• Do not allow children under 8 to use the scooter. Children under 9 should ride with adult supervision at all
times. All children and preteens should ride with adult guidance at all times.
• Rider weight doesn’t necessarily mean a child’s size is appropriate to t or maintain control of scooter.
• Aparent’s decision to allow his or her child to ride this product should be based on the child’s maturity, skill
and ability.
• Refer to the section on safety for additional warnings.
Direct parental supervision is required. Scooters are meant to be used only in a controlled environment free of
potential trac hazards and not on public streets. Do not allow your child to ride a scooter in any areas where
vehicle trac is present. Child must maintain a hold on the handlebars at all times. Never allow more than one
child at a time to ride a scooter. Never use near steps, sloped driveways, hills, roadways, alleyways or swimming
pool areas, keep ngers and other body parts away from the product when folding or unfolding. Adults must
not allow children to assist in folding or unfolding the scooter.
Do not ride a scooter in wet weather. Scooters are intended for use on solid, at, clean and dry surfaces such as
pavement or level grounds without loose debris such as rocks or gravel. Wet, slick or uneven and rough surfaces
may impair traction and contribute to possible accidents. Do not ride a scooter in mud, ice, puddles or water.
Avoid excessive speeds that can be associated with downhill rides. Never risk damaging surfaces such as carpet
or ooring by use of scooter indoors. Do not ride at night or when visibility is impaired.