Combo Amps with Direct Wired Speakers
There are many possibilities in this group and it is possible to damage your amplifier and the SR-
112 if the connectors are not installed correctly! If y ou are at all unsure, contact a qualified
technician for assistance.
You will need to add a ¼” male to the speaker wires from your amplifier electronics (head) and a
¼’ female to the cabinets built in speaker wires. When you are not using the SR-112 simply plug
the combo amplifiers ¼” male into the ¼” female to the speaker(s). The amplifier will function
normally. When using the SR-112 follow the “combo amp with ¼” speaker connection”
Control Panel Speed Adjustments
Three knobs affect the speed of the SR-112’s rotor and are usually pre-set as indicated but are
variable to accommodate user preference. It is possible to have two different pre-set speeds and
toggle between them.
Baseline: Set this speed first as the pedal speed is added to baseline. This control operates from
stop to about 50% of maximum and is usually set to “3-6”. This slower speed is used for a range
of “chorus” or slow tremolo effects.
Pedal: When selected, this control is added to the baseline to provide “classic” rotary tremolo
sound. Typical settings are “7-9” depending on baseline speed. Some experimentation will
provide two very useful speed settings with the baseline and pedal controls.
Acceleration: Adjusts the amount of time it takes to ramp up or down between speeds. A setting
of”5” is typical. Some players like to slow this down so they prolong the rate change. (“0” is the
longest time and “10” is the fastest.)
Footswitch Operation
The footswitch controls speeds and speaker switching for the SR-112. If the speed LED is “on”
the pedal speed is selected. If the LED is “off” the baseline speed control is selected.
If the speaker LED is “on” the SR-112’s internal speaker is operative. If the speaker LED is
“off” the speaker output jack is selected for connection to stationary speaker(s).
Fuse and Power
The SR-112 must be grounded and connected to a proper power source. The fuse is in the AC
power inlet module. Replace the appropriate value only.
XLR Microphone Output
The SR-112 contains a built in microphone (600 ohms nom.) for connection to a PA mixer.