4. Configure the port mode, VLAN, and so forth on the port-channel.
Dell(conf)#int port-channel 10
Dell(conf-if-po-10)#portmode hybrid
Dell(conf-if-po-10)#vlan tagged 1000
Dell(conf-if-po-10)#link-bundle-monitor enable
Dell(conf)#int port-channel 11
Dell(conf-if-po-11)#portmode hybrid
Dell(conf-if-po-11)#vlan tagged 1000
% Error: Same VLAN cannot be added to more than one uplink
Dell(conf-if-po-11)#vlan tagged 1001
Dell(conf-if-po-11)#link-bundle-monitor enable
Dell#show vlan
Codes: * - Default VLAN, G - GVRP VLANs, R - Remote Port
Mirroring VLANs, P - Primary, C - Community, I - Isolated
O - Openflow
Q: U - Untagged, T - Tagged
x - Dot1x untagged, X - Dot1x tagged
o - OpenFlow untagged, O - OpenFlow tagged
G - GVRP tagged, M - Vlan-stack, H - VSN tagged
i - Internal untagged, I - Internal tagged, v - VLT
untagged, V - VLT tagged
NUM Status Description Q Ports
* 1 Active U Po10(Te 0/41-42)
U Po11(Te 0/43)
1000 Active T Po10(Te 0/41-42)
1001 Active T Po11(Te 0/43)
5. Show LAG member ports utilization.
Dell#show link-bundle-distribution
Link-bundle trigger threshold - 60
LAG bundle - 10 Utilization[In Percent] - 0 Alarm State
- Inactive
Interface Line Protocol Utilization[In Percent]