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Appendix 2 - First Connection Troubleshooting
Guide for Deployment with CloudCommand™
When the access point (AP) is in "Registered" status, the AP is successfully
registered with CloudCommand, but it has not yet reached the Internet for
the first time. If you believe to have followed, correctly, all the steps
contained in the Quick Install Guide, but the access point does not change its
status to "OK", please follow these troubleshooting steps.
Step 0: Status Check
After each step in this check list, please pay attention to the status change on
the AP. You can monitor the change under the "Network Manager" tab,
"Access Point" section, in CloudCommand and the status lights on the AP for
correct operations. During normal operation, the status lights of the AP
should be displaying the following configuration:
SYS: Green, Solid
WLAN: Green, Moderate Blinking
Step 1: Ensuring Valid Connectivity
a. Replace the Ethernet cable with a known good cable
b. Ensure the cable is plugged into a port of your router or switch that has
worked on another AP or device
c. Power-cycle the AP, the switch or router to which it is connected
d. If firewalls are used in the network, OUTBOUND traffic on ports
53(DNS), 80(HTTP), 443(HTTPS), 3478(STUN) must be allowed. These
settings are already part of the standard default configuration for the
large majority of firewalls.
e. If content filtering and traffic monitoring software or services are in use
in the network, please ensure that the following entries are whitelisted:
‐ http://zyxel.cloudcommand.com + https://zyxel.cloudcommand.com
‐ http://z01.cloudcommand.com + https://z01.cloudcommand.com
If this step did not change the status, reset the AP to factory default
configuration, as described in the following Step 2.