Once the Germkill Life Indicator™ turns fully red, please replace the Germkill Kit™ (GKK) immediately.
As an additional measure of safety, Pureit’s advanced Auto Shut-Off
mechanism shuts off the supply of puried
water which ensures that no member of your family accidentally drinks unsafe water.
O‘©{H$b bmB’$ B§S>rHo$Q>a™ nyar Vah bmb hmo OmZo na H¥$n¶m O‘©{H$b {H$Q™ (Or Ho$ Ho$) H$mo Vwa§V ~Xb X| & gwajm Ho$ A{V[aº$
^amogo Ho$ Vm¡a na ߶mo[aQ> H$m AmYw{ZH$ Am°Q>mo eQ>-Am°’$™ V§Ì ߶moar’$m¶ {H$¶o hþE nmZr H$s gßbmB© ~§X H$a XoVm h¡ {Oggo gw{ZpíMV
hmoVm h¡ {H$ AmnHo$ n[adma H$m H$moB© gXñ¶ JbVr go Agwa{jV nmZr Z nr gHo$ &
O‘©{H$b {H$Q™ (Or Ho$ Ho$) IarXZm
When indicator shows white or partially red, the Germkill Kit™
(GKK) is working and it’s safe to use
O~ B§{S>Ho$Q>a Xem© ahm hmo gµ’o$X ¶m hëH$m gm >bmb, BgH$m ‘Vb~ O‘©{H$b
{H$Q>™ (Or Ho$ Ho$) H$m‘ H$a ahm h¡ Am¡a Cn¶moJ Ho$ {bE gwa{jV h¡ &
When indicator shows mostly red, the Germkill Kit
is nearing its end of life and it's time to buy a new
Germkill Kit™ (GKK)
O~ B§{S>Ho$Q>a Xem© ahm hmo A{YH$Va bmb, BgH$m ‘Vb~ O‘©{H$b {H$Q™
(Or Ho$ Ho$) IË‘ hmoZo dmbm h¡ Am¡a Z¶m O‘©{H$b {H$Q>™ (Or Ho$ Ho$) IarXZo
H$m g‘¶ hmo J¶m h¡ &
When indicator shows fully red, the Germkill Kit™ (GKK) has
exhausted and it's time to replace it
O~ B§{S>Ho$Q>a Xem© ahm hmo nyar Vah bmb, BgH$m ‘Vb~ O‘©{H$b {H$Q™
(Or Ho$ Ho$) H$s j‘Vm IË‘ hmo J¶r h¢ Am¡a Bgo ~XbZo H$m g‘¶ hmo J¶m h¡ &
Time to buy a new
Germkill Kit™ (GKK)
Z¶m O‘©{H$b {H$Q>™ (Or Ho$ Ho$)
IarXZo H$m g‘¶ hmo J¶m h¡ &
Safe to use
Cn¶moJ Ho$ {bE gwa{jV
Time to replace
~XbZo H$m g‘¶ hmo J¶m h¡ &