Feature Description
Integration with
Open SMART Response from a tab in SMART Notebook software. With
SMART Notebook’s Gallery of more than 6,000 items of graphic-rich
content, you can add images and other multimedia content to your
questions and/or assessments.
Multiple assessment
Compile questions for formative and summative assessment, prepare
quizzes or exams in advance and ask spontaneous questions to gauge
student comprehension at any point during a lesson.
Teacher Tools
Access, view and manage all assessment data in one location. This
powerful tool enables you to create class lists and manage tests and
Question variety Teachers can ask different types of questions, including true or false, yes
or no, multiple choice, multiple answer, numeric fraction or math
expression and text answer.
Familiar user interface SMART Response’s intuitive software lets you create pages that have
clear, contextual and concise information for users at any level of
Math expression
questions and
intelligent grading
When you create an expression question with a correct answer, you can
choose which intelligent expression grading option that SMART
Response uses to determine which mathematically equivalent answers
you want to accept as correct.
Monitoring students
during and after the test
You can monitor how much time is remaining for a quiz. Grades are
immediately calculated after the test and displayed in graphical charts and
numeric tables.
Previewing results
during an assessment
You can see what responses students have submitted during the
assessment and get immediate feedback on how the class is doing.
Easy-to-view results Display results in easy-to-view pie charts or graphs, which you can then
insert on a SMART Notebook page for a closer view and to add your own
notes in digital ink. You can also view results in detail, so you can see
exactly how each student has answered.
Add or change correct
answers to completed
Using Teacher Tools, you can choose to accept a submitted answer as
correct in addition to (or instead of) the original correct answer. SMART
Response calculates the students' grades after the changes.
C H A P T E R 1
About SMART Response