Section 1.1—Mezzo Introduction
From all of us at Wilson Audio Specialties—thank you for purchasing the Mezzo loud-
speaker. The information contained within the pages of this manual will inform and instruct
on the proper assembly, set up, and long term care of your Mezzo.
The Mezzo was formulated and engineered with a specific function in mind: a loud-
speaker endowed with similar authority and dynamic range as Wilson’s Sasha W/P, MAXX®,
and even the Alexandria® X-2. When used as a center channel, Mezzo seamlessly matches
the acoustic signature of Wilson’s larger loudspeakers – whether the main left/right speak-
ers are Sashas, MAXXs, or two more Mezzos. The Mezzo also provides an unprecedented
level of musical accuracy in music systems and home theaters where its low-profile form
solves architectural challenges, such as in those installations where a tall loudspeaker
would block the view afforded by large windows, or would obstruct wall-hanging artwork.
Whether it is used as a center channel or as a main loudspeaker, Mezzo matches the tonal
beauty, dynamic speed, tonal sophistication, resolution, and sense of “thereness” of its
taller Wilson brethren.
The Mezzo
was formulated and engineered with a specific function in mind: a
loudspeaker endowed with a nearly identical sonic signature to Wilson’s Sasha W/P
but in a low-profile package. When used as a center channel, Mezzo seamlessly matches
the acoustic signature of Wilson’s vaunted Sasha. Indeed, the Mezzo features a driver
complement identical to the Sasha, with the exception of the midrange driver, which is
borrowed from the legendary Alexandria X-2
. The Mezzo also provides an unprece-
dented level of musical accuracy in music systems and home theaters where its low-profile
form solves architectural challenges, such as in those installations where a tall loudspeaker
would block wall-too-wall cinema screens, the view afforded by large windows, or would
obstruct wall-hanging artwork. Whether it is used as a center channel in conjunction with
Sasha, MAXX, or Alexandria, or as a main loudspeaker, Mezzo matches the tonal beauty,
S E C T I O N 1 . 1 — M E Z Z O I N T R O D U C T I O N
Wilson Audio Specialties