Web Application for Polycom Phones UC Software 5.0.0
Polycom, Inc. 10
Positioning Soft Keys Use a hard key press simulation to test your application, provided the
phone supports this function. When working with simulators, simulating key presses for call screen
soft keys, such as EndCall and Transfer call controls, are not reliable. Depending on the phone’s
configuration, you can adjust the soft key positions.
Encrypting Configuration Files For security reasons, make sure you encrypt the configuration
files included in the application. You will need to generate a key, which you can download to the
phone and use to encrypt configuration files. See Quick Tip 67442: When Encrypting Polycom UC
Software Configuration Files.
Pushing Sensitive Data You can retrieve information from a HTTPS site by sending a request to
the phone with a URL push. The URL push itself does not leak sensitive information, but you need
to ensure the data is encrypted and avoid pushing security sensitive data directly to the phone.
Using HTTPS for Telephone Notification Events Use HTTPS for telephone notification events
and state polling to protect sensitive information, such as the phone MAC address, caller name,
and phone number, which are contained in both.
Implementing User Confirmation When including emergency push notifications, implement a
user confirmation response. In cases where the push and call happen simultaneously, the push
message can be lost or hidden without the user knowing the event occurred. Add a confirmation
response to ensure the user receives the notification along with the call.
Using Tel URI To improve the performance of the phone with your application, you need to code
your application to use Tel Uri API to make calls instead of using digit key press simulation for
dialing. For more information, see Using Telephone Integration URIs.
Removing White Space in Code Review your HTML, JavaScript, and CSS files to remove
whitespace from the code before delivery.
Setting the Idle Browser Refresh Cycle There are two ways you can refresh a browser: you can
set the mb.idleDisplay.refresh parameter to a non-zero value in seconds, or set the same
parameter value to 0 and create a JavaScript code to do the refresh.
Providing a Link for Text Input Although the idle browser is interactive, do not use the idle
browser for text input. If you want to implement text input into the idle browser, provide a link for
another page to be displayed on the main Browser.
Creating a Link Area Ensure the link areas are large enough for users to easily touch with their
finger. For example, avoid embedding a button inside the link area.
Sharing the Idle Browser You can share the idle browser with multiple applications, so consider
what the page needs to do when not in use. For example, using iframe AJAX running in the
background of a hidden browser can have an impact on the performance of the phone and make it
run slower. Consider monitoring the OnUnload JS event. Use the PolyUri DOM extensions
PolyUri.shownSig and PolyUri.hiddenSig to trigger behavior when your application is
hidden or shown.
Best Practices for Microbrowser Web Application
Consider the following when developing Polycom phone applications specifically to support the
capabilities of the microbrowser: