Zanussi ZRB23200WA User manual

User manual

This manual is also suitable for

Zanussi ZRB23200WA is a freestanding refrigerating appliance with a freezer compartment suitable for freezing fresh food and storing frozen and deep-frozen food for a long time. It has movable shelves and door shelves that can be adjusted to different heights to accommodate food packages of various sizes. The device features a temperature control slider that allows you to adjust the temperature of the refrigerator and freezer compartments independently, and a thermostat to regulate the interior temperature.

Zanussi ZRB23200WA is a freestanding refrigerating appliance with a freezer compartment suitable for freezing fresh food and storing frozen and deep-frozen food for a long time. It has movable shelves and door shelves that can be adjusted to different heights to accommodate food packages of various sizes. The device features a temperature control slider that allows you to adjust the temperature of the refrigerator and freezer compartments independently, and a thermostat to regulate the interior temperature.

Children and vulnerable people safety
In the interest of your safety and to ensure the
correct use , before installing and first using the
appliance , read this user manual carefully , in-
cluding its hints and warnings. To avoid un-
necessary mistakes and accidents , it is import-
ant to ensure that all people using the appli-
ance are thoroughly familiar with its operation
and safety features. Save these instructions and
make sure that they remain with the appliance
if it is moved or sold , so that everyone using it
through its life will be properly informed on
appliance use and safety.
y This appliance is not intended for use by
persons (including children) with reduced
physical , sensory or mental capabilities , or
lack of experience and knowledge , unless
they have been given supervision or instru-
ction concerning use of the appliance by a
person responsible for their safety. Children
should be supervised to ensure that they do
not play with the appliance.
y Keep all packaging well away from children.
There is risk of suffocation.
y If you are discarding the appliance pull the
plug out of the socket , cut the connection
cable (as close to the appliance as you can)
and remove the door to prevent playing
children from suffering an electric shock or
from closing themselves inside it .
y If this appliance featuring magnetic door
seals is to replace an older appliance hav-
ing a spring lock (latch) on the door or lid ,
be sure to make that spring lack unusable
before you discard the old appliance. This
will prevent it from becoming dangerous for
a child.
General safety
Keep ventilation openings clear
of obstruction.
y The appliance is intended for keeping food-
stuff and/or beverages in a normal house-
hold as explained in this instruction
y Do not use a mechanical device or any ar-
tificial means to speed up the thawing
y Do not use other electrical appliances (such
as ice cream makers) inside of refrigerating
appliances , unless they are approved for this
purpose by the manufacturer.
y Do not damage the refrigerant circuit.
y The refrigerant isobutane (R600a) is contai-
ned within the refrigerant circuit of the
appliance , a natural gas with a high level of
environmental compatibility , which is never-
theless flammable.
During transportation and installation of the
appliance , be certain that none of the comp-
onents of the refrigerant circuit become
- avoid open flames and sources of igni-
- thoroughly ventilate the room in which the
appliance is situated
y It is dangerous to alter the specifications or
modify this product in any way. Any damage
to the cord may cause a short-circuit , fire
and/or electric shock.
Any electrical component (power
cord , plug , compressor) must be replaced
by a certified service force agent.
1. Power cord must not be lengthened.
2. Make sure that the power plug is not
squashed or damaged by the back of the
appliance. A squashed or damaged power
plug may overheat and cause a fire.
3. Make sure that you can come to the
mains plug of the appliance.
4. Do not pull the mains cable.
5. If the power plug socket is loose , do not
insert the power plug. There is a risk of
electric shock or fire.
6. You must not operate the appliance with-
out the lamp cover of interior lighting.
y This appliance is heavy. Care should be
taken when moving it.
y Do not remove nor touch items from the
freezer compartment if you hands are
damp/wet , as this could cause skin abrasio-
ns or frost/freezer burns.
y Avoid prolonged exposure of the appliance
to direct sunlight.
Helpful hints and tri ps
Care and cleaning 5
What to do if... 6
Technical data 7
Installation 7
Subject to change without notice
First use
B๎€ƒB๎€ƒB๎€ƒB๎€ƒB๎€ƒB๎€ƒB๎€ƒB๎€ƒB๎€ƒB๎€ƒB๎€ƒ B๎€ƒB๎€ƒB๎€ƒB๎€ƒB๎€ƒB๎€ƒB๎€ƒB๎€ƒB๎€ƒB๎€ƒB๎€ƒ
For your personal safety and the safety of your
property follow the precautions found in this
user manual as the manufacturer is not
responsible for damages caused by omission.
Do not store flammab l e g a s a n d l i q u i d i n
the appliance , becau s e t h e y m a y e x p l o d e .
y Do not place food prod u c t s d i r e c t l y a g a i n st
the air outlet on the re a r w a l l .
y Frozen food must not b e r e - f r o z e n o n c e i t
has been thawed out.
y Store pre-packed f r o z e n f o o d i n a c c o r d a nce
with the frozen food m a n u f a c t u r e s instruc-tions.
y The appliances man u f a c t u r e s s t o r a g e
recomm-endatio n s s h o u l d b e s t r i c t l y
adhered to. Refer to r e l e v a n t i n s t r u c t i ons.
y Do not place carbona t e d o r fizzy drinks in
the freezer compar t m e n t a s i t c r e a t e s p r e ss-
ure on the container , wh i c h m a y c a u s e i t t o
explode , resulting i n d a m a g e t o t h e appliance.
y Ice lollies can caus e f r o s t b u r n s i f c o n s u m -
ed straight from the a p p l i a n c e .
Do no t plac e hot i t ems n e ar th e p las tic
com pone nts o f t his a p pli a nce .
aily use
Care and cleaning
y Before maintenan c e , s w i t c h o f f t h e a p p l i a nce
and disconnect the m a i n s p l u g f r o m t h e
mains socket.
y Do not clean the appli a n c e w i t h m e t a l o b -
y Do not use sharp objec t s t o r e m o v e f r o s t
from the appliance . U s e a p l a s t i c s c r a p e r .
For electrical con n e c t i o n c a r e f u l l y
follow the instruc t i o n s g i v e n i n t h i s i n s truction
y Unpack the applian c e a n d c h e c k i f t h e r e a r e
y Any electrical wor k r e q u i r e d t o d o t h e s e r v -
icing of the applian c e s h o u l d b e c a r r i e d o u t
by a qualified elect r i c i a n o r c o m p e t e n t p er-
y This product must be s e r v i c e d b y a n a u t h o -
rised Service Cent r e , a n d o n l y g e n u i n e s p a r e
parts must be used.
Environment protection
This appliance doe s n o t c o n t a i n g a s s e s
which could damage t h e o z o n e l a y e r , i n
either its refrige r a n t c i r c u i t o r i n s u l ation
materials. The app l i a n c e s h a l l n o t b e d i s -
carded together wi t h t h e u r b a n r e f u s e a n d
rubbish. The insul a t i o n f o a m c o n t a i n s f la-
mmable gases: the ap p l i a n c e s h a l l b e
disposed accordi n g t o t h e a p p l i a n c e r e g u-
lations to obtain fr o m y o u r l o c a l a u t h o r i t-
ies. Avoid damagin g t h e c o o l i n g u n i t , e s p -
ecially at the rear ne a r t h e h e a t e x c h a n g -
er. The materials us e d o n t h i s a p p l i a n c e
marked by the symbol a r e r e c y c l a b l e .
this case retain pac k i n g .
y It is advisable to wai t a t l e a s t f o u r h o u r s
before connectin g t h e a p p l i a n c e t o a l l o w the
oil to flow back in the co m p r e s s o r .
y Adequate air circu l a t i o n s h o u l d b e a r o u nd
the appliance to prevent overheating.,
achieve sufficie n t v e n t i l a t i o n f o l l ow
i nstru c t i o n s r e l e v a n t t o i n stallation.
y Wherever possibl e t h e b a c k o f t h e p r o d u c t
should be against a wa l l t o a v o i d t o u c h i n g
or catching warm par t s ( c o m p r e s s o r , c o n d e n-
ser) to prevent .
y The appliance must n o t b e l o c a t e d c l o s e t o
radiators or cooke r s .
y Make sure that the mai n s p l u g i s a c c e s s i b l e
after the installa t i o n o f t h e a p p l i a n c e .
the risk of a fire
damages on it. Do not co n n e c t t h e a p p l i a n -
ce if it is damaged. Rep o r t p o s s i b l e d a m a g -
Control Panel
Temperature Control Slider in refrigerator chamber
The tem perat ure control slider is used to adjust
the ref riger ator and freezer temeperature, th e
slide on the thermostat is used to balance the
distribution of air flow volum e of each compart-
ment. When the slider is turned down there will
be more a ir flow in the ref rigerator and less air
flow in the f reeze r, so the refriger ator will be
cool fa ster. For n ormal operating use, keep t he
slider in the centre norm al position. You should
not nee d to adjust t he tempe rature control dial if
the sli der is kept a t t he normal setting.
Turning on the appliance and setting the thermostat
If it get s t oo cold in the chilled cha mber with
the swi tch on "Min", just turn the swit ch back to
"normal", if the t emper ature gets highe r in the
chilled chamber wit h the switch on "Max" , just
turn th e switch to "normal".
You swi tch on your a pplia nce by connecting it to
your ma ins supply and set ting the thermostat, the
thermostat control knob is loc ated at the top.
Wind path parts in refrigerator
The the rmost at automatically regulate s t he
temperature interior refrigerator cha mber and
freezer chamber, depending on what number you
have tu rned the thermostat control knob to:
1. If the ambient tem perat ure is a high er
temperature (in summe r), please set the
control knob at "5, 6 or 7" positing .
2. If the ambient tem perat ure is a lowe r t emper a-
ture (i n win ter), pl ease set the co ntrol knob
at the "1 or 2" pos ition .
3. please set the control knob at the 3 or 4
position for norm al t emper ature conditions.
es immediately to th e p l a c e y o u b o u g h t i t . I n
Daily use
Freezing fresh food
y The freezer compar t m e n t i s s u i t a b l e f o r
freezing fresh foo d a n d s t o r i n g f r o z e n a n d
deep-frozen food f o r a l o n g t i m e .
y Place the fresh food t o b e f r o z e n i n t h e
bottom compartme n t .
y The maximum amount o f f o o d t h a t c a n b e
frozen in 24 hours is specified o n t h e r a t -
ing plate , a label locat e d o n t h e i n side of
the appliance.
y The freezing proce s s l a s t s 2 4 h o u r s : d u r i n g
this period do not add o t h e r f o o d t o b e
Storing frozen food
When first startin g - u p o r a f t e r a p e r i o d o u t of
use. Before puttin g t h e p r o d u c t i n t h e c o m p art-
ment let the applian c e r u n a t l e a s t 2 h o u r s o n
the higher setting s .
In the event of accide n t a l d e f r o s t i n g ,
for example
the power has been off for l o n g e r
than the value shown i n t h e t e c h n i c a l c h a r a ct-
eristics chart und e U๎€ƒยณ r i s i n g t i m e ยด๎€ƒ, t h e d e f r o s t e d
food must be consume d q u i c k l y o r c o o k e d
immediately and th e n r e - f r o z e n ( a f t e r c ooked).
Deep-frozen or fro z e n f o o d , p r i o r t o b e u s e d , c a n
be thawed in the freez e r c o m p a r t m e n t o r a t
room temperature , de p e n d i n g o n t h e t i m e a v a i-
lable for this opera t i o n .
Small pieces may eve n b e c o o k e d s t i l l f r o z e n ,
directly from the fr e e z e r . I n t h i s c a s e , c o o k ing
will take longer.
Ice-cube production
This appliance is eq u i ppe d w i t h o n e o r m o r e
trays for the produc t i o n o f i c e - c u b e s .
Helpful hints and ti ps
First use
Cleaning the interior
Before using the app l i a n c e f o r t h e f i r s t t i me ,
wash the interior an d a l l i n t e r n a l a c c e s s ories
with lukewarm wate r a n d s o m e n e u t r a l s o a p s o
as to remove the typic a l s m e l l o f a b r a n d n e w
product , then dry thor o u g h l y .
Do not use detergent s o r a b r a s i v e
powders , as these will d a m a g e t h e f i n i s h .
Movable shelves
The walls of the refri g e r a t o r a r e e q u i p p e d w i t h
a series of runners so t h a t t h e s h e l v e s c a n b e
positioned as desi r e d .
Positioning the door shelves
To permit storage of f o o d p a c k a g e s o f v a r i o us
sizes , the door shelve s c a n b e p l a c e d a t d i f f e r -
ent heights.
To make these adjust m e n t s p r o c e e d a s f o l l ows:
gradually pull the s h e l f i n t h e d i r e c t i o n o f the
arrows until it come s f r e e , t h e n r e p o s i t i o n a s
Vegetable Drawer
The drawer is suitab l e f o r s t o r i n g f r u i t a n d
Normal Operating Sounds
y You may hear a faint gur g l i n g a n d a b u b b l -
ing sound when the ref r i g e r a n t i s p u m pd
through the coils or t u b i n g .
y When the compresso r i s o n , t h e r e f r i g e r a n t
is being pumped arou n d a n d y o u w i l l h e a r
These are normal
operating sounds .
What to do if...
Before troubleshooting , disconnect
the power supply.
Only a qualified electrician of competent
person must carry out the troubleshooting
that is not in this manual.
There are some sounds during normal
use (compressor , refrigerant circulation).
Appliance dose not
Mains plug is not plugged in
or is loose
Check fuse , r e p l a c e i f n e c e s sary.
Socket is defective.
Mains malfunctions are to be
corrected by an electrician.
Problem Possible cause
Appliance is not switch on
Fuse has blown or is defective.
Switch on the appliance
Insert mains plug.
Appliance cools too
Temperature is set too cold.
Turn the temperature regulator to a
warmer setting temporarily.
After cleaning wi pe with fresh water and
rub dry.
y Accumulation of dust at the condenser in-
creases energy consumption. For this reas-
on carefully clean the condenser at the back
of the appliance once a year with a soft br-
ush or a vacuum cleaner.
y After everything is dry place appliance back
into position.
Temperature is not properly
Please look in the initial Control
Panel section.
Door was open for an extended
Open the door only as long as
A large quantity of warm food
was placed in the appliance
within the last 24 hours.
Turn the temperature regulator to
a colder setting temporarily.
The food is too warm.
Please look in the installation
location section.
The appliance is near a heat
Interior light does
not work
Light bulb is defective.
Defrosting of the refrigerator and freezer
The two c ompartments of this mo del, are "n o frost".
This me ans that th ere is no build-up of fro st
when it is in operation, neith er on the internal
walls nor on your fo od.
The abs ence of fro st is due to the continuous
circulation of cold air i nside the c ompar tment ,
driven by an auto matic ally controlled fan.
Unusual noises
Appliance is not level.
The appliance is touching the
wall or other objects.
Re-adjust the feet.
Move the appliance slightly.
Problem Possible cause
If the malfunction shows again , contact the
Service Center.
This data are necessary to help you quickly
and correctly. Write the necessary data here ,
refer to the rating plate.
Model descri ption ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..............
Product number ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..............
Serial number ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............
Technical data
Rising Time
1687 mm
554 mm
551 mm
10 hours
or further technical information please refer to the rating on the internal left side of the appliance and in the
energy label.
Read the Safety informatiR Q ยด F aref u l l y f o r
your safety and correct operation of the
appliance before installing the appliance.
Install this appliance at a location where the
ambient temperature corresponds to the climate
class indicated on the rating plate of the
Unusual noises
A component , e.g. a pi pe , o n
the rear of the appliance is
touching another part of the
appliance or the wall.
If necessary , carefully move t h e
component out of the way.
Replacing t h e lamp
Failure t o do so could result i n electrical shock
or p e r s o n a l injury.
2. Remove t h e light c o v e r .
3. Light B u l b - s c r e w out the bulb according t o
the d i r e c t i o n shown i n the picture
4. Replace w i t h a 1 0 watt-refrigerator bulb t h a t
is o f the s a m e shape and s i z e .
5. Replace the light cover.
Climate class
Ambient temperature
o o
+10 C to +32 C
o o
+16 C to +32 C
o o
+16 C to +38 C
o o
+16 C to +43 C
B e f o r e replacing t h e lamp, shall
disconnect t h e appliance f r o m mains
power s u p p l y .
Follow below process to replace the lamp:
1. Use t h e cross screw driver to t a k e the screws
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Zanussi ZRB23200WA User manual

User manual
This manual is also suitable for

Zanussi ZRB23200WA is a freestanding refrigerating appliance with a freezer compartment suitable for freezing fresh food and storing frozen and deep-frozen food for a long time. It has movable shelves and door shelves that can be adjusted to different heights to accommodate food packages of various sizes. The device features a temperature control slider that allows you to adjust the temperature of the refrigerator and freezer compartments independently, and a thermostat to regulate the interior temperature.

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