Inputs and outputs
16 XLR balanced MIC inputs with phantom
power and 20dB PAD
16 TRS balanced Line inputs
16 TRS unbalanced inserts
Four assignable sends/returns
XLR balanced stereo output
RCA unbalanced Studio output
RCA unbalanced 2-track inputs
TRS balanced Control Room output
CompactF lash card for saving / loading
internal data
Includes «Tascam Mixer Companion»
software (Windows XP and Mac)
Driverless USB connection to computer
Backup/restore data via USB
GPI functionality (8 outputs)
Foot switch connector for hands-free
operation of selected functions
RS-422 serial port for control of external
Digital audio I/O
DIGITAL INPUTS (1, 2) 2 x XLR-type fem a le connecto rs or 2 x R C A pin jack s
(se lecta ble)
Input im pedance 110 Ω (XLR), 75 Ω (RCA)
Da ta fo rm a t AES3-1992 or IEC60958 (a uto m atically detecte d)
W o rd length 24-bit, switchable sa m pling frequency conve rsio n a va ilable
DIGITAL O UTP UTS (1, 2) 2 x XLR-type m a le conne cto rs
2 x RC A pin jacks
O utput im pe da nce 110 Ω (XLR), 75 Ω (RCA)
Da ta fo rm a t AES3-1992 or IEC60958 (software se lecta ble)
W o rd length 24-bit
TDIF-1(1, 2, 3) 3 x 25-pin D-sub fem a le co nne cto rs (m etric lock screws)
Da ta fo rm a t Co nform to TDIF-1 standard
W o rd length 24-bit
ADAT IN/O UT 2 x Lightpipe optical conne ctors
Da ta fo rm a t Co nform to ADAT O P TIC AL spe cifica tions
W o rd length 24-bit
Sa m pling frequencies Interna l 44.1 k Hz/48 kHz, 88.2 k Hz/96 kHz (high
sam pling freque ncie s)
Exte rnal ±6.0%
Signal dela y
LINE IN to STEREO O UTPUT, Fs = 48 k Hz < 1.7 m s
LINE IN to STEREO O UTPUT, Fs = 96 k Hz < 0.85 m s
Miscellaneous I/O
W O R D SYNC IN BNC conne cto r, switcha ble 75 Ω te rm inatio n, TTL level
W O R D SYNC O UT /THRU BNC conne cto r, switcha ble be twe e n through a nd output,
TTL le vel
MIDI IN, O UT, THRU/MTC O UT 3 x 5-pin DIN connectors, confo rm to MIDI spe cifica tions
USB USB 1.1 B type connecto r (12 Mbps)
TIME CO DE IN RC A pin jack, conform s to SMP TE spe cifica tions
FOO T SW 6.3-m m m o no jack
TO METER 25-pin fe m ale D-sub conne cto r (non-m e tric lock screws),
for use with the o ptional MU-1000
RS-422 (fo r So ny 9-P in) 9-pin fem a le D-sub connecto r (non-m e tric lock screws),
wired to R S-422 standa rds
GPI (for Machine sta rt) 9-pin fem a le D-sub conne ctor (non-m etric lock screws)
wired fo r GPI control
W iring Pin 1 = GP11, P in 2 = GPI2, P in 3 = GPI3, P in 4 = GPI4,
Pin 5 = GND, P in 6 = GPI5, P in 7 = GPI6, P in 8 = GPI7,
Pin 9 = GP18
EQ switch O n/O ff
HIGH filter
Gain ±18dB
R e solution 0.5dB
Freque ncy 31 Hz to 19 k Hz
Q 0.27 to 8.65
Type Hi-shelving, P eak , LPF
HI MID filte r
Gain ±18dB
R e solution 0.5dB
Freque ncy 31 Hz to 19 k Hz