3 Button Wired USB Optical Mouse
3 Button 2.4GHz Wireless Optical Mouse
V7 Model # M30B10
Features 3B Wired USB Optical Mouse, 800DPI
Compatibility Windows 2000/ME/XP or above
Color Black and Silver
Interface USB
Dimensions LxWxH 105 x 65 x 32 mm
Weight 230 g
The new V7 3-Button optical mice, features highly durable material tha
provides a smooth gliding experience. The texture of the plastic surface
allows for minimal mouse movements and maximum precision. Both mice
are 100% compatible with Windows 2000/ME/XP or above and both feature
Optical Sensing Technology at 800 dpi with a comfortable built-in Scroll
The data in this publication is for illustration purposes only and does not necessarily represent standards or specifications which
must be met by V7. Design and specifications are subject to change without prior notice. Trademarks belong to their respective
owners. No responsibility assumed and all liability for damages resulting from use of this information or for any errors or omissions,
are disclaimed. Issue: 01/2009
V7 Model # M32B00
Features 3B 2.4GHz Wireless Optical Mouse, 800DPI
Compatibility Windows 2000/ME/XP or above
Color Black and Silver
Interface USB
Dimensions LxWxH 120 x 65 x 32 mm
Weight 230 g