Operation .......
[o avoid fire or exp_osior_, do not operate this vac in areas with flammable gases
or flammable vapors such as _ighter fhlid, cleaners, oil-base paints, gasoline,
alcohol or explosive dust such as coat, magnesium, grain or gun powder in the
air. Do not vacuum explosive d_Jst, flammable or combustible liquids or hot
ashes. Do ;_ot use this vac as a sprayer for any flammable or combustible Hqufd.
To avoid health hazards from vapors or dusts, do not vacuum toxic materials. To
avoid electrical shock do not expose to ram. Store vac indoors. Unplug power
cord before changi_g or cleaning filtel or emptying the dust drum.
CAUTION; To _educe the risk of hear-
ir_g damage _¢ear ear protectors when
using the vac for exte_tded hours or
Iwhen using it in a noisy area, [he
operation of ariy ut_tity vac can result
in foreign objects being blown it_to
the eyes which can result in severel
eye damage, Always wear safety gog- [
gee compyng with ANSI Z87.1 !
i{show_i on Package) before corn- I
mencing operatioo, Safety Goggles i
lare available at Sears rata storesL__ _
]b edJce the risk o eectr]c shock this
appihnce has a poi:rzed p @ (ore
blade s wide_ tha_ the otile0 This p!Lg
wi]i fit in a pc arized outlet c_fly o_'e way f
the p._g does r_ot fit tuly in tRe out at,
_eversethepi f If tsti]doesnotfit con
tact i qii f}ed electrcian to instal the
prope outiet _,}o _'ot change rise pug ,_
a!y way
Vacuuming Dry _,_aterials
i Ti_e fiiter n _st be r, co eclpostonat
all times to avoid ieake and possible
damage to vac
2 When _slt_,g your vac to pick Up very
fine dust, it wiil be necessa/y for you _o
amply the d_um and ciean the filial at
_ore hequelit ir_tatv_!s to r_i_]tsi r_
peak vac pedo_rnarlce
NOTE: A d_y flite! _s necessaly to pick up
dry ma!e_ia} if yo_ use your vac to pick
up dust when ti_e filter is we1, the filter wii!
clog quickly a<_cib_ rely difficult to ciear_
3 If your fi!ter swet but you need to use
t{e w[c to pick up dry mate_ ai you can
qicky dW the fi}ter ,oy _im_k_g the v c
without hose a4tached for about 10
minJteS the cea_/ a_ lush}_gthtough
t eva( wil he}p dry the filtel
Vacuuming Liquids
1 Wi_en pickit_g up small amounts of q
u;d the flier may be left }n p!ace
2 When picKir_g ip la!ge amounts of iq-
uid we recommend that the fiiter be
removed if the fire[ is not removed it
wil become saturate_ and misting may
appear n the exhaust
3 After using the vac to pick up Jquide,
the fitter m Jet be dried to avoid possi-
ble mildew and damage to the filter
4 When the lquid n the drum reaches a
predetermined _evel the float mecha
nsm wi!i r_se a _tornaticaly to cut off
ab-f]ow When this happens, turn oft
the vac, unplug the powel cord, and
empty the drum '/ou wiP, know that the
float has risen because vac airflow
ceases and the motor noise wll
become higheI _n pitch, due to
ncreased motor speed
IMPORTANT: To avoid damage to the
vac do not run motor with float in rafsed