Page 4 ;&(%$*4.8"4,7%<'*#$"&8#=%/7*,#*%4,77%>?@@@?@AA?BCDC1 Item 58091
b. U&%8&$%'#*%$.*%/&)*(%$&&7%"2%$.*%#)"$4.%
9&*#%8&$%$'(8%"$%&8%,89%&221%%Any power
tool that cannot be controlled with the switch
is dangerous and must be repaired.
c. U"#4&88*4$%$.*%/7'3%2(&5%$.*%/&)*(%
Such preventive safety measures reduce the
risk of starting the power tool accidentally.
d. E$&(*%"97*%/&)*(%$&&7#%&'$%&2%$.*%(*,4.%&2%
$&%&/*(,$*%$.*%/&)*(%$&&71%%Power tools are
dangerous in the hands of untrained users.
e. N,"8$,"8%/&)*(%$&&7#%,89%,44*##&("*#1%
(*/,"(*9%+*2&(*%'#*1%%Many accidents are
caused by poorly maintained power tools.
f. Y**/%4'$$"83%$&&7#%#.,(/%,89%47*,81%%Properly
maintained cutting tools with sharp cutting edges
are less likely to bind and are easier to control.
g. P#*%$.*%/&)*(%$&&7=%,44*##&("*#%,89%$&&7%+"$#%
,89%$.*%)&(X%$&%+*%/*(2&(5*91%%Use of the
power tool for operations different from those
intended could result in a hazardous situation.
h. Y**/%.,897*#%,89%3(,#/"83%#'(2,4*#%
Slippery handles and grasping surfaces
do not allow for safe handling and control
of the tool in unexpected situations.
5. E*(W"4*
a. _,W*%V&'(%/&)*(%$&&7%#*(W"4*9%+V%,%
(*/7,4*5*8$%/,($#1%%This will ensure that
the safety of the power tool is maintained.
b. Maintain labels and nameplates on the tool.
These carry important safety information.
If unreadable or missing, contact
Harbor Freight Tools for a replacement.
6. O'$?&22%5,4."8*%#,2*$V%),(8"83#
a. J&#"$"&8%V&'(#*72%,89%+V#$,89*(#%,),V%2(&5%
$.*%/7,8*%&2%$.*%(&$,$"83%).**71%The guard
helps to protect the operator from broken wheel
fragments and accidental contact with wheel.
b. P#*%&87V%+&89*9%(*"82&(4*9%&(%9",5&89%
because an accessory can be attached to your
power tool, it does not assure safe operation.
c. G.*%(,$*9%#/**9%&2%$.*%,44*##&(V%5'#$%+*%,$%
&8%$.*%/&)*(%$&&71%Accessories running faster
than their rated speed can break and fly apart.
d. Q.**7#%5'#$%+*%'#*9%&87V%2&(%(*4&55*89*9%
)"$.%$.*%#"9*%&2%,%4'$?&22%).**71 Abrasive
cut-off wheels are intended for peripheral
grinding, side forces applied to these
wheels may cause them to shatter.
e. F7),V#%'#*%'89,5,3*9%).**7%27,83*#%$.,$%
).**71%Proper wheel flanges supporl the wheel
thus reducing the possibility of wheel breakage.
f. G.*%&'$#"9*%9",5*$*(%,89%$.*%$."4X8*##%
Incorrectly sized accessories cannot be
adequately guarded or controlled.
g. G.*%,(+&'(%#"`*%&2%).**7#%,89%27,83*#%
$&&71%Wheels and flanges with arbour holes
that do not match the mounting hardware of
the power tool will run out of balance, vibrate
excessively and may cause loss of control.
h. U&%8&$%'#*%9,5,3*9%).**7#1%S*2&(*%*,4.%
#/**9%2&(%&8*%5"8'$*1 Damaged wheels will
normally break apart during this test time.
i. Q*,(%/*(#&8,7%/(&$*4$"W*%*<'"/5*8$1%
2(,35*8$#1 The eye protection must be capable
of stopping flying debris generated by various
operations. The dust mask or respirator must
be capable of filtrating particles genera.fed by
your operation. Prolonged exposure to high
intensity noise may cause hearing loss.
j. Y**/%+V#$,89*(#%,%#,2*%9"#$,84*%,),V%
*<'"/5*8$1 Fragments of workpiece or of a
broken wheel may fly away and cause injury
beyond immediate area of operation.
k. J&#"$"&8%$.*%4&(9%47*,(%&2%$.*%#/"88"83%
,44*##&(V1%If you lose control, the cord may
be cut or snagged and your hand or arm
may be pulled into the spinning wheel.