·--"iHF2-PACKA~E"§--~""__ ""~E··_··I;"· HF:CSTSo:.-A-·····n - •• , n~~··-HF2-Bf125-A---.----....--
~bjective Elements (Achromatic) Air-spaced doublet (BuHt-in extender lens) A!r-spaced doublet (BuHt-in extender lens)
Lens Coatings _ Magnesiu~fluoride si~gle layer Multi-coated_
Effective Aperture 80mm 125mm
to - .-- --
5' Focal Length 900mm 760mm
o - - -
Focal Raito 1: 11.2 1: 6.08
ii',~ - - - ....
~! Light Gathering Power 131x 319x
tD ~ ..••
jÖ, Resolusion 1.45 0.93
fA - ~ -
~ Limiting~gnitude 11.3 12.3
~ Dime~~s _ 58cm x 19cm x 21.5cm (22.8" x 7.5" x 8.5") 63cm x 36cm ~23c~ (24.8" x 14.2" x 9.1")
~ Weight 5 Kgs (11Ibs.) 10.9 kgs (24 Ibs.)
Visual B~k - 31.7mm Push-fit (1.25") 31.7mm P-;:;sh-fit(1.25")
• Eyepiece - 31.7mm size NLV25mm x 2, <Your package may differ.> NLV25mm x 2, <Your package may differ.>
(Magnification, Field ofview) (36x, 1.38 degrees) (30x, 1.66 degrees)
- ---
s: Type of Mount Alt-Azimuth fork mount Alt-Azimuth fork mount
g --v;;rt1c-;i'';;:;d H;rizontal Movements Friction control system - - Friction control system -
::> ~
- Weight 3.4 kgs approx. (7.48 Ibs.) 3.4 kgs approx. (7.48 Ibs.)
~ Tripod Legs Aluminum two-section leg with quick brace Aluminum two-section leg with quick brace
8. Adjustable Length, Weight 90cm to 130cm in length, 5.5 kgs 90cm to 130cm in length, 5.5 kgs
Q Accessory - - Swing Bracket, Carry handle Carry handle. Finder bracket base
~ Total Weight of the Package 15 kgs <without eyepieces>. (33 Ibs.) - 19.8l<gs <without eyepieces>. (43.6Ibs.)
Rubber Ring
(for Body Protection)
Altitude Pressure ClamP--er
Fork Arm •
Rubber Ring
(for Body Protection)
Support Ba, ~
---------, .
Azimuth Friction Control
T Albtude P,e"u," Clamp
• ~~km
Half Pillar
• Tripod Head
['~<\ (SX-HALI30Tripod)