What About Gasohol?
Gasohol (a mixture of 90% unleaded
gasoline and 10% ethanol or grain
alcohol) may be used in your Hyundai.
However, if your engine develops
driveability problems, the use of 100%
unleaded gasoline is recommended.
Fuels with unspecified quantities of
alcohol, or alcohols other than ethanol,
should not be used.
Use Unleaded Gasoline
For Europe – For the optimal vehicle
performance, we recommend you to
use unleaded gasoline with an octane
rating of RON (Research Octane Num-
ber) 95 /AKI (Anti Knock Index) 91 or
You may use unleaded gasoline with an
octane rating of RON 91~94/AKI 87~90
but it may result in slight performance
reduction of the vehicle.
Except Europe – Unleaded gasoline
with a Pump Octane Rating of 87 (Re-
search Octane Number 91) or higher
must be used in Hyundai vehicle.
If leaded gasoline is used, it will cause
the catalytic converter to become inef-
fective and the emission control sys-
tem to malfunction. This can also result
in increased maintenance expense.
To avoid accidental use of leaded fuel,
the large nozzle used with leaded gaso-
line at service stations can not be
inserted into fuel tank opening of Hyundai
o For some countries, Hyundai ve-
hicles are designed to use leaded
gasoline. When you are going to
use leaded gasoline, ask to
Hyundai dealer whether leaded
gasoline in your vehicle is avail-
able or not.
o Octane Rating of leaded gaso-
line is same with unleaded one.
Use Diesel
Diesel fuel of 52 to 54 cetane is used in
Hyundai vehicle. If two types of diesel
fuel are available, use summer or win-
ter fuel properly according to the fol-
lowing temperature conditions.
Do not let any gasoline or water enter
the tank. This would make it neces-
sary to drain it out and to bleed the
lines to avoid jamming the injection
pump and damaging the engine.
o Above -5°C (23°F) ... Summer type
diesel fuel.
o Below -5°C (23°F) ... Winter type
diesel fuel.
Watch the fuel level in the tank very
carefully : If the engine stops through
fuel failure, the circuits must be com-
pletely purged to permit restarting.