3 4
Make sure there is room on the SD Card for additional pictures. If the SD Card is full,
additional pictures will not be added to the card.
Troubleshooting for ViviCam F332:
Troubleshooting for ViviCam F332
Camera is not turning on.
First make sure that the batteries
are inserted correctly.
For camera
ViviCamF332, the polarity of the
batteries from left to right should be inserted as
negative, positive, negative.
SD is not working.
Make sure that the SD Card is
inserted correctly into the
camera’s SD Card slot.
You will need to push the SD
card into the slot until you hear
a slight clicking sound which
means the SD card is inserted
Make sure the SD Card is not protected
– on all SD Cards there is a lock protect
switch. If the SD Card is in the locked
position, this will prevent the ability to
save photos to the SD Card.
1 2
Flash is not working.
Make sure the flash settings on your camera are turned on.
Your camera has four flash settings: ON, OFF, AUTO and RED
EYE REDUCTION. To toggle between the flash options, press
on your camera’s Flash button – the button with a lightning
bolt icon. The LCD screen will display the selected Flash setting:
Flash OFF (Default): No flash will appear.
Use this when you do not want to activate flash.
Auto Flash: The camera will automatically determine
when Flash is needed according to the lighting conditions.
Flash ON: The flash is ON for each photo.
Red Eye: Flash that eliminates the red-eye in photo
caused by the flash.
Make sure you have selected one of the Flash options:
Flash On, Auto Flash or Red Eye.
Make sure the Macro switch is set to OFF. The mountain icon
is selected on the Macro switch and appears on the LCD screen.
If the battery power is low, try replacing the batteries with new
ones since the flash requires a good amount of battery power.
Always keep a steady hand when taking photos – if
possible, attach your camera to a tripod.
If you are taking photos at very close proximity to the subject you are photographing, you should
consider putting the camera in MACRO mode to assist on focusing. If the camera is in MACRO
mode, it will not fire a flash. Make sure to turn MACRO mode o once you have finished taking
photos at a close range.
30 ~ 45 cm
M od e ON
Pictures will turn out of focus if the camera is in MACRO mode and
you are using it to photograph subjects at medium or long
Pictures are out of focus.
Lighting largely determines the quality of photos you attempt to take. If there is not sucient lighting,
the photo may come out blurry and/or underexposed. Make sure there is always an ample amount
of lighting for every shot you take.
Stability while taking the shot will always largely
determine the quality of the picture taken.
Please take pictures with steady hands and do
not move them until after you hear the shutter
mode is suitable for close-up photography.
Most camera have MACRO
menu for option
1.5 m
Please make sure that you are not
too close to the subject when
taking a picture.
M od e O FF
Out of
Cannot transfer pictures.
Make sure your camera is connected to a USB port on your computer using the included
USB cable. Make sure that both your camera and your computer are powered on. When
your camera is powered on, the background of your camera’s LCD screen will turn blue,
and will display the message “MSDC.” If you are using Microsoft Windows, an extra
drive will appear in the MY COMPUTER window (the COMPUTER window if your
computer is running Windows Vista or Windows 7), labeled Removable Disk. Double-
clicking this drive will access a folder, containing your pictures. If you are using a Mac, an extra
drive will mount on your desktop when you plug your camera in. Double-clicking this
drive will access a folder, containing your pictures. You can use the included software to
assist you in transferring photos from you camera to your computer. If the computer
fails to recognize that a camera is plugged in, try using a dierent USB port on your
computer. If you are using your computer’s card reader or an external card reader
make sure the SD card is inserted securely and in the correct position.