Exptos_on Hazard
K_ep flammabk_ m_rlals _nd vlpor i_,auoh as
gasoline, away from dwer.
Do not dry anything that ha= ever had anything
flammable Oll Jt(Rven 8fief washing).
Failure Io follow theH ins[ru_Uons can ret4Jl| in
death, exp4c_zlon, or fire,
Fire H_zard
No washer can complele_y remove oil
Do not dP/anything thai has ever had any type of
(:41on it (incJudlng cooking 01Is).
Items containing foam, rubber, or plastic must be
dried on a dolhesline or by using an Air Cycle.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in
death or fire.
Cycle Settings
AMt_t IG CyGles M_nu_l Cycles _
Cycle Heav-_tDuly Homal Casual D1_l_le StJp_"_li_te "_med Dry_ TOUChUp Ra_id DI_
Tem_r_tu_ High Ml_clium M_dium Low E_lra-Low High Medium High
Tm'_ (mitre'ms) 45" 34, 36* 28, 22* 40 20 27
* _stima_d _ rP,t_ ,Sel_,ctableT_ _,SandTem_ai_s -Rs_qBmb_Jy_ laS__y_e _g_