i I How to Record All Other Tracks ] I How to Record a Mix onto Two Tracks Recording is the same procedure as for one • The METER switch must be in the TRK
Simultaneously track. In the exampl e above, switch RECORD position to see recording levels during Direct
Tracks 3 and 4 can be recordqd using almost 4 to RIGHT to record on tracks 3 and 4
the same procedure just shown for tracks 1 and If you want to record multiple sources onto two simultaneously. • Even when DIRECT is on, a channel still goes
2. Just usa the applicable RECORD FUNCTION tracks, you use the channel PAN controls to to the Left/Right mix. If you record another
switches, and the PAN controls should be send them to LEFT or RIGHT (or anywhere in track with LEFT or RIGHT at the same time,
rotated to the LEFT for recording on Track 3 and between, if you're making a stereo mix). The Restrictions: The 424's mixer section has only you must check your PAN settings. For
to the RIGHT for Track 4. track RECORD FUNCTION switches choose two main mixes, Left and Right. For this reason, example, you can record a vocal DIRECT
what track the Left and Right mixes will be
you can record only two tracks at once while onto Track 3, and record multiple
recorded on. Note that in this method, the you're recording a mix of instruments (for instruments on Track 1 via LEFT at the same
I How to Record Many Source• onto a Single I mixer channel number has nothing to do with + example, two instruments on track 1, three time. But Channel 3's PAN control must beTrack I what track the instrument winds up on. Any instruments on track 2). Also, you can record a turned hard right, otherwise you'll wind up
mixer channel can be panned to any track, mix only on combinations of even/odd with vocals "bleeding through" onto Track l's
In the first example, we recorded one source , numbered tracks (1 & 2, 1 & 4, 2 & 3 etc.). If instruments.
-onto one. track at a time for simplicity. But the Track 1 and Track 3's RECORD FUNCTION
mixer of the Portastudio 424 can take multiple These mixer channels are switches are both in the LEFT position, they will • DIRECT can be used anytime yoO want to'
channels and mix them onto a single track. To being sent to the LEFT, both record the same mix. record a single channel to a single track.
do this: for recording on either
Track1 or Track 3. Recording the stereo line channels (5-6, 7-8) : It
• Set the PAN control of each channel to the is possible to record up to eight sources
same setting, for example : simultaneously, using the four standard mixer
F_ channels plus the two stereo channels. If theASSIGN switch is in its L-R position, and the
LINE level control is turned up, the LINE signal "_
,1,, 1 _, 2 ,_ 3 ,,, 4 _, 1 i,,, 2 ........ will be recorded along with any other channels
_',,._-_,- -r,._,_,- -mA_,_- .[,........._. __/_,_,:_ ?_:_ __f,,_,,'_!! __,,'_ !! sent to the Left or Right mix. Since there is no
....................... __=.'-_.- __=-._-'.- __=-\_/-,,, _v=-\_/-,," PAN control, the signals are set to the "hard
_-" _--= __= - = ___-- ...... ,_ ... _ ,,_ ,, left" and "hard right" position.
¢_ ¢_ _=_ _ _ ......
=_... =._.. .=_... ._._.. =........... II .... II For more information about Stereo channels
.._ ..= .o_ .._. see pp. 30-31.
_'__" <,'__ <,_'_" -4"r%'- -.......
=o_ =o_ '°_ ".... I Tracks
...... -_. Recording on More than Two
<_',',- <r_,% S(_'_'- -Y_'_: :(_'_'-. -YC_ -'_"C I] -_C_'C [I I Simultaneously : DIRECT
-i=i nil- -iz, .i- _--Jl- -\_'_/- _\_1- II -X_J- II
-- -- _ ,,_ ,_ ',',_: It is possible to record on three or four tracks at
e=rEcr BRC_ =_F_C_
:_" U_©_J the same time by using the DIRECT position of...............................f/'A_'.,..f,,i_'x- .K/'A_".< -f/"A_"< \_- _,___- the RECORD FUNCTION switches. In Direct
"_--_" "_J_ "_-J_ "_-J/" _ ...... _ =_ ,,_ _ ,, recording, each track gets its signal from a
_' -- "...... 2_"_ 2_ single mixer channel only - Track 3 from
_'_')[- ._.Q_-.,_[_-_-._._-)[- '_:- '_0"_.- .,.___>.,, .,._..,, channel 3, etc.
I---3 • When using DIRECT, the MASTER fader has
! In this example, all instruments no effect on the record level. It only affects
plugged into channels 1-4 will be [ the level going to the headphones (via
recordedonto Track1 or 3.. MONITOR LEFT and RIGHT switches). Use
These mixer channels are the CHANNEL FADER only to set record
being sent to the RIGHT, levels.
• Lower the MASTER fader to make overall for recording on either
level adjustments once you have each Track 2 orTrack 4.
--i channel's TRIM and fader level set.
• Make sure the INPUT switch of every • Press both the LEFT and RIGHT MONITOR
channel you want to record is set to switches (plus CUE if you need to hear tape
MIC/LINE. tracks or MIDI virtual tracks.)
• You can't record the stereo channels onto a
single track. See also page 38.