16. Juli 2001
26/778 E1 Copyright Saia-Burgess Controls Ltd.
H320_xx7_26_778_E1.doc Page 17 of 73
False: Thre Breakpoint has no affect.
changeVelo bool in
True: When the breakpoint is reached, the velocity
will change to Velo_after_Breakpoint. Also the
brakpoint flag1 be set.
False: The Value Velo_afterBreakpoint has no affect.
Breakpoint_relativ bool in
True: The breakpoint is relativ
False: The breakpoint is absolut
Velo2_relativ bool in
True: the second Velocity is relative to the current one
False: the second Velocity is absolute
Enable bool in Enable axis.
running bool out
Message returned when axis is travelling to the
Pos_reached bool out
Message returned when the axis is located at the
Breakpoint_reached bool out True: the breakpoint is reached.
Error byte out
1: other motion function is active
2: invalid instruction
4: invalid parameter
6: Motion error
B: invalid negativ value
C: invalid parameter change
D: invalid move after limit condition
E: invalid move into limit
Start bool in_out
On receipt of a positive edge, parameters are loaded
and effective. As soon as parameters are effective, the
function resets this bit to 0 and the axis is started.
This function is required for positioning an axis.
The drive travels at the prescribed velocity to the specified position. During travel, it is
possible to specify a new position / velocity. As soon as the start command is set, the new
position / velocity will be adopted, regardless of whether the old position has been
reached or not. When the specified position has been reached, the drive stops. The
message returned indicates the status of positioning. If it has not been possible to
approach the position, an error message is set.
In this function it is possible to set two breakpoints. One to change the velocity at the
breakpoint, and the other to set the Output OUT.