prod_d_
Ho_ _eri_ w:ll :m_ir or r÷_ace :n you_ home, any
mechanical, electrical part or the compres_r,
which proves defective in normal household use
far a priod d 12 monBs, H_ __efi¢o _'ill repairor
_pJac_ (excluding labor casts} the soahd systom
and compressor j_rts only I for an additional 4
year _riod_
1, Car4a_t your nearest H_i_ _eri® Authorizd
_ce _poL For the n_me oftheSo.ice
Dep_ near@s}you, cent_:¢ H_ier _
j877j 337..3639.
2. All _rvice must be peffor_d by a_
a_horiz_d _ _'r Am÷r_ S÷r.'ice _poL
Da_ges from imDooporinstd½_em
Dodges inshipping.
Damages @amm_s_se,ab_s@,accid÷nt,
altera_a_, lack of prier _re a_
Damages from service, by a_her _n an
auHedzed d_der or service canon
Labor,. so,ice, _ransportation and shaping
charges for the removal oFdefective p_rts and
installation of a replacement pod, beyond He
initial 12 month p_ied°
The rem_y provided tn His warranty is exclusive
and is granted in lie_ @faJ[oth_ remedies.
This warra_ does not c_÷r incident! or
cansoquen_al d_mages. Some states de not dJow
the exclusion of _n_ident_J or eo.ns_quent_d
@meg@s, _ @is Jirnil¢ion may _e! apply to 'you,
So_e states do trot allow !imi_ions on how long
an im_i_ warranty lash, so His limitation may
which vary _em sta_ _ st_te_
¢ ¢¢
d'avoir Gchete un dimatiseur "Commercial CooJ'_qui÷st d÷pendabJe, facile a operer gt
de J'en÷fgi@ manu÷l ¢onti_t I<informa_on n@ces_ire pour maintenir, o rer,
ins_lJer et u_Ji_r proprem÷_ 0_tr÷ cJima_ur. Vol_e dimatiseur nettei÷, _koidit ÷t dehumirdifie
Pair @ns vo.tre sdb pour vous foumir avec niv_u uBime de confort_
S'iJvous plait lis÷z soign_sement I_ ins_ucHons avant d'instaHer _ produit. N'oubli_ _s de
rempJir et _ster Jclca_e d'en_is_ent du p_dlui_o
Reg_t_z |e m_J _t' nu_ de serJeo
Po_r tous vos appds service _ndant Ja period@ vo!r÷ garra_tiie,I÷s inGrma_ons
suivante$ vous sero_lfne_s_ies. _¢hez [e r_u de -_nfes a¢e guide et garder pour I_
reference a _en..r, Cefle information peuf ÷_reobtenue @ Ja plaque en s÷de, qui ÷4 _r
volt÷. ¢Jimatiseur.
AVERT[SSEMENT: VeuiJ[ezsulvre ces pr_autions de base Jorsquevous utihsez
J_appareiJ afin de r_uire tour risque d_incendie, d eJectracut_on,
de bJ÷ssurre, voire de mer_
A sj
cJimatis_r doit @r÷brartch4 au niv_u d_unopris÷ _4_riquo d_une_nsion ad@uat÷,
(voir _bleau)
Uap_reil doit 6t_ mis@Jaterr÷ (massel a_n de r_uire to,utrisque d_@J÷ctrocutionet
d_incendie_NE PASCOUPERNJ REARER_ BROCHE DEMASSE_Si votre pri_÷ murde ne
peut a_u÷iBr une _ch÷ a trois s_v÷uilJ÷zBite ÷n so_ qu'un @J÷cH¢ienquaJlfi@÷n
ins_aJJe une_ La prise mura!e _? @_reraise 6 Ja masse_
Ne _s utii_:_r J'appa_i_ si cordon d'allm÷atafion _t _iJoch@ ou f;ts.su_, sl la ficl_e ÷t b con-
n÷@ur _,nt end_rn_g_s, ®u si Fappareil p_sen_ une panne ou est endomma@_ d'une @?on
N@_s garter ni bioquer Rux d_air autour de:J"8_r÷i[ @tqoe rien _ _ch÷ [e tWau
de :s,or_._,
6j D_branch÷r t_[ours dima_is_r avant d÷ tg _pJa_r ou d'_l'u_r op@a_ion
7j Ne _s installer _ecJi_ati,seurdons ol_endroit o0 Va__oshpereest h_i!_ oo pr_sentedes gaz
co_bustibbs ou du so@÷. Evit÷r q_ I_ prdgits chi_iqu_ ÷n_r÷nten @ntact _¢_
le dimatis,eur_,
81 N_ placer auc_n obj@tsur b dimatiseur,
9j ja_ais utilis÷r cJi_aJi_ur so_s bs fiJfr÷s.
i 0) Ne _s utiJi_r dimO%e_r a proximite d'or_e b.oignoir÷, d'u_e dooch÷ ou d'un lavabo
o_ @ier.
V÷ui[i[ezcons÷_er c÷ manl_eien Ji÷uson
N'u_i/isez pas de liquid@ou de spray pour nettler c@preduit_ U_i[isezun chiffon humide,
_' Ne p[acez pas ce produit dans un Jieu_u s_r ou @_ car iJpeut tomb,eret causer des
dommag÷s ou des bJesures_
Ne renver_z _s du [iquide sur Ja_[@ommande, cda peut causer un @hoc4J_rique aux pieces
_Jec#®niques6 J'int@rieurdf Jesrendre inac_iv'esou Jesfake fondionner @ f@_n in_rrec_e_
6 N'essayez iamais de d6.sassembJerb prdu# vous-m_me. Un d@assemb_age_ns supervision etun
r@assembBg÷in_rr÷_ de [':n_ieur du couverd÷ arri@e peut endammager is circuit _J_ique e_
p÷u_avo_r @s cons@u÷nces sur _s _r@rmanc÷s_ S'il y a un be_in de maintenance, v_illez:
canister Jecen_'rede _.rvice J_aJ ou b distrib,u_ur [o.cai_
_rci d'_eir achet_ ce pro@it Carom÷reid C®i_
Veuilbz life atten_i_men_ manueJav_ de fair@
fenc_ionn_ votre a_,erei! et ¢onsenez4e pour
vous y r&f6rer ult@ieurement,
Num#ro d_ m_eb
N_m4ra de _@ie
1oDes_!gnunique 6 d@ubJ÷tuyau,,foumissant un re_roldls_m_:t plus puissant e_plus rapid÷
qua led_ig_ _ _'uyauunique_
2_ Direction de la drcula_rtond'alr eiusk_bb pour u_ reko_dissemee_ pro_que _ eff_¢ace_
3_Ce module e_t_edle _ fake fo_ctionner__ _bl_u de commando _[ec_onique a une
minuterie, un thermos_L _ais viruses de rd:reidissement, $_oisvi_sses de ventilation et une
vifes_ pour/a bncf_o_ d_humidification _s_},
Ce dim_iseur _rtatiF n'a pas besaimqua de J'ea_ sail mjout_e.
Carte _nit@a un desgn v_iqu@qui @,va_re !'eau_ Do_c iJ_'y a _s de r@serwoirde
_nd÷nsatlan et p_s b÷_in de rider u_ r_ervoir Ja nuiL
6_ Un kit pour Ja@_@_e,faci!e @instdbr, _t indus, compr÷nant Jet_ya_ d°_'va_vation, 2
busesde tuya_, Jekipde _nneau pour Ja_n_re, le connec'teur du hJyaud_-ac_ion et
le cauvercJe _ur _ connec_u_ du t_ymu d'@vacua_ien_
7= Des ra_Je_s anti,foment directionndJes sont i_:lues pour aider @d@Jac_r F_nit_ si
besoin est_
1_Pann÷au _r_plastique oDe 20" 150 cml
iusqu'_ 46 ° (116 cmI ..................... 3 pi_
2._Adapto_ur du vitrage. ...................... 2'.pi_
3oVis ........................................................8 pi_s
4. Conn÷d÷ur du fuyau d%vacuOion ....4 pi_,,es
5_Tgyggd'@ocgofbn..............................2 pi_
6. Couverde ............................................ 2 pi_
.....i,; _ ?
........_; _ _
1_Aius[_ez p_nn_o en pJasHqoea !o B_eor oo lo hauteur de vo_re
bn@_ et s÷rr÷z bs 2 vis qui _nt a_ach6es au pa_neau.
2_Appuyez sur I'adap_te_ur rood du vitrage par ['arri@e du pann_au en
plas_que. Align_z bs _s e:tserrez l'adaptafeur avec 4 "ds qui _n_
inches dans b kiL (Serrez ies vis de,J'ava_LJ
3_ InsJaHezJe_nneau e_ plastique 6 JafemBtre_.Si n@s_ire., ut_lisezdu
_cofch pour bien s@_ris÷r Je_nneau,
4_Conn,edez b t_ya_ d'@acuation a J'appar@iJe_ i_rant b co_,_teu_
du _yc_ q_i ÷st attac_ au t_?au dans I'@hap_ment.
5_ D@J_÷z FapporeiJ vers Jaf_n@re, aJlong÷z b _u ÷t attachez Fa_tre
extr@mit_du t_ya_ a Ja{_@re, AJ@nezJesJangueH÷ssur J_ adap_o_
tears du _au et de Javitrine e_aHachez.bs ens_bJe_
6_ Branchez dans la pris_ mural@ pour commencer le @n_ionneme_t0
_: Con_teu_ du tuyau Conn_eur du tuyau
1_ _rtie cJ'or
2. Tabbau de Command÷
3. Par_neaude devant
4, Serdce _ t_l_cemmande de stockage
5, En_r6÷ d'air
6, Tuyau de bouch÷ d'air
7. RouJeH'e
8. Entrado de oire
9. St_kag÷ int_g4 de cabb
10, Egout pour' Jas_i÷ d'_u
1i.Corde d'dimentatiorJ
BOUTON DER_iNi$_i_T_Obl P_
NOTEt Attendez 24 h÷uresput m@_@Ig cJimatiseur@nma si ['ap_r@i! a @ap÷nch_ pour
queJqu@raison que soil. C'@s_n_¢es_ir@ pour qu@Jeshuibs et Jesiiquides de
_froidissement s@me_'reen piece et se stabiJiser.
1. _@r@savdr _inf I'appareiJ normdemenL, a_ndez 3 minu_esevent de Jereme_e en march@@Fin
de brminer J@cycle du compresseur_
2. U_Ji_z une prise de couran,tde ] 15v/15amp pour Jedim@i'seur. N'u_Ji_z. _s d'au_rs ap_reiJs
@bctriquessur celts Jigr_sos vous risqusz @ @ire _ut÷r is fusibb, UtiJisezshe Jign@d_i@ a
3_ N@pJacez pas J@dimatis@ur co@tact dir÷ct av_ Jabmi@÷ du so!giJou pros d'appar@iJsde
chau_ge (camme JespJin_hes_Jec_iques, Jescuisini@es, etc.)
4_ Fai_s uniquement Gnctionn,er sur une surface pJan@0
5. Fai_s en sort@qu'iJ n'y ai_ par d'obstruc_en @ rid_ux, drapes et Jesstores, etc.
6. Gardez J'appareiJ a une distance d'au re@ins] pid j30 cmj du tour:
7_V@iBezet ne_y÷z i@J@÷ un@@is _r s÷main@_ur un÷@@¢acit_m_xima/@_
_OT_: N'_JiJi_z pas c_t ap_reiJ sans @Jtr_.
8. Si J'apparei! n'÷s__s utiJis_pendanJ bng_emps, r÷_rez J@bouchon du tvyau d'6vacual'ion d'_u @_
vid÷z tout@_u con@n_@_
Quand vous @iiu_z i'ap_reii pour la premi_r@lois aprBs Fay@itbranch_ dens une prise de
courant, l"ap_reiJ commencer@en mode de ve_Jation de refroidi_ment has° La temp@a_re qui
_ra a@ch@ sur F:@ranLCD _r@ Ja_rn_@a_r÷ a_bian$,. Lorsqu÷you@allumez J'ap_r@iJ ÷n usage
harm@J,J'ap_! s÷ _uvie_dra du derni÷r r@glag@utilis@_Si vous vouiez k_ir÷ bnction_r b
cJimali_ur e_mm@u_ d6sBu_idi_icaieuB r_gbzJe ÷n _@d@d6sh@_idifi_aJi@_.