M1.2.TIG200P.NLFREN 07062018
5�3 Automatisch opslaan van de parameters
De ingestelde parameters worden automatisch opgeslagen in de groep van de parameters die op dit ogenblik gebruikt
worden (geen automatische back-up wordt uitgevoerd als geen handeling uitgevoerd wordt na het aanpassen van de
instellingen, en als de machine binnen 5 seconden wordt uitgeschakeld). Wanneer de machine opnieuw ingeschakeld
wordt, zullen de parameters dezelfde zijn als de vorige keer. Wanneer de lasmethode en werkmodus opnieuw
geselecteerd worden, zal het automatische opslaan binnen 10 seconden gebeuren. Er bestaat geen back-up knop en
back-up instructies voor dit toestel.
5�4 Alarmmeldingen
Als het controlelampje voor overstroom aan is, en de display toont “E-1”,
betekent dit, dat een overstroom optreedt. Schakel de machine opnieuw in,
en het lassen kan voortgezet worden.
Als het controlelampje voor onderspanning aan is, en de display toont
“E-2”, betekent dit, dat de netspanning te laag is. Het lassen kan
voortgezet worden wanneer de spanning opnieuw normaal is.
Als het controlelampje voor oververhitting aan is, en de display toont
“E-3”, betekent dit, dat u moet stoppen met lassen, omdat het hoofdcircuit
van de machine oververhit raakt. In dit geval, is het niet noodzakelijk
de machine uit te schakelen. Wacht slechts een paar minuten, totdat de
machine afgekoeld is, en ga verder met lassen.
Als de stroomsensor defect is en de display toont “E-4”, kan het
lassen voortgezet worden, maar de huidige weergegeven waarde is
5�5 Voetpedaal (optie)
Dit toestel kan de voetpedaal automatisch identiceren. Dit betekent dat de machine in de voetbedieningsmodus treedt
zodra de voetpedaal met de stekker aan de machine verbonden is, en de machine ingeschakeld wordt. In deze modus is
de maximale stroom de vooraf ingestelde stroom, met een minimum van 10 A.
5�6 Controlelampje voor de spanning (optie)
Als dit controlelampje aan is, betekent dit, dat er stroom is aan de uitgang van het toestel.
Als TIG als lasmethode geselecteerd wordt, zal er uitgangsstroom zijn wanneer de toortstrekker continu bediend wordt,
en na de vlamboogontsteking.
Als MMA als lasmethode geselecteerd wordt, zal er uitgangsstroom zijn, als de boog ontstoken is of niet.
Parameter autosaving
The parameters having been adjusted will be autosaved in the parameter group currently used (no
autosaving will be done in the case that no operation is done after parameters are adjusted and the
machine was turned off in 5s’ time). When the machine is turned on next time, the parameters in this
parameter group are just the parameters used last time. When the welding mode and operation mode
are reselected,autosaving will be done in 10s. No special save key and manual saving operation is
available for this machine.
Protection function
When the overcurrent indicator illuminat
the digital meter displays “E-
welding can be continued.
When the under-voltage indicator illuminates and
the digital meter displays “E-
the mains voltage is overly low, and welding can
be recovered when the mains
voltage goes into
When the overheating indicator illuminates and
the digital meter displays “E-
welding is forced to stop because the main circuit
of the machine gets overheated. In this condition,
It is unnecessary to turn off the machine, but just
wait a few minutes
, and then welding can be
current sensor fails and the digital
meter displays “E-4”, welding may still be carried
out. However, the cu
rrent value at this time is
Foot control option (customized)
This machine can identify the foot control automatically. That is to say, the machine will enter into foot
control mode automatically after the aviation plug of the foot control is connected to the welding machine
and the machine is powered on again. In foot control mode, the maximum current is the preset current
and the minimum current is 10A.
Voltage indicator (customized)
When this indicator illuminates, it indicates that there is voltage output at the output terminal of the
welding machine.When TIG is selected as the welding mode, there will be voltage output only when the
torch trigger is pressed continuously and after arc is ignited successfully. When MMA is selected as the
welding mode, there will be voltage output whether arc is ignited or not.
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Parameter autosaving
The parameters having been adjusted will be autosaved in the parameter group currently used (no
autosaving will be done in the case that no operation is done after parameters are adjusted and the
machine was turned off in 5s’ time). When the machine is turned on next time, the parameters in this
parameter group are just the parameters used last time. When the welding mode and operation mode
are reselected,autosaving will be done in 10s. No special save key and manual saving operation is
available for this machine.
Protection function
When the overcurrent indicator illuminat
the digital meter displays “E-
welding can be continued.
When the under-voltage indicator illuminates and
the digital meter displays “E-
the mains voltage is overly low, and welding can
be recovered when the mains
voltage goes into
When the overheating indicator illuminates and
the digital meter displays “E-
welding is forced to stop because the main circuit
of the machine gets overheated. In this condition,
It is unnecessary to turn off the machine, but just
wait a few minutes
, and then welding can be
current sensor fails and the digital
meter displays “E-4”, welding may still be carried
out. However, the cu
rrent value at this time is
Foot control option (customized)
This machine can identify the foot control automatically. That is to say, the machine will enter into foot
control mode automatically after the aviation plug of the foot control is connected to the welding machine
and the machine is powered on again. In foot control mode, the maximum current is the preset current
and the minimum current is 10A.
Voltage indicator (customized)
When this indicator illuminates, it indicates that there is voltage output at the output terminal of the
welding machine.When TIG is selected as the welding mode, there will be voltage output only when the
torch trigger is pressed continuously and after arc is ignited successfully. When MMA is selected as the
welding mode, there will be voltage output whether arc is ignited or not.
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Parameter autosaving
The parameters having been adjusted will be autosaved in the parameter group currently used (no
autosaving will be done in the case that no operation is done after parameters are adjusted and the
machine was turned off in 5s’ time). When the machine is turned on next time, the parameters in this
parameter group are just the parameters used last time. When the welding mode and operation mode
are reselected,autosaving will be done in 10s. No special save key and manual saving operation is
available for this machine.
Protection function
When the overcurrent indicator illuminat
the digital meter displays “E-
welding can be continued.
When the under-voltage indicator illuminates and
the digital meter displays “E-
the mains voltage is overly low, and welding can
be recovered when the mains
voltage goes into
When the overheating indicator illuminates and
the digital meter displays “E-
welding is forced to stop because the main circuit
of the machine gets overheated. In this condition,
It is unnecessary to turn off the machine, but just
wait a few minutes
, and then welding can be
current sensor fails and the digital
meter displays “E-4”, welding may still be carried
out. However, the cu
rrent value at this time is
Foot control option (customized)
This machine can identify the foot control automatically. That is to say, the machine will enter into foot
control mode automatically after the aviation plug of the foot control is connected to the welding machine
and the machine is powered on again. In foot control mode, the maximum current is the preset current
and the minimum current is 10A.
Voltage indicator (customized)
When this indicator illuminates, it indicates that there is voltage output at the output terminal of the
welding machine.When TIG is selected as the welding mode, there will be voltage output only when the
torch trigger is pressed continuously and after arc is ignited successfully. When MMA is selected as the
welding mode, there will be voltage output whether arc is ignited or not.
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Parameter autosaving
The parameters having been adjusted will be autosaved in the parameter group currently used (no
autosaving will be done in the case that no operation is done after parameters are adjusted and the
machine was turned off in 5s’ time). When the machine is turned on next time, the parameters in this
parameter group are just the parameters used last time. When the welding mode and operation mode
are reselected,autosaving will be done in 10s. No special save key and manual saving operation is
available for this machine.
Protection function
When the overcurrent indicator illuminat
the digital meter displays “E-
welding can be continued.
When the under-voltage indicator illuminates and
the digital meter displays “E-
the mains voltage is overly low, and welding can
be recovered when the mains
voltage goes into
When the overheating indicator illuminates and
the digital meter displays “E-
welding is forced to stop because the main circuit
of the machine gets overheated. In this condition,
It is unnecessary to turn off the machine, but just
wait a few minutes
, and then welding can be
current sensor fails and the digital
meter displays “E-4”, welding may still be carried
out. However, the cu
rrent value at this time is
Foot control option (customized)
This machine can identify the foot control automatically. That is to say, the machine will enter into foot
control mode automatically after the aviation plug of the foot control is connected to the welding machine
and the machine is powered on again. In foot control mode, the maximum current is the preset current
and the minimum current is 10A.
Voltage indicator (customized)
When this indicator illuminates, it indicates that there is voltage output at the output terminal of the
welding machine.When TIG is selected as the welding mode, there will be voltage output only when the
torch trigger is pressed continuously and after arc is ignited successfully. When MMA is selected as the
welding mode, there will be voltage output whether arc is ignited or not.
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