If you need service or
assistance, we su
gest you
follow these fours eps:
1. Before calling for assistance.. .
Performance problems often result from little things
you can find and frx yourself without tools of any krnd
If your refrigerator will not operate:
Is the electric cord plugged In3
Is o fuse blown or o crrcurt breaker trapped?
Is the Temperature Control turned ON?
If your ice maker will not operate:
Has the freezer hod enough time to get cold? With
a new refrigerator, this might take overnight
Is the srgnal arm ON
In the down posItion
Is the water valve turned on7 Is water ge+trng tc: :he
Ice maker7
I? there Is a rattling or jlngllng noise, or other
unfamlllar sounds:
Is something on top or behind the refrrgerator mak
ing noise wher the refrigerator
New features .3n your pew refrrgerator make new
sounds You maY be hearrng arr flowing from ‘he
fans, timer clr~rks for the defrosting cvcle defrost
water drornlng into the defrost pan
If there Is water in the defrost pan:
In hot muggy weather this IS normal The pan cqr
even be half fl.,ll Make sure the refrigerator IS level
so the pan doesn t overflow
If the lights aren’t working:
Check fuses and clrcult breakers Make sure is
plugged In
If a bulb Is burned out:
See rnstructrors for changing light bulbs or poge
5 Use applronce bulbs only
If the motor seems to run too much:
Is the condenser behrnd the base grille free ot
dust and lrnt7
On hot days. Jr If the room 1s warm the motor
i3turally runs i.nger
* If the door has beer opened o IO? :or
II o
amount ot fooZ has been put In the motor WII, rur
longer to cool down the interior
IJlotor runnrng time depends on drf
ferent thongs number of door operlrngs amount of
food stored temperature of tne room setting of the
4nd Your neti refrigerator may be larger than
{our old one so t has more space tc be coolec It
also has a regular freezer instead of a frozen food
:ornpartment Al, this means better refrigeratlor and
may require more runnrng time than your old one
2. If you need assistance’-...
Call Whlrlpool COOL-LINE ’ service assis-
tance telephone number. Dial free from:
Contlnental U.S. . . . . . . . . . . . . (600) 253-1301
Mlchlgan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (500) 632-2243
Alaska & Hawaii
. . . . . . . . . . . (800) 253-l 121
and talk with one of our trained Consultants The
Consultant can Instruct you in how to obtarn satrsfac-
tory operatron from your applrance or, if service IS
necessary, recommend 0 quaIlfled servrce com-
pany in your area
3. If you need service’ . . .
Whrrlpool has a no-
tionwrde network of
franchised TECH-CARE b
Service Compantes
TECH-CARE service
technIcions are trained
to fulflli the product
warranty and provide
after-warranty service,
anywhere in the United
To locate
TECH CARE service In your area call our COOL-LINE
servrce assIstonce :erepi;one slumber (see Step 21 or
look in your telephone dIrector\ ‘Yellow Pages under
“., I
e-3 14,”
4. If you have a problem. . . .
-Jr CC0L ,lNE service assIstonce telephone
,jT8ber (see Step
2: ‘arId talk
cr’e of our Consul-
‘ants 3 If “0~ prefer ihr,te ‘c
rblr ‘;u\ ‘urner il;e ?reslaer,:
.Vi-~~,pco’ Cxporotiorl Adm,rlis+ratlve Center
Xc’: JS 33 bx:- 9errzf Harbor “,I 4X22
If you must call or write please provide model
Tumber serial number, dote of purchase and o
complete description
o f the problem This informa-
tion IS needed In order to better respond to your
request for assistance
Benlon Harbor Mlchlgan Aulomallc Washers Clothes Dryers
Freezers Relrlgeralor Freezers Ice Makers DIshwashers
Eu~ll-in Ovens and Surlace Unlls Ranges MIcrowave Ovens
Compactors Room Air Condllloners Dehumidtllers Central
Healfng and Air Condlllonlng Syslems
Part No 944020 Rev A
Printed in U.S.A.